1. There shall be a Cambridge University Students' Union, which shall be an association of members of the University who are pursuing a course of study or research in the University.
2. The constitution of Cambridge University Students' Union shall provide for the objects of the Union to be:
3. No amendment of the constitution of Cambridge University Students' Union to give effect to a change in the objects of the Union shall have effect unless Regulation 2 has been amended by the University. No other amendment of the constitution of Cambridge University Students' Union shall have effect unless approval has been given by the Council.
4. The Council shall have discretion to provide financial assistance to Cambridge University Students' Union.
5. The President of Cambridge University Students' Union shall be the principal financial officer of the Union and shall be accountable to the Council for the financial management of the Union (in addition to his or her accountability and responsibility under the provisions of the constitution of the Union). In the Michaelmas Term of each academical year the President shall submit to the Council estimates of the Union's income and expenditure for the Union's next financial year.
6. Before the division of the Lent Term in each academical year the President of Cambridge University Students' Union shall provide the Council with the audited accounts of the Union for the Union's previous financial year.
7. The offices of President shall be defined, and not more than four other officers of Cambridge University Students' Union designated for the purpose by the Council may be defined, as major offices for the purposes of Section 22(2)(d) of the Education Act 1994; the office of Women’s Officer shall not be so defined. The Council shall have discretion to make an allowance under Regulation 1(b) or 3(a)(i) for Allowances to Candidates for Examinations, where necessary, for the President, all or any of the four designated officers, and the Women’s Officer, of Cambridge University Students' Union, on the application of a Tutor of the respective College.
8. The Council shall have discretion to maintain a working relationship with Cambridge University Students' Union in the manner described in their Notice dated 26 November 1979.35
9. Cambridge University Students' Union shall be recognized by the Council as an organization representing junior members of the University, in University as distinct from College matters, subject to the conditions set out in these regulations.
10. Any member of the Union who wishes to resign membership in a particular academical year shall be entitled to do so by giving notice in writing, on a prescribed form, to the Registrary. The Registrary shall inform the President of the resignation, and the President shall forthwith delete the name of the person from any electoral roll or register of the Union, with immediate effect. Such resignation shall be effective for the remainder of the academical year, and such person shall not be regarded as represented by the Union under the provisions of these regulations. A person who has exercised this right, and who holds an office of the Union, or membership of any committee or other body in the Union, shall thereby vacate it.
11. If a complaint by a member of the Union, or a person who would be entitled to be a member if he or she had not exercised the right of resignation under Regulation 10, cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the officers of the Union, the complainant may refer the complaint to the Junior Proctor, who shall seek the opinion of the appropriate officer or officers of the Union, shall investigate the matter, and shall report on it in writing in such terms as he or she considers appropriate, indicating his or her finding as to whether or not the complaint is upheld, giving such reasons as he or she thinks fit, and stating provisionally what remedy, if any, he or she proposes. Notice of such findings and of any provisional remedy shall be sent by the Junior Proctor to the President or other appropriate officer of the Union, to the complainant, and to the Registrary. The Junior Proctor shall consider any representations made by these persons and shall then confirm, modify, or withdraw his or her findings and provisional remedy. Any remedy so confirmed, whether or not after modification, shall be executed without delay. The final decision of the Junior Proctor shall be notified to the Vice-Chancellor and those to whom the provisional decision was notified. Any functions of the Junior Proctor under this regulation may be delegated by that officer to another Proctor or Pro-Proctor.
12. The President of the Union shall submit to the Council each year in the Michaelmas Term an electoral scheme for the conduct of elections in the Union in the remainder of the academical year. The scheme shall provide for the appointment, subject to confirmation by the Council, of returning officers, and for the Council to receive from the returning officers a report on the conduct of each election.