1. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has a duty to ensure that veterinary students are fit to practise veterinary medicine when they apply for registration. The following regulations shall govern the procedures in the University to ensure that preclinical and clinical veterinary students are fit to practise veterinary medicine.
2. There shall be a Veterinary Students Register, which shall be maintained by the Faculty Boards of Biology and Veterinary Medicine through a Veterinary Fitness to Practise Committee (VFTP Committee).
3. Any person or body may refer any matter which gives a cause for concern about a veterinary student’s fitness to practise to the VFTP Committee in accordance with these procedures.
4. Where the VFTP Committee considers that there is a question to be determined concerning the fitness to practise of a veterinary student, the VFTP Committee shall appoint an Investigator who shall report to the VFTP Committee. Having considered the Investigator’s report, the VFTP Committee may refer the matter to a Fitness to Practise Adjudication Panel (VFTP Adjudication Panel) to consider whether the student is fit to practise veterinary medicine or whether to impose sanctions (which include formal warnings, conditions and suspension, or removal from the Veterinary Students Register).
5. A veterinary student shall, if required to do so, attend meetings and/or hearings with the VFTP Committee, an Investigator, and a VFTP Adjudication Panel. A veterinary student and the VFTP Committee may appeal to a Fitness to Practise Appeal Panel (VFTP Appeal Panel) on grounds specified in these procedures.
6. Fitness to practise issues can arise from a student’s conduct, health, or performance. Veterinary students have a responsibility to report any illness or disability that may affect their fitness to practise to their Senior Tutor or Director of Studies and, as appropriate, to the Director of Teaching in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine or the Director of Education (Biological Sciences) in the Faculty of Biology.
7. The University also has a duty to support its veterinary students. The Medical and Veterinary Student Progress Panel (MVSPP) monitors the academic performance and progress of preclinical and clinical veterinary students, including issues relating to ill health and any other cause for concern which does not merit a referral to the VFTP Committee.
8. A student who wishes to remain on the Veterinary Students Register will be expected to co-operate with obtaining such reports from the University’s Occupational Health Service and/or other experts as may be deemed necessary.
9. When applying for registration with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) veterinary students will be required to inform the RCVS of the details of any referral to the VFTP Committee and any and all matters that might have a bearing on his or her fitness to practise.
10. The VFTP Committee shall comprise a minimum of three members:
11. No member of the VFTP Committee shall have had any material involvement or interest in respect of each individual case before the VFTP Committee. All members of the VFTP Committee shall be required to make a declaration of interest in the case.
12. Members of the VFTP Committee shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment.
13. The Faculty Boards of Veterinary Medicine and Biology shall in addition jointly maintain a Veterinary Fitness to Practise Support Panel (VFTP Support Panel). Every three years in the Michaelmas Term, or as necessary:
14. In the event of a member of the VFTP Committee appointed under Regulations 10(a) or 10(b) having a conflict of interest in any case, a replacement member qualifying for appointment to the VFTP Committee under those regulations shall be appointed from the VFTP Support Panel for the purposes of the case in question by the Chair of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine.
15. In the event of a member of the VFTP Committee appointed under Regulation 10(c) having a conflict of interest in any case, a replacement member qualifying for appointment to the VFTP Committee under that regulation shall be appointed from the VFTP Support Panel for the purposes of the case in question by the Chair of the Faculty Board of Biology.
16. The Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine shall appoint a person to be Secretary to the VFTP Committee.
17. The VFTP Committee may co-opt a maximum of two members to the VFTP Committee from the VFTP Support Panel or elsewhere and may require such reports to be prepared as it considers necessary.
18. The duties of the VFTP Committee shall be:
19. The VFTP Committee shall meet at least once a year in the Michaelmas Term and whenever there is any business to consider. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The Chair shall have a casting vote, if necessary. In the absence of the Chair for a meeting of the VFTP Committee, the member appointed under Regulation 10(b) may become Chair for that meeting, or the meeting may be adjourned.
20. The VFTP Committee shall submit the minutes of its meetings to the Faculty Boards of Biology and of Veterinary Medicine and to the Veterinary Education Committee.
21. A VFTP Adjudication Panel shall comprise a Chair and two other members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Registrary from the VFTP Support Panel as soon as practicable after she or he has been notified (by the Secretary to the VFTP Committee) that a case has been referred to a VFTP Adjudication Panel. The Chair shall be a practising registered veterinary practitioner.
22. The three members of a VFTP Adjudication Panel shall constitute the quorum for a hearing of the VFTP Adjudication Panel at which a veterinary student’s fitness to practise is determined. The Chair shall have a casting vote, if necessary.
23. A VFTP Adjudication Panel shall decide whether a veterinary student is fit to practise medicine and should remain on the Veterinary Students Register and/or should be subject to sanctions.
24. No member of a VFTP Adjudication Panel shall have had any material involvement or interest in the case. All members of a VFTP Adjudication Panel shall be required to make a declaration of interest in respect of the case. A replacement member shall be appointed by the Registrary from the VFTP Support Panel in the event of a conflict of interest.
25. A VFTP Adjudication Panel may require such reports to be prepared as it considers necessary.
26. The Secretary of the veterinary student’s Faculty Board, or his or her nominated deputy, shall serve as Secretary to a VFTP Adjudication Panel. For the purpose of these regulations, preclinical students are assigned to the Faculty of Biology and clinical students to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
27. An Appeal Panel shall be appointed to consider an appeal which is made by a veterinary student or by the VFTP Committee in respect of a decision of a VFTP Adjudication Panel.
28. The Council of the University shall maintain three panels, panel (a), panel (b), and panel (c), from which members of an Appeal Panel shall be appointed as follows:
panel (a): |
persons who are legally qualified or who have had experience of acting in a judicial capacity, not being members of the Council; |
panel (b): |
members of the Regent House not being members of the VFTP Committee, VFTP Support Panel, or VFTP Adjudication Panel, or of the Faculties of Biology or Veterinary Medicine; |
panel (c): |
members of the academic staff of a UK Veterinary School, being practising RCVS-registered veterinary practitioners, who are not members of the Regent House. |
29. The Council shall appoint in the Michaelmas Term each year such number of persons as they shall see fit to serve as members of each panel for three years from 1 January following their appointment.
30. An Appeal Panel shall consist of three members:
31. No member of an Appeal Panel shall have had any material involvement or interest in the case. All members of the Appeal Panel shall be required to make a declaration of interest in respect of the case. In the event of a conflict of interest, an alternative member shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor or by lot, as appropriate.
32. The Registrary, or a person nominated by the Registrary, shall act as Clerk of the Appeal Panel.
33. The three members of the Appeal Panel shall constitute the quorum. The Chair shall have a casting vote, if necessary.
34. The consideration of whether or not a veterinary student is fit to practise medicine shall take place in accordance with the following procedures which may comprise of at least three stages, a preliminary consideration by the VFTP Committee, an investigation, and an adjudication by a VFTP Adjudication Panel, and may be followed by a final appeal stage.
35. If at any stage the Chair of any of the bodies involved considers that the veterinary student may have committed an offence under the criminal law or against the discipline of the University, the Chair shall suspend proceedings and refer the circumstances for consideration by the police or to the University Advocate under Statute D, as appropriate. In such instances, the body or bodies shall not normally reach a decision on the student’s fitness to practise until either the police or University Advocate (as appropriate) has confirmed that it is not intended to institute proceedings against the veterinary student, or, if proceedings are taken, until the criminal courts or University courts or disciplinary panels (as appropriate) have ruled finally on the matter. Pending the outcome of any consideration by the police and the criminal courts and/or the University Advocate and the University courts or disciplinary panels, the VFTP Committee and its Chair shall review the student’s status and take any measures under these procedures which are considered necessary.
36. The VFTP Committee, the Investigator, a VFTP Adjudication Panel, and the Appeal Panel may obtain legal advice through the Registrary to assist with the performance of their duties under these procedures.
37. Any notification to a veterinary student under these procedures may be sent to the veterinary student’s University email address.
38. Any expression of concern that a veterinary student may not be fit to practise medicine shall be made in writing to the Secretary of the VFTP Committee; it shall show clearly the author’s name and address. Anonymous referrals shall only be acted upon in exceptional circumstances as the VFTP Committee sees fit, having regard to the seriousness of the issues raised and the fairness to any individuals mentioned in the referral. The VFTP Committee may also consider that the identity of individuals, although known to the VFTP Committee, may need to be withheld or protected in exceptional circumstances.
39. The Secretary of the VFTP Committee shall communicate the expression of concern to the Chair of the VFTP Committee who may take Chair’s action in respect of any measures which are considered necessary or appropriate pending consideration by the VFTP Committee.
40. The Secretary of the VFTP Committee shall inform the veterinary student of the details of any expression of concern and, at the discretion of the Chair of the VFTP Committee, arrange for the student to attend a meeting of the VFTP Committee. During any meeting with the VFTP Committee, the veterinary student may be accompanied by a member of the University or other representative chosen by the veterinary student who shall notify the Secretary of the VFTP Committee two days in advance of any meeting if he/she will be accompanied and by whom.
41. The Secretary of the VFTP Committee shall inform the veterinary student of the persons appointed to be members of the VFTP Committee. If the veterinary student has good cause to object to the membership of the VFTP Committee, he or she shall provide grounds to the Secretary of the VFTP Committee in writing within seven days. In the case of a member appointed under Regulation 10(a) or (b), the Chair of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine shall decide whether to replace that member of the VFTP Committee and shall appoint an alternative member as considered appropriate. In the case of a member appointed under Regulation 10(c), the Chair of the Faculty Board of Biology shall decide whether to replace that member of the VFTP Committee and shall appoint an alternative member as considered appropriate. The Secretary of the VFTP Committee shall inform the veterinary student accordingly. The decision of the Chair of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine or of the Chair of the Faculty Board of Biology shall be final.
42. The VFTP Committee shall decide whether the veterinary student shall during the course of any fitness to practise procedures:
43. The VFTP Committee may, pending the outcome of any fitness to practise procedures, review and change a decision regarding a veterinary student’s status and any measures which are considered necessary.
44. The VFTP Committee shall determine whether the matter can and should be dealt with informally, whether the matter should be referred back to the Student Progress Panel (MVSPP), or whether an Investigator should be appointed to investigate the student’s conduct, health, and/or performance. The VFTP Committee shall normally take this initial decision within one month from the date of receipt of the expression of concern.
45. If the University Advocate institutes proceedings against the veterinary student under Statute D, any subsequent judgement of a University court or disciplinary panel may be considered as evidence within any fitness to practise procedures. If a University court or disciplinary panel finds that a charge is proven against the student then that finding shall be conclusive evidence that the veterinary student in question has committed the offence against the discipline of the University with which he or she was charged.
46. If the VFTP Committee decides to commence an investigation, the Secretary of the VFTP Committee shall write to the veterinary student concerned and to the Senior Tutor of the student’s College stating that an investigation of the veterinary student’s fitness to practise is going to take place. The letter to the veterinary student shall state the nature of the expression of concern and the grounds for commencing the investigation.
47. The VFTP Committee shall appoint an Investigator from the VFTP Support Panel who has had no material involvement or interest in this case. The Investigator shall interview the veterinary student concerned, the maker of the allegation (unless an anonymous concern has been permitted), and any other relevant persons. A formal note of each interview shall be prepared by the Investigator and, if possible, agreed with the person who has been interviewed. A written report shall be prepared and submitted by the Investigator to the VFTP Committee.
48. The VFTP Committee, an Investigator, and a VFTP Adjudication Panel may, at any stage, require reports to be prepared by the Occupational Health Service and/or other experts as to the student’s fitness to practise and will expect the student to co-operate with obtaining such reports in order for those bodies to discharge their duties to consider the student’s fitness to practise. All such reports shall be co-ordinated through the VFTP Committee.
49. During any interview with the Investigator, the veterinary student may be accompanied by a member of the University or other representative chosen by the veterinary student who shall notify the Investigator two days in advance of any meeting if he/she will be accompanied and by whom.
50. On receipt of the Investigator’s report, the VFTP Committee shall take one of the following decisions:
51. The Secretary of the VFTP Committee shall inform the veterinary student, the MVSPP, and the student’s Senior Tutor in writing of the VFTP Committee’s decision and of any agreed measures normally within seven days. Correspondence from the Secretary informing the student shall be submitted to the next full meeting of the VFTP Committee.
52. If a veterinary student is referred by the VFTP Committee to a VFTP Adjudication Panel, the Chair of the VFTP Adjudication Panel shall determine the procedure to be adopted by the VFTP Adjudication Panel which shall normally include:
53. The Secretary of the VFTP Adjudication Panel shall inform the veterinary student and the Chair of the VFTP Committee of the procedure to be followed. The Chair of the VFTP Adjudication Panel may at any stage of the proceedings hold a case management meeting at which she or he may (i) review the progress of the proceedings, and in particular the extent to which any timetable previously set by the Chair has been complied with, (ii) issue or vary directions or time limits for the further conduct of the proceedings, and/or (iii) set or vary a date, time, or place for the hearing. The Secretary of the VFTP Adjudication Panel shall inform the veterinary student and the Secretary of the VFTP Committee of the date, time and place of a case management meeting at least seven days in advance of such meeting.
54. If the veterinary student has good cause to object to the membership of a VFTP Adjudication Panel, he or she shall provide grounds to the Secretary of a VFTP Adjudication Panel in writing within seven days of being notified of the membership of the VFTP Adjudication Panel. The Registrary shall decide whether to replace that member of a VFTP Adjudication Panel and shall appoint an alternative member from the VFTP Support Panel as considered appropriate. The Secretary of a VFTP Adjudication Panel shall inform the veterinary student accordingly. The decision of the Registrary shall be final.
55. The veterinary student shall attend all case management meetings and hearings of a VFTP Adjudication Panel in person, unless prevented by exceptional circumstances. If the veterinary student fails to attend any case management meeting or any hearing without reasonable explanation, a VFTP Adjudication Panel may, at its discretion, consider the case in the veterinary student’s absence.
56. The veterinary student may choose to be accompanied by a member of the University or other representative chosen by the veterinary student who must inform the Secretary of the VFTP Adjudication Panel of the identity of the individual and the capacity in which he or she is attending as soon as practicable and at least four days in advance of the case management meeting or hearing.
57. The veterinary student’s Senior Tutor (or a deputy appointed by the Senior Tutor), if not nominated by the student, shall be entitled, with the student’s consent, to be present at any case management meeting or hearing.
58. Case management meetings and hearings of the VFTP Adjudication Panel shall be conducted in private unless the Chair of a VFTP Adjudication Panel agrees to a request from the student for any case management meeting or hearing to be held in public.
59. A Chair of the VFTP Adjudication Panel shall determine the procedure for the conduct of a VFTP Adjudication Panel hearing to consider a veterinary student’s fitness to practise. The procedure shall normally be as follows:
60. A VFTP Adjudication Panel, following consideration of the case, may make one of the following decisions on the balance of probabilities and by a simple majority (the Chair having a casting vote if necessary):
61. The Secretary of a VFTP Adjudication Panel shall confirm the decision of a VFTP Adjudication Panel and the reasons for the decision in writing normally within seven days, specifying any time period or sanction that may apply, to the veterinary student and also to the Chair of the VFTP Committee, the MVSPP, the Senior Tutor of the student’s College, the Director of Teaching in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and, as appropriate, the Director of Education in the School of the Biological Sciences.
62. A veterinary student and the VFTP Committee shall have the right of appeal to an Appeal Panel in respect of a decision of a VFTP Adjudication Panel as set out in these procedures.
63. A veterinary student and the VFTP Committee may give notice of appeal in respect of a decision of a VFTP Adjudication Panel on only one or more of the following grounds:
64. A notice of appeal shall be in writing and shall be received by the Registrary within twenty-eight days of the date of notification of a VFTP Adjudication Panel decision. The notice of appeal shall state the grounds on which the appeal is made and provide all material relied upon for the appeal. On receipt of the notice of appeal, and if the Registrary considers that there are grounds for an appeal as set out within these procedures, the Registrary shall appoint an Appeal Panel to hear the appeal. The parties shall not be entitled to rely during the appeal hearing, without the permission of the Appeal Panel, on any grounds other than those set out in the notice of appeal.
65. During the consideration of the appeal, the decision of a VFTP Adjudication Panel shall remain in force.
66. An Appeal Panel hearing shall be arranged as soon as possible, and normally within three months of the date of the Registrary receiving the notice of appeal, in accordance with the following procedures:
67. The Appeal Panel shall consider its decision in private. The Clerk of the Appeal Panel shall be present throughout the hearing and throughout consideration by the Appeal Panel of its decision.
68. The Appeal Panel may confirm, quash, amend, or refer back the decision to the same, or a newly constituted, VFTP Adjudication Panel.
69. As soon as possible, normally within seven days from the Appeal Panel hearing, the Clerk of the Appeal Panel shall inform the veterinary student in writing of the decision and the reasons for the decision. That notification shall specify whether the case is to be referred back to a VFTP Panel or, if not, the notification should be a Completion of Procedures letter and inform the veterinary student that she or he may refer the matter to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education. The Secretary to the Appeal Panel shall also inform the Chair of the VFTP Adjudication Panel, the Chair of the VFTP Committee, the MVSPP, the Senior Tutor of the student’s College, the Director of Teaching in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and, as appropriate, the Director of Education in the School of the Biological Sciences.
70. The VFTP Committee and the Faculty Boards of Biology or Veterinary Medicine, as appropriate, shall make a record of any sanctions imposed (including a formal warning, a suspension or removal from the Veterinary Students Register, or other conditions) or undertakings provided by a veterinary student relating to arrangements for the monitoring or supervision of her or his conduct, health, or performance. The VFTP Committee shall determine whether the information is to be kept permanently on the veterinary student’s record, until a further review, or until one year after the student has obtained full registration with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
71. A veterinary student upon whom conditions have been imposed shall be required to confirm in writing that he or she shall comply with such conditions.
72. A veterinary student who has undertaken to comply with arrangements for the management and supervision of her or his conduct, health, or performance shall be required to confirm in writing that he or she will comply with the arrangements.
73. When applying to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for registration, a student shall inform the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons of the details of any referral to the Fitness to Practise Committee and any and all matters that might have a bearing on his or her fitness to practise.
1. The Medical and Veterinary Student Progress Panel (MVSPP) shall be a joint body of the Faculty Boards of Biology, Clinical Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine in consultation with the Colleges.
2. The MVSPP shall review or advise on the progress of a student having regard to:
3. The MVSPP shall consist of:
4. In respect of each individual case before the MVSPP, all members of the MVSPP shall be required to make a declaration of interest in the case.
5. Members in classes (e)–(h) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment.
6. The duties of the MVSPP shall include:
7. Five members shall constitute a quorum. The MVSPP shall report to the Faculty Boards of Biology, Clinical Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine.
1. A holder of the degree of M.B.B.Chir. from the University who seeks full registration with the General Medical Council (GMC) and who satisfies the requirements of the Medical Act 1983 as to experience, may apply to the University for a Certificate of Experience under Section 10 of that Act following satisfactory completion of an approved Foundation Year Programme (F1 Programme) of placements in a formal employment setting. In these procedures, a doctor with a degree of M.B.B.Chir. from the University on an approved F1 Programme is referred to as a ‘F1 doctor'.
2. The initial decision to provide a Certificate of Experience to a F1 doctor who holds a M.B.B.Chir. from the University, is taken, on behalf of the University, by Health Education East of England (HEEoE) which is the Local Education and Training Board (LETB) linked to the University. This decision is based on evidence, collated for the Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP), that the F1 doctor has completed the requirements of the Foundation Programme Curriculum for Foundation Year 1. This evidence is collated by the LETB (or equivalent body) linked to the F1 doctor's Foundation School.
3. In these procedures, the LETB (or equivalent body) linked to the F1 doctor's Foundation School is referred to as ‘the LETS'. The LETS makes a recommendation to HEEoE on whether the F1 doctor has completed the requirements of the Foundation Programme Curriculum for Foundation Year 1 (approved by the GMC). In any case in which the LETB recommends that the F1 doctor has not completed the requirements of the Foundation Programme Curriculum and that the F1 doctor be released from the Foundation Programme, HEEoE will decline to issue a Certificate of Experience and the F1 doctor may appeal to the University under these procedures.
4. Such appeals will normally only be heard after the initial period of F1 training has been extended by the LETS due to the F1 doctor concerned being unable to provide evidence of the acquisition of competences and performance in practice in accordance with the requirements of the Foundation Programme curriculum.
5. Appeals with respect to a decision to extend the F1 year of training will normally be heard by the LETS.
6. A F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall be appointed to consider an appeal which is made by a F1 doctor in respect of a decision by the LETS to recommend the F1 doctor is released from the Foundation Programme (ARCP Outcome 4). A F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall be appointed by the Registrary, following consultation with the Director of Medical Education of the Clinical School of the University, as soon as practicable after receiving the notice of the appeal. The F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall comprise the Director of Medical Education of the Clinical School of the University as Chair (or a nominated deputy) and a minimum of four other members, one of whom shall not be a GMC-registered medical practitioner.
7. The Secretary of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, or her or his nominated deputy, shall serve as Clerk to the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel.
8. No member of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall have had any material involvement or interest in respect of the individual case before the panel. All members of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall be required to make a declaration of interest in the case.
9. A F1 doctor may appeal on one or more of the following grounds:
10. A notice of appeal shall be in writing and shall be received by the LETS within twenty-one days of the F1 doctor being notified of the decision.
11. The notice of appeal shall state the grounds on which the appeal is made. The F1 doctor shall not be entitled to rely, during the appeal, without the permission of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel, on any grounds other than those set out in the notice of appeal.
12. On receipt of the notice of appeal, the LETB shall inform the Registrary and the Director of Medical Education of the Clinical School of the University. The Registrary shall then appoint a F1 Doctor Appeal Panel to determine the appeal.
13. If the F1 doctor formally withdraws, in writing, from the F1 Programme at this stage, the LETB shall confirm the position in writing with the F1 doctor and shall inform the Registrary and the Director of Medical Education. The Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall write to the F1 doctor to confirm that no further action will be taken on the appeal.
14. The Chair of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall determine the procedure to be adopted by the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel which shall normally include:
15. The Clerk of the Appeal Panel shall inform the F1 doctor of the procedure to be followed and whether he or she is required to attend any appeal hearing.
16. If the F1 doctor has good cause to object to the membership of a F1 Doctor Appeal Panel, he or she shall provide grounds to the Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel in writing within seven days of being notified of the membership of the panel. The Registrary shall decide whether to replace that member of the panel and shall appoint an alternative member as considered appropriate. The Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall inform the F1 doctor accordingly. The decision of the Registrary shall be final.
17. The F1 doctor may choose to be accompanied by another person chosen by her or him. The F1 doctor shall, at least seven days in advance of any hearing, inform the Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel of the identity and contact details of any such person, her or his relationship to the F1 doctor (if any) and the capacity in which he or she is attending.
18. The hearing shall be held in private unless the Chair of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel agrees to a request from the F1 doctor that the hearing be held in public.
19. The Chair of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall determine the procedure for the conduct of any hearing. The Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall notify the F1 doctor and the members of the panel of the procedure to be followed.
20. The F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall consider its decision in private. The Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall be present throughout the hearing and throughout consideration by the panel of its decision.
21. The F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall normally make a decision on the day of the hearing. If this is not possible the panel shall reserve its decision for a later date to be notified to the parties. The decision of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall be by a simple majority and the Chair shall have a casting vote.
22. The F1 Doctor Appeal Panel may confirm the original decision, or may substitute the previous decision with the recommendation of an alternative course of action in accordance with the options available under F1 Programme guidance.
23. As soon as possible, normally within seven days from the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel hearing, the Clerk of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel shall inform the F1 doctor in writing of the decision.
24. The decision of the F1 Doctor Appeal Panel is final and there is no further right of appeal within the University.
25. The Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine and the LETS shall make a record of the decision and any recommendations or actions to be taken.
26. The Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine shall send a copy of the record to the LETB, HEEoE, and the General Medical Council.