1. (a) The University officers shall be those persons only who hold any of the University offices of Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, High Steward, Deputy High Steward, Commissary, Proctor, Orator, Registrary, Librarian, Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Esquire Bedell, University Advocate, and Deputy University Advocate, or any other University office established or specified by Statute or Ordinance. Provision shall be made by Special Ordinance made on the recommendation of the General Board for a scheme of leave of absence or dispensation from duty applying to holders of specified offices.
(b) In any Statute or Ordinance the term ‘competent authority’ in relation to a University institution or a University officer shall mean either the Council or the General Board, according as the institution concerned is under the supervision of the Council or the General Board.
(c) The institutions under the supervision of the General Board shall be the Schools, Faculties, Departments, and any other institution placed under the supervision of the General Board by Statute, by Ordinance, or otherwise. All other institutions in the University, except the University Press, shall be under the supervision of the Council.
(d) In any Statute or Ordinance the term ‘authority comparable with a Faculty Board’ or the term ‘comparable authority’ shall mean the Board or Syndicate constituted by Statute or Ordinance for the management of a Department or other institution which is independent of any Faculty but under the supervision of the General Board.
(e) Offices established either by the University or by the competent authority may be established by these authorities on a part-time basis.
2. Under this section, provision shall be made by Special Ordinance on the recommendation of the competent authorities for the following in respect of University officers (other than those whose offices are named specifically in Section 1(a) above):
3. This Statute and any Ordinance made under this Statute shall be construed in every case to give effect to the following guiding principles, that is to say:
4. It shall be the duty of all holders of University offices entitled to leave under a Special Ordinance made under Statute C I 1(a) to devote themselves to the advancement of knowledge in their subject, to give instruction therein to students, to undertake from time to time such examining of students as may be required by the Board, Syndicate, or other body which is chiefly concerned with their duties, and to promote the interests of the University as a place of education, religion, learning, and research. The duty to examine students shall be restricted by Ordinance to the examining of candidates for such examinations for degrees and other qualifications of the University as the University may from time to time determine.
5. The competent authority may appoint a deputy to act for a University officer, upon such terms of remuneration as it thinks fit,
A deputy appointed under this section shall exercise the powers and shall perform the duties of the officer for whom he or she deputizes and shall have the right to attend and vote in that officer’s absence at meetings of any body of which the officer is a member ex officio.
6. The University shall have power, or may delegate the power, to preclude a University officer from undertaking any work outside the scope of her or his office or to limit the amount of such work.
7. No University office shall be tenable concurrently with any other University office except in cases in which it may be determined otherwise
8. (a) The Schedule to this Statute has effect.
(b) The whole or any part of the Schedule may be rescinded by Grace, following a Report to the Regent House. Any cross-references to the Schedule in Statute or Special Ordinance which require amendment as a result of such rescission may be amended by Grace.
(c) Provision may be made by Special Ordinance for transitional provisions, which may make necessary modification to any unrescinded portions of the Schedule and cross-references in Statutes and Special Ordinances so that they may continue to operate.
(d) When the Schedule is completely rescinded under (b) above this section may be repealed by Grace.