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No 6240

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Vol cxlii No 5

pp. 81–101

Regulations for examinations

The General Board give notice that, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, the regulations for certain University examinations have been amended as follows:

Preliminary Examination for Part II of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 246)

With effect from 1 October 2011

The Special Regulations for the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos have been amended so as to (i) introduce a Preliminary Examination for Part II of the Tripos; (ii) to amend the title of Paper 10; and (iii) to allow the Preliminary Examinations for Parts I and II of the Tripos to be classed. The revised regulations are as follows:

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic

1. There shall be a Preliminary Examination for Part I and for Part II of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos.

Part I

2. The examination shall consist of Papers 1–10 of Part I of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos, as follows:

Paper 1.

England before the Norman Conquest

Paper 2.

Scandinavian history in the Viking Age

Paper 3.

The Brittonic-speaking peoples from the fourth century to the twelfth

Paper 4.

The Gaelic-speaking peoples from the fourth century to the twelfth

Paper 5.

Old English language and literature

Paper 6.

Old Norse language and literature

Paper 7.

Medieval Welsh language and literature

Paper 8.

Medieval Irish language and literature

Paper 9.

Insular Latin language and literature

Paper 10.

Palaeography and codicology

3. In order to be classed, a candidate shall offer any four papers.

Part II

4. The examination shall consist of papers 1–10 of Part I of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos, as listed above.

5. In order to be classed, a candidate shall offer any four papers.

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos, Part II

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 252)

With effect from 1 October 2011

The regulations for Part II of the Tripos have been amended so as to enable candidates taking Part II over two years to offer up to two papers from Papers 5–9 of Part I, in place of up to two of the papers required under Regulation 15(a). The regulations have been amended as follows:

Regulation 16.

(i) By replacing the first two lines of the regulation with sub-sections (a) and (b) so as to read:

16(a). A candidate for Part II who takes the examination in the year next after obtaining Honours in Part I of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos or in another Honours Examination may offer in place of one of the papers required under Regulation 15(a) one paper chosen from among Papers 1–10 of Part I;

(b). candidates for Part II who take the examination in the year next but one after obtaining Honours in Part I of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos or in another Honours Examination may offer in place of up to two of the papers required under Regulation 15(a) papers chosen from among Papers 5–9 of Part I;

provided that:

(ii) By redesignating the provisions currently designated as sub-sections (a) and (b) of the regulation, as sub-sections (i) and (ii).

With effect from 1 October 2013

Regulation 14.

Paper 15 (Historical Linguistics (Paper 11 of the Linguistics Tripos) (New Regulations)) will be suspended in 2013–14 and in each alternate year thereafter.

The Faculty Board of English have confirmed that no candidate’s preparation will be affected.

Archaeological and Anthropological Tripos, Parts IIa and IIb (Archaeology)

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 257)

With effect from 1 October 2011

Regulation 15.

Special areas in Archaeology

The title of Paper A7 has been amended from ‘The Upper Palaeolithic from the Alps to the Americas’ to ‘Topics in Palaeolithic archaeology’.

The Faculty Board of Archaeology and Anthropology have confirmed that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2012 will be affected by this change.

Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 361)

With effect from 1 October 2011

The lists of papers available to candidates under Schedules Ib and D have been amended.


Paper Fr. 9 (French Literature, thought, and history, from 1789 to 1898) may not be replaced by a portfolio of essays under the provisions of Regulation 23 for candidates taking Part Ib of the Tripos in 2011–12.

The dagger marked in the Schedule against Paper Fr. 9 has been removed until 1 October 2012.


Paper MES.37 of the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos (History of the pre-modern Middle East) has been added to the list of papers that may be offered under Schedule D (Papers from other Triposes that may be taken in Part II). Paper MES.39 (Special subject in the pre-modern Middle East) has been suspended in 2011–12.

The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages have confirmed that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2012 will be affected by these changes.

Master of Music

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 471)

With effect from 1 October 2011

The form of examination has been amended. The number of pieces to be announced by the Faculty Board under Regulation 7, Section 1, Choral conducting, will be reduced from six to five. Options listed under Sections 3(ii) and 3(iii) of the regulation will be expanded to include additional options for examination in choral work, and to allow candidates to offer an examined choral recital.

Regulation 9, which formally requires candidates to undertake two College placements, has been removed. Candidates may now undertake a number of shorter placements, but reports are no longer taken into account when awarding the final mark. The existing Regulations 10–15 have been renumbered as 9–14 respectively.

Regulation 7.

By amending Section 1 of the regulation so as to read:

Section 1: Choral conducting

The examination shall consist of the rehearsal and direction, over a period of thirty minutes, of performances of two pieces chosen by the Examiners on the day of the examination from a list of five announced by the Faculty Board.

By amending Section 3 of the regulation so as to read:

Section 3: Options

Each candidate shall choose two options from three: (i) an extended essay of not more than 6,000 words, including notes but excluding appendices; (ii) either a critical edition of a single choral work or group of choral works unavailable in a modern scholarly edition, or a comparative study of particular editions of a single choral work or group of choral works, or a study of editorial practice in relation to choral music; (iii) either a choral recital of thirty minutes in length with a choir assembled by the candidate, or an organ recital of thirty minutes in length, for which a set work will be announced by the Faculty Board, or a performance as continuo accompanist, for which scores will be provided for the candidates in advance of the examination.

Regulation 9.

By removing the regulation and by renumbering Regulations 10–15 as 9–14 respectively.

The Faculty Board of Music have confirmed that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2012 will be affected by these changes.