Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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CSD Brass at St Luke's Church for its 30th Anniversary concert with Prime Brass

CSD Brass Spring Concert: Homage to Shakespeare

Join CSD Brass (Cambridge & Surrounding District) for their Spring Concert in a programme of original works for brass band, in the perfect setting of St Luke's Church

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Cambridge Zero Community Day 2023

Sat 18 November 2023

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (10-1pm) AND Pembroke College Auditorium (3:30-7pm)


Cambridge Zero will like to invite you to their Community Day called Climate Resilient Communities: Participate, Engage, Act.

The day will be divided into morning and afternoon sessions with activities for children, families and anyone interested in how we can build climate resilient communities.

From 10-1pm, Dr Kelly Fagan Robinson from the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge will present "The Power and the Limits of ‘Voice’" at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, where she will be introducing everyone taking part to anthropology (the study of what it is to be human) and introduce each participant to a creative autoethnographic method. Conversations about values, inequalities and potential for transformation in the world around us will take place focusing on the theme of water and water resilience.

Participants will be using images, collage, photos and story-telling to create unique self-life-maps that tell the stories of who each of us are!

This activity is aimed at children and families and curious primary and secondary school teachers! This is a drop-in activity and booking is not required.

*Note this is activity is also part of a wider UK Festival of Humanities called Being Human. You can find more information here: https://www.beinghumanfestival.org/events/power-and-limits-voice

From 3:30-7pm, events will take place at Pembroke College Auditorium (71 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1RJ) with hands-on activities for families and children, storytelling, stalls by community groups, Cambridge Climate Society, the City Council and much more!

There will also be a key-note speaker session from 6-7pm.

We will be updating the final programme soon! Please register your interest and we will send you the programme once available. There is no need to register for the hands-on activities, as they are all drop-in sessions.

You can register your interest here: bit.ly/46yzYKd

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

You can register your interest here: bit.ly/46yzYKd


In person

All times

Sat 18 November 2023 10:00AM - 7:00PM


Address: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (10-1pm) AND Pembroke College Auditorium (3:30-7pm)
Downing Street (Museum) and Trumpington St (Auditorium)