1. Any proceedings against a person to whom the Schedule to Statute C applies shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter III of that Schedule. Proceedings against any other member of the University shall be subject to the provisions of Special Ordinance D (iv) 7.
2. (a) If the Vice-Chancellor has directed under the Schedule to Statute C, Chapter III 8, that a charge is to be preferred against a person to whom the Schedule to Statute C applies, the case shall be presented by the University Advocate.
(b) If in response to a complaint made under Special Ordinance D (iv) 7 the University Advocate determines that proceedings shall be brought against a member of the University before the University Tribunal or the Discipline Committee or the Discipline Board, the case shall be presented either by the Advocate or by the complainant, as may be decided by the Advocate; provided that, if a charge arises from a complaint made by the Proctors, the Advocate shall be responsible for presenting the case on behalf of the University.
3. The Advocate shall give written notice to the Registrary and to the complainant of the decisions taken in accordance with Special Ordinance D (iv) 7 and Regulation 2(b) above; if the Advocate decides that a person is to be charged, written notice shall be given to the Secretary of the appropriate court or disciplinary panel.
4. If a member of the University commits an act or engages in conduct for which he or she is liable to be prosecuted in a court of law and which is also a breach of the general regulations for discipline or other offence against the discipline of the University, such member shall not be charged under the University’s regulations unless the Advocate is satisfied either that any proceedings against the member in a court of law in respect of that act or conduct have been completed and that he or she has been convicted of an offence or that the member is unlikely to be prosecuted in a court of law in respect of that act or conduct.
5. If a member of the University in statu pupillari is charged with a breach of the general regulations for discipline or other offence against the discipline of the University in respect of an act or conduct for which he or she has been convicted of an offence in a court of law, such member may on proof of such conviction have a penalty of deprivation or suspension of membership of the University imposed, or may be rusticated, or deprived of any particular privileges or facilities in the University, provided that such action is in the opinion of the Discipline Committee necessary for the protection of the interests of the University; but he or she shall not be liable to any other penalty.
6. If a member of the University in statu pupillari commits an act which is a breach of the general regulations for discipline or other offence against the discipline of the University and also a breach of the discipline of his or her College, such member shall be charged before a University court or disciplinary panel only if the Advocate is satisfied
7. In these regulations all references to conviction in a court of law shall mean that the court has found that the offence charged has been proved and that the person so charged has not been acquitted either upon trial or upon appeal.