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CBCoVT: Educating Doctors in the Digital Age

Mon 7 February 2022

Rescheduled from 25th January.
The pandemic has seen a rapid evolution in the way we engage with each other. Video calls, online talks and screen sharing have become the norm, with face to face meetings becoming an exception. In medical education, the increasing focus on new ways of training, has already led to a change in the way that future generations of doctors are taught. From developing our doctors as future clinical leaders to using holographic patients to enhance training, the clinicians of the future will learn in new and exciting ways. Dr Arun Gupta will explain how he and his colleagues are addressing the challenges in developing the skills of our future medical workforce.
Arun was appointed as a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Neuro Critical Care at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, University of Cambridge in 1996. He was Director of the Neurosciences Critical Care Unit for over 3 years before becoming Director of Postgraduate Medical Education for Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre. His particular field of research interest is in the effects of injury on brain tissue oxygenation and metabolism. In addition he is establishing a patient safety research programme within the Addenbrooke’s Simulation Centre. As Director of Postgraduate Medical Education, he is responsible for the provision of education and training to over 500 doctors in training in the Trust, and support for the professional development of over 400 consultant colleagues.
This event is part of the ‘CBC on Virtual Tour’ series – the chance to learn more about the Cambridge Biomedical Campus where over 20,000 people at the forefront of the changing face of healthcare are working.
This event will be recorded and a link will be sent to all participants afterwards. It will also be posted on the CUHP website and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus YouTube channel.
Photo credit: CUH

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.



Live Stream

All times

Mon 7 February 2022 12:30PM - 1:30PM


Please note: the venue is to be confirmed
