In the Process
Thu 8 June 2023
Murray Edwards College
Megan Hunter is a prizewinning author of two novels: The End We Start From (2017) and The Harpy (2020), both of which have been translated into multiple languages. Her first novel has been adapted into a feature film, and she is developing her second for television. Her poetry, short fiction and non-fiction has appeared in The White Review, the TLS, Literary Hub, Five Dials, BOMB, and elsewhere.
Soheila Sokhanvari is a British/Iranian artist, born in Shiraz whose multimedia work deals with the contemporary political landscape with a focus on pre-revolutionary Iran of 1979. Faced with political events and traumas of contemporary Iranian politics that are impossible to represent, she draws with Iranian crude oil on paper that allows medium to carry the political message. Her paintings employ the medieval technique of egg tempera on vellum by grinding colour pigments and mixing with egg yolk. Soheila Sokhanvari first graduated in Biochemistry in 1986. She worked as a cytogenetics from 1987 and as a research scientist for Cambridge University from 1998-2005 when she took a leap of faith to follow her dreams to become an artist.
Rebecca Sollom is an Australian writer living in the UK. She came to Cambridge on a Gates Scholarship to study for a PhD in cosmology in the Cavendish Laboratory’s Astrophysics Group, and later went on to earn an MA in Prose Fiction from the University of East Anglia. Her story 'National Dress', about a child monarch who is deepfaked, was published in the Spring Issue of Granta magazine in 2022, and she is currently working on her full-length debut, a novel in which a mythological hero discovers she is the star of the last reality TV show on Earth.
Cost: Free
Enquiries and booking
Please note that booking is required for this event.
Enquiries: The Women's Art Collection Website Email: womensart@murrayedwards.cam.ac.uk