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"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor

"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor, introduced by Tim Cornell (University of Manchester)

Title image with picture of container ship

Breaking the (supply) Chain: Can the law make our food more sustainable?

Thu 13 June 2024


We expect our food to be wholesome and produced to high standards, yet we rely on long, complex supply chains to source it from all over the world. This makes it harder to trace where our food comes from, what’s in it and whether it’s produced sustainably.

Our webinar will tackle the following questions:

How do national and international laws and agreements protect individual consumers?

How do international regulations work at a local level?

Can regulations really stop the trade in foods produced using environmentally damaging methods?

Is free trade always the enemy of sustainability?

What impact might so-called 'due diligence' legal frameworks emerging in the UK and EU mean for the promotion of sustainable supply chains?

Join our expert panel to hear about how legislation and regulation can (and cannot) influence what we eat, and to ask them your questions on this important topic.

Click here to register.

Chaired by Dr Rob Doubleday, Executive Director at Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge

Panel members:

Joyce Brandão, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge

Prof Tony Heron, Department of Politics, University of York

Dr Jellie Molino, Research By-Fellow, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.

Enquiries: Cambridge Global Food Security Website Email: coordinator@globalfood.cam.ac.uk


Live Stream

All times

Thu 13 June 2024 5:30PM - 6:30PM


Address: online