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"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor

"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor, introduced by Tim Cornell (University of Manchester)

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LARMOR LECTURE From superconductors to giant planets: a computational window on materials

Mon 9 October 2023

Department of Chemistry

The Larmor Lecture by Professor Chris Pickard, Sir Alan Cottrell Professor of Materials Science, Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge.

The first talk in a series of lectures organised by the Cambridge Philosophical Society in the Michaelmas Term 2023.

Abstract: Modern methods for computing the properties of realistic materials from first principles (starting from quantum mechanics) have resulted in robust, efficient, and easy to use computer codes.

With with the explosion of available computational resources, and increasingly, machine learning, it has become possible to search though the vast space of compositions and arrangements of atoms to “discover” new materials with extreme properties, or under extreme and experimentally difficult to access conditions.

Examples range from the computational prediction of superconductors with very high superconducting transition temperatures, which at least in some cases have been confirmed experimentally, to the prediction of the behaviour of matter in the centre of giant planets, or even white dwarf stars.

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

Booking is recommended for this event.

This scientific lecture is free and open to everyone who is interested - check website for latest updates and booking information http://www.cambridgephilosophicalsociety.org

Booking is recommended to guarantee a place.

Entrance to the lecture theatre is opposite the Scott Polar Research Building, off Lensfield Road

Enquiries: Beverley Larner Website Email: philosoc@group.cam.ac.uk


In person

All times

Mon 9 October 2023 6:00PM - 7:00PM


This scientific lecture is free and open to everyone who is interested - check website for latest updates and booking information http://www.cambridgephilosophicalsociety.org

Booking is recommended to guarantee a place.

Entrance to the lecture theatre is opposite the Scott Polar Research Building, off Lensfield Road
Address: Department of Chemistry
Bristol Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre
Lensfield Road
Telephone: +44 1223 336300
Fax: +44 1223 336362