Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor

"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor, introduced by Tim Cornell (University of Manchester)

Kate Pretty Lecture 2023: Building Belonging Through Music

Thu 1 June 2023

Homerton College

As the new Chair of the University’s Centre for Music Performance, Sonita Alleyne will consider how music performance connects with issues of wellbeing, inclusivity, and outreach, contributing to a sense of belonging, and creating the opportunity for connections between the University and the City. The talk will be followed by Q&A, and is free and open to the public. There will be a Drinks and Canapé Reception at the end of the talk.

The Kate Pretty Lecture series honours the former Principal of Homerton, Dr Kate Pretty CBE. Previous Lecturers have included Professor Stephen J Toope and Sir Leszek Borysiewicz (former Vice-Chancellors), Luke Syson (Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum), Baroness Onora O’Neill (philosopher and former President of the British Academy) and Pascal Soriot (CEO of AstraZeneca).

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.

Booking for this event is by EventBrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kate-pretty-lecture-2023-building-belonging-through-music-tickets-624438992837

Enquiries: Sally Nott Website Email: sn578@homerton.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 747251


In person Live Stream

All times

Thu 1 June 2023 5:30PM - 7:30PM


Address: Homerton College
The Great Hall
Hills Road
Email: sn578@homerton.cam.ac.uk
Telephone: 01223 747251