WCSA Green Society
Solutions to Plastic Pollution
Mon 5 June 2023
Gatsby Room, Chancellor's Centre, Wolfson College
Wolfson College, in collaboration with Cambridgeshire County Council Waste Management team and South Cambridgeshire District Council, invite you to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of World Environment Day on 5th June with an engaging panel discussion and keynote speech.
Join us in a global effort to accelerate action, transition to a circular economy and #BeatPlasticPollution.
World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action.
Accessibility information and booking link can be found on the Wolfson eventpage: https://www.wolfson.cam.ac.uk/about/events/solutions-plastic-pollution
Organised by the Green Society of the Wolfson College Student Association (WCSA) in collaboration with the Darwin College Student Association (DCSA).
Cost: Free
Enquiries and booking
Booking is recommended for this event.
Enquiries: Charlie Barty-King Website Email: sc-hub@wolfson.cam.ac.uk