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Legal, Ethical and Governance Questions Raised by COVID-19

Thu 5 November 2020


The Bridge at Hughes Hall presents a series of four online panel and audience discussions.

The COVID19 pandemic has thrown into focus a number of legal, governance and ethical issues related to not only the management of the immediate crisis but also more generally to governance, regulation and the law in the future both at the national and international level. The panel will discuss the following sub-themes:

International Responses to Risk: i) Utility, Lawfulness and Ethics of ‘Gain of Function’ Research ii) World Health Organisation: Fit for Purpose?
Sustainable Development Law and Covid 19 i) What are the legal options to build back better? ii) How does Covid 19 relate to the SDGs?
Liberal Democracy and Covid 19 i) How do democratic institutions cope with extraordinary emergencies? ii) Can democratic decision-making be expected in times of global pandemics?
Human Rights and Covid 19 i) How are our fundamental rights impacted by Covid 19 measures?

Dr. Markus Gehring, Faculty of Law
Chantalle Byron, Faculty of Law
Dr. John Barker, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
Dr. Martin Steinfeld, Faculty of Law
Dr. Lars Vinx, Faculty of Law
The format will be a moderated panel discussion (30 minutes) where each panellist will introduce a question or sub-theme with a short address to which other panellists can respond with questions and comments that provide further insights. After the panel discussion, all people attending will join one of a range of breakout rooms with one of the panellists for further discussion (20 minutes) on their sub-theme. In the final plenary session, the outcome of the discussions in each breakout group will be shared to identify where intersections and opportunities for future research or impact may exist.

This event is open to all, whether or not you are a member of Hughes Hall.

This talk is part of the The COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on thinking and practice in some key sectors going forward series.

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.



Live Stream

All times

Thu 5 November 2020 6:00PM - 7:30PM


Address: Online