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No 6352

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Vol cxliv No 35

pp. 633–643

Regulations for examinations

Archaeological and Anthropological Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 260)

With effect from 1 October 2014

The Supplementary Regulations have been amended to reflect a change in the title of an Archaeology paper.

By amending the heading for Papers A25 and A26 so as to read:

Paper A25. Europe in the first millennium ad I: Anglo-Saxon archaeology and Paper A26. The Long Viking Age

Classical Tripos, Part II

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 295)

With effect from 1 October 2014

Regulations governing the submission of the thesis have been amended so as to remove the dispensation allowing candidates to write quotations in Greek by hand, or to otherwise seek approval to present a thesis in manuscript form; and so as to require candidates to submit the thesis in accordance with the detailed arrangements approved by the Faculty Board.

The Schedule of Optional Papers has also been amended so as to replace Paper O5 ‘Metaphysics and epistemology’ (Paper 1 of Part Ib of the Philosophy Tripos) with Paper O5 ‘Philosophy of mind’ (Paper 2 of Part II of the Philosophy Tripos).

Regulation 22.

Schedule of Optional Papers

By amending the Schedule so as to replace Paper O5 ‘Metaphysics and epistemology’ (Paper 1 of Part Ib of the Philosophy Tripos) with Paper O5 ‘Philosophy of mind’ (Paper 2 of Part II of the Philosophy Tripos).

Regulation 26.

By removing the final sentence in sub-section (c) of the regulation; and by amending sub-section (d) of the regulation so as to read:

(d) A thesis shall be submitted in accordance with the detailed arrangements approved by the Faculty Board, to the Academic Secretary (Undergraduate) so as to arrive not later than the first Monday of the Full Easter Term in which the examination is to be held.

The Faculty Board of Classics are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2015 will be adversely affected.

Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, Parts Ib and II

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 381)

With effect from 1 October 2014

Part Ib

The regulations for Part Ib of the Tripos have been amended so as to replace the option of examination in place of one of the designated papers from Schedule Ib by a portfolio of three essays of not fewer than 1,500 words and not more than 2,000 words in length, with examination by submission of two long essays of not fewer than 3,500 words and not more than 4,000 words in length.

Regulation 23.

By removing the final paragraph of the regulation and replacing it with a revised paragraph so as to read:

provided that a candidate may offer, in place of one of the designated papers from Schedule Ib,1 two long essays, each of not fewer than 3,500 words and not more than 4,000 words in length including footnotes but excluding bibliography. Both essays must be in answer to questions prescribed by the examiners for the paper and advertised by the division of term preceding the submission deadline. The two essays shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Faculty Board, in accordance with detailed arrangements approved by the Board, so as to arrive not later than 12 noon on the first Friday of the Full Lent Term and Full Easter Term respectively. Candidates may receive one hour’s supervision devoted to discussion of a plan of each essay but shall receive no further assistance in the writing of the essays. Detailed instructions will be issued by the Faculty and Departments regarding any other requirements for the essays as a whole. Candidates will be required to declare that the essays are their own work, and that they do not overlap in content with material submitted for supervisions. Candidates may be called for viva voce examination in connection with their essays.


By amending the second footnote so as to read:

‘Papers marked with a dagger may be replaced by two long essays under Regulation 23.’

Part II

The regulations for Part II of the Tripos have been amended so as to update the list of papers available for examination by optional dissertation. Paper Li. 7, ‘Phonological theory’, will be available to be examined by optional dissertation. Papers Pg. 3, ‘Introduction to the language and literature of Portugal, Brazil, and Portuguese-speaking Africa’; Sl. 9, ‘Introduction to the language, literature, and culture of Ukraine’; and Sl. 13, ‘Introduction to the language, literature, and culture of Poland’ will not be available to be examined by optional dissertation.


By amending the Schedule so as to insert a footnote against papers Pg. 3, Sl. 9, and Sl. 13 so as to read: ‘This paper may not be replaced by an optional dissertation’; and by removing the same footnote against Paper Li. 7.

The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2015 will be adversely affected.


  • 1See the notes to Schedule Ib, p. 388.

Philosophy Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 413)

With effect from 1 October 2014

The regulations for Parts Ib and II of the Tripos have been amended so as to replace the paper currently serving as Paper O5 of the Classical Tripos (currently Paper 1 of Part Ib of the Tripos, ‘Metaphysics and epistemology’) with Paper 2 of Part II of the Tripos ‘Philosophy of mind’.

Regulation 5.

Paper 1. Metaphysics and epistemology

By removing the statement in brackets that the paper also serves as Paper O5 of the Classical Tripos.

Regulation 6.

Paper 2. Philosophy of mind

By inserting a statement in brackets that the paper also serves as Paper O5 of the Classical Tripos.

The Faculty Board of Philosophy are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2015 will be adversely affected.

Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, Parts IIa and IIb

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 426)

With effect from 1 October 2014

The Regulations for the Tripos have changed. Regulation 18 has been changed so as to amend the title of Paper B12 from ‘Psychology and religion’ to ‘Theology and the natural sciences I’; and to amend the title of Paper C12 from ‘Theology and science’ to ‘Theology and the natural sciences II’.

Regulation 18.


By amending the title of Paper B12 from ‘Psychology and religion’ to ‘Theology and the natural sciences I’.


By amending the title of Paper C12 from ‘Theology and science’ to ‘Theology and the natural sciences II’.


By amending the title of Paper B12 from ‘Psychology and religion’ to ‘Theology and the natural sciences I’, and the title of Paper C12 from ‘Theology and science’ to ‘Theology and the natural sciences II’, and by replacing the current text with the following so as to read:

Paper B12. Theology and the natural sciences I

This paper will cover (a) topics in contemporary natural science that bear upon theology, and theological responses to these proposals and (b) historical, philosophical, and methodological perspectives on the dialogue between theology and science.

Paper C12. Theology and the natural sciences II

This paper will cover a focused range of topics in the relation of contemporary natural sciences with theology.


The Faculty Board of Divinity give notice that the Supplementary Regulations for the Tripos have been amended.

By amending the current title for Paper D1.(e) from ‘Philosophy of religion’ to ‘Philosophy in the Long Middle Ages’ so as to read:

Paper D1.

(e) Philosophy in the Long Middle Ages (Paper 5 of Part II of the Philosophy Tripos)

By continuing to suspend Paper D2. (a) Body, self, and society, in 2014–15.

The Faculty Board of Divinity are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2015 will be affected.

Master of Music

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 496)

With effect from 1 October 2015

The regulations for the Master of Music have been amended. The examination for the Seminar course has been replaced with two essays, each of not more than 3,500 words, on topics agreed between the candidates and the Supervisor; a fourth Section for assessment entitled Choral project has been introduced, representing a choral recital of thirty minutes, and reflecting scholarly research undertaken into repertoire and/or performance practice, which will form the basis for an extended essay or editorial submission in Section 4: Options; and the word count requirement for the extended essay in Section 4: Options has been amended from 6,000 to 7,000 words.

Regulation 7.

By placing the first sentence of the Regulation in square brackets, and by inserting a sentence in angular brackets so as to read:

‘The M.Mus. Examination shall consist of four elements, divided into four sections as follows:’

Section 2: Seminar course.

By placing the current header and text for Section 2 in square brackets, and by inserting a header and text in angular brackets so as to read:

Section 2: Seminar course

Each candidate shall write two essays of not more than 3,500 words, on topics agreed between the candidates and the Supervisor’.

Section 3: Options.

By placing the current header and text for Section 3 in square brackets, and by inserting a header and text in angular brackets so as to read:

Section 3: Choral project

Each candidate will form an ensemble with which to offer a choral recital of thirty minutes, of which not more than five minutes will be devoted to the presentation of oral programme notes. The programme for the recital will reflect scholarly research undertaken by the candidate into repertoire and/or performance practice; and is expected to form the basis for an extended essay or editorial submission (see Section 4 below).’

And by inserting a new Section 4 in angular brackets so as to read:

Section 4: Options

Each candidate shall choose one option from three: (i) an extended essay of not more than 7,000 words, including notes but excluding appendices; (ii) a critical edition of a single choral work or group of choral works unavailable in a modern scholarly edition, or a comparative study of particular editions of a single choral work or group of choral works, or a study of editorial practice in relation to choral music; (iii) either an organ recital of thirty minutes in length, for which a set work will be announced by the Faculty Board, or a performance as continuo accompanist, for which scores will be provided for the candidates in advance of the examination.

The Examiners shall have power to examine a candidate viva voce on any or all of the elements contained within Sections 1–4 of the examination.’

And by inserting a footnote to the text appearing in both square and angular brackets so as to read:

‘The regulation in angular brackets will replace the regulation in square brackets with effect from 1 October 2015.’