Learning to teach controversial topics in school science education
Tue 23 May 2023
Westminster College
On 23rd May at 1pm Revd Prof Michael J Reiss will give a seminar entitled ‘Learning to teach controversial topics in school science education’.
A light sandwich lunch will be provided from 12:30 in the Healey Room, Westminster College, Cambridge.
Topics in school may be controversial because the basic science is uncertain, but usually they are controversial for other reasons, in particular if there are conflicting values, opinions or interests. There are different ways of teaching controversial issues in science classrooms and each has advantages and disadvantages, which I will discuss. I will then concentrate on the topics of evolution, climate change and vaccines, each of which has elements of controversy.
Cost: Free
Enquiries and booking
Booking is recommended for this event.
Enquiries: Julia Greenham Website Email: events@faraday.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 748 888
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