Except as provided in the regulations for any particular School, the Council of a School shall be constituted in accordance with the following provisions:
- (a)The Board of each of the Faculties comprised in the School shall appoint annually in the Michaelmas Term one person to serve
for four years from 1 January.
- (b)The General Board shall appoint annually in the Michaelmas Term one person to serve for four years from 1 January.
- (c)At least one member of the Council of a School shall be a member of the General Board, and that Board shall have regard to
this requirement when making appointments.
- (d)One undergraduate student member and one graduate student member of the Council of a School shall be elected by the undergraduate
and graduate students respectively under the constituent Faculties, Syndicates, or other Boards or Committees of Management
in each School. The student members of each Council shall be elected by ballot in each academical year. The electoral roll
will be of all the persons who were eligible, under the provisions of Schedule IV of the regulations for the Election of Student
Members of Faculty Boards and Other Bodies, to vote and to stand as candidates in the election for any of the School’s constituent
Faculties, Syndicates, or other Boards or Committees of Management in that academical year. The date and procedure for the
election shall be determined by the Council of the School concerned, provided that the election shall not be held later than
the division of the Lent Term. Students elected shall serve from the date of their election until such date in the following
year as shall be determined as the day for the election of new student members, or until such earlier date as they may cease
to qualify for membership of the constituent institution. The returning officer shall be the Head of the School or a member
of the Regent House appointed by the Council of the School. If at an election of a student member or members the total number
of vacancies is not filled, the Council of the School may fix a date for the holding of a further election to fill such vacancies
as are unfilled. The persons eligible to vote and to stand as candidates in such an election shall be those persons who were
so eligible in the preceding election.
School of Arts and Humanities
1. The Council of the School of Arts and Humanities shall consist of the following members:
- (a)one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Architecture and History of Art, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Classics,
Divinity, English, Modern and Medieval Languages, Music, and Philosophy to serve for one or two years, either from 1 October
or from 1 January, as determined by the Faculty Board concerned;
- (b)the Director of the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities;
- (c)the Director of the Language Centre;
- (d)not more than two persons co-opted by the Council of the School to serve until 30 September or 31 December either of the year
in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Council shall determine at the time of co-optation, provided that
it shall not be obligatory for the Council to co-opt any person or persons;
- (e)one person elected from among their number by the undergraduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School;
- (f)one person elected from among their number by the graduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School.
2. The Council of the School shall meet at least once in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless five of
the members in classes (a) and (b) at least are present.
3. The Head of the School shall be appointed by the Council of the School, subject to the approval of the General Board, to serve for a period of four years
from 1 January following the appointment.
4. The Council of the School shall perform such duties as are specified in Statute A V 8(a)–(c) and such other duties as may be delegated to them by the General Board under Statute A V 8(d).
5. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Council of the School in class (c) or (d) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.
School of the Biological Sciences
1. The Council of the School of the Biological Sciences shall consist of the following members:
- (a)the Head of each of the Departments in the Faculties of Biology and Veterinary Medicine, all of whom shall be members ex officio;
- (b)the Director of the Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute;
- (c)one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Biology, Clinical Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine, who shall be appointed
in the Michaelmas Term to serve for one year from 1 January next following;
- (d)any member of the General Board who holds a University office in any of the Faculties or other institutions comprising the
School, for so long as he or she remains a member of the General Board;
- (e)persons co-opted by the Council of the School to serve until 31 December either of the year in which they are co-opted or
of the following year, as the Council shall determine at the time of their co-optation, provided that it shall not be obligatory
for the Council to co-opt any person or persons;
- (f)one person elected from among their number by the undergraduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School;
- (g)one person elected from among their number by the graduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School.
2. The Council of the School shall arrange to meet at least once in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless
five of the members in classes (a)–(e) at least are present.
3. The Head of the School shall be appointed by the Council of the School, subject to the approval of the General Board, to serve for a period of four
years from 1 January following the appointment.
4. The Council of the School shall perform such duties as are specified in Statute A V 8(a)–(c) and such other duties as may be delegated to them by the General Board under Statute A V 8(d).
5. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Council of the School in class (f) or (g) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.
Secretary of the School
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Secretary of the School of the Biological Sciences shall be made by an Appointments
Committee consisting of the following:
- (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
- (b)the Chair of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences;
- (c)three persons appointed by the Council of the School;
- (d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
2. The Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, and of Committees of the Council of the School,
and shall perform such other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Council of the School with the approval
of the General Board.
School of Clinical Medicine
Amended by Grace 2 of 2 June 2016
1. The Regius Professor of Physic shall be the Head of the School.
2. The Council of the School of Clinical Medicine shall consist of the following members:
- (a)the Regius Professor of Physic, who shall be Chair;
- (b)the Head of each of the Departments in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine;
- (c)the Head of each Institute/Unit recognized by the Council of the School within the School of Clinical Medicine;
- (d)the Chair of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine;
- (e)the Deputy Head of the School of Clinical Medicine;
- (f)the Director of Medical Education in the Clinical School;
- (g)the Director of Organizational Affairs in the Clinical School;
- (h)the Head of the School of the Biological Sciences;
- (i)the Head of the Department of Pathology;
- (j)a person appointed by the Board of the Eastern Academic Health Science Network;
- (k)a person appointed by the Board of Cambridge University Health Partners;
- (l)the members in class (f) of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine.
3. The following shall have the right of attendance at the Council of the School of Clinical Medicine:
- (a)the Chief Executive of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust;
- (b)the Chief Executive of Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust;
- (c)the Chief Executive of Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust;
- (d)a representative of the MRC Centre or the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge.
4. The Council of the School shall meet at least once in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless five members in classes
(a)–(h) at least are present.
5. The Council of the School shall perform such duties as are specified in Statute A V 8(a)–(c) and such other duties as may be delegated to them by the General Board under Statute A V 8(d).
6. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Council of the School in class (l) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.
Secretary of the School
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Secretary of the Clinical School shall be made by an Appointments Committee
consisting of the following persons:
- (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
- (b)the Regius Professor of Physic;
- (c)three persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine;
- (d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
2. The Secretary shall act as Secretary to the Council of the School and the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, and of Committees of the
Faculty Board. He or she shall perform such other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Council of the School
and the Faculty Board with the approval of the General Board.
School of the Humanities and Social Sciences
1. The Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences shall consist of the following members:
- (a)the Heads of the Departments of History and Philosophy of Science and of Land Economy, the Heads of the three Departments
within the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science, and one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Economics,
Education, History, and Law.
- (b)one person appointed by the General Board, who shall be one of the two persons appointed by the Council of the School as a
member of the General Board;
- (c)persons co-opted by the Council of the School, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Council to co-opt any person
or persons;
- (d)one person elected from among their number by the undergraduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School;
- (e)one person elected from among their number by the graduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School.
Members in classes (a) and (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve from 1 January next following. Members in class (a) shall serve for two years; the member in class (b) shall serve for two years or for so long as he or she remains a member of the General Board, whichever shall be the shorter
period. Members in class (c) shall serve until 31 December either of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Council shall
determine at the time of their co-optation.
2. The Council of the School shall meet at least once in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless five of
the members in classes (a)–(c) at least are present.
3. The Head of the School shall be appointed by the Council of the School, subject to the approval of the General Board, to serve for a period of four years
from 1 January following the appointment.
4. The Council of the School shall perform such duties as are specified in Statute A V 8(a)–(c) and such other duties as may be delegated to them by the General Board under Statute A V 8(d).
5. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Council of the School in class (d) or (e) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.
School of the Physical Sciences
1. The Council of the School of the Physical Sciences shall consist of the following members:
- (a)the Heads of the Departments in the Faculties of Earth Sciences and Geography, Mathematics, and Physics and Chemistry, and
the Director of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, all of whom shall be members ex officio;
- (b)one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Earth Sciences and Geography, Mathematics, and Physics and Chemistry,
who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for one year from 1 January next following;
- (c)any member of the General Board who holds a University office in any of the Faculties or other institutions comprising the
School, for so long as he or she remains a member of the General Board;
- (d)persons co-opted by the Council of the School to serve until 31 December either of the year in which they are co-opted or
of the following year, as the Council shall determine at the time of their co-optation, provided that it shall not be obligatory
for the Council to co-opt any person or persons;
- (e)one person elected from among their number by the undergraduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School;
- (f)one person elected from among their number by the graduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School.
2. The Council of the School shall arrange to meet at least once in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless
five of the members in classes (a)–(d) at least are present.
3. The Head of the School shall be appointed by the Council of the School, subject to the approval of the General Board, to serve for a period of four years
from 1 January following the appointment.
4. The Council of the School shall perform such duties as are specified in Statute A V 8(a)–(c) and such other duties as may be delegated to them by the General Board under Statute A V 8(d).
5. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Council of the School in class (e) or (f) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.
Secretary of the School
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Secretary of the School of the Physical Sciences shall be made by an Appointments
Committee consisting of the following persons:
- (a)the Vice-Chancellor, or a duly appointed deputy, as Chair;
- (b)the Chair of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences;
- (c)three persons appointed by the Council of the School;
- (d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even to serve for the two calendar
years next ensuing.
2. The Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, and of Committees of the Council of the School; and
shall perform such other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Council of the School with the approval of the
General Board.
School of Technology
1. The Council of the School of Technology shall consist of the following persons:
- (a)the Heads of the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and of Engineering, the Head of the Computer Laboratory,
the Director of Judge Business School, and the Director of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership,
all of whom shall be members ex officio;
- (b)one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Business and Management, of Computer Science and Technology, and of
Engineering, and one by the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term
to serve for one year from 1 January next following;
- (c)any member of the General Board who holds a University office in any of the institutions comprising the School, for so long
as he or she remains a member of the General Board;
- (d)persons co-opted by the Council of the School to serve until 31 December either of the year in which they are co-opted or
of the following year, as the Council shall determine at the time of their co-optation, provided that it shall not be obligatory
for the Council to co-opt any persons or persons;
- (e)one person elected from among their number by the undergraduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School;
- (f)one person elected from among their number by the graduate student members of the constituent institutions of the School.
2. The Council of the School shall arrange to meet at least once in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless
five of the members in classes (a)–(d) at least are present.
3. The Head of the School shall be appointed by the Council of the School, subject to the approval of the General Board, to serve for a period of four
years from 1 January following the appointment.
4. The Council of the School shall perform such duties as are specified in Statute A V 8(a)–(c) and such other duties as may be delegated to them by the General Board under Statute A V 8(d).
5. The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Council of the School in class (e) or (f) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.
Secretary of the School
1. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Secretary of the School of the Technology shall be made by an Appointments Committee
consisting of the following persons:
- (a)the Vice-Chancellor, or a duly appointed deputy, as Chair;
- (b)the Chair of the Council of the School of Technology;
- (c)three persons appointed by the Council of the School;
- (d)two persons appointed by the General Board.
Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even to serve for the two calendar
years next ensuing.
2. The Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Council of the School of Technology, and of Committees of the Council of the School; and shall perform
such other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Council of the School with the approval of the General Board.