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CBC Wellness Campaign: A Mindful Lunch

Wed 1 June 2022

CBC Wellness Campaign: A Mindful Lunch
Applying what we have learned about mindfulness - no experience necessary
John Nicholson returns by popular demand for this CBC Wellness Campaign webinar: A Mindful Lunch.
Mindful eating is the opposite of “mindless” eating, and we are going to try it out, together. For many of us, our busy daily lives often make mealtimes rushed affairs. We find ourselves eating in the car commuting to work, at the desk in front of a computer screen, or parked on the couch watching TV. In fact, we often eat for reasons other than hunger—to satisfy emotional needs, to relieve stress, or cope with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, anxiety, loneliness, or boredom.
So, allow yourself at least 30 minutes for our practice, at 12.30 pm on 1st June.
Bring food and drink, but don’t consume anything until John invites you to.
This event is part of the ‘CBC Wellness Campaign’ – a series of webinars supporting the 21,000+ people who work on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, many of whom are at the forefront of the changing face of healthcare. However, these events are also for anyone looking for additional support: you don't have to work here and there is no charge to attend.
These events will be recorded and a link will be sent to all participants afterwards. It will also be posted on the CUHP website and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus YouTube channel.
Photo by Alejandro Pinero Amerio on Unsplash

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.



Live Stream

All times

Wed 1 June 2022 12:30PM - 1:00PM


Please note: the venue is to be confirmed
