1. There shall be a Nomination Board which shall consist of
2. The Registrary shall be Secretary of the Nomination Board.
3. When it is known that the office of Chancellor is vacant or, if the vacancy has not yet occurred, that the Chancellor has determined the date on which he or she will resign, the Vice-Chancellor shall give public notice of the matter and of the prescribed date for the purpose of these regulations. If there is a vacancy in the office the date of such notice shall be the prescribed date. If the vacancy has not yet occurred, the prescribed date shall be either the date of such notice or seventy days of term before the vacancy is due to occur, whichever is later. In such notice the Vice-Chancellor shall also invite members of the Senate to submit, within twenty-one days of term after the prescribed date, the names of any persons whom they wish the Nomination Board to consider.
4. Not more than seventy days of term after the prescribed date the Nomination Board shall give public notice of the name of a candidate whom they nominate, and shall certify that they have obtained the candidate's consent in writing to be so nominated; provided that in exceptional circumstances the Council may permit such a nomination to be published at a later date than is here specified.
5. In addition to the candidate nominated by the Nomination Board, any other person shall be eligible whose nomination has been received by the Vice-Chancellor not earlier than the date of publication of the Board's nomination and not later than twenty-eight days of term after that date. Such a nomination shall be signed by not less than fifty members of the Senate, and shall be accompanied by a statement, signed by the nominee, consenting to be so nominated.
6. A candidate who has been duly nominated may withdraw from the election by lodging notice in writing to that effect with the Vice-Chancellor not later than seven days before the first of the days appointed for voting under Regulation 8(b).
7. On receipt of a valid notice of the withdrawal of a candidate the Vice-Chancellor shall give public notice of such withdrawal; and notwithstanding any preceding provision of these regulations, the period within which nominations may be received shall continue for twenty-eight days of term after the day on which such notice is given, and if days for voting have been appointed under Regulation 8(b) their appointment shall be deemed to be rescinded. If the candidate of whose withdrawal the Vice-Chancellor gives notice has been nominated by the Nomination Board, that body shall within twenty-one days of term after the day on which the Vice-Chancellor gives such notice either
8. On the day following the last day on which nominations may be received
9. Voting shall take place between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. on each of the appointed days, provided that, where necessary to allow for all persons who were present before 8 p.m. to cast their vote, the returning officer may announce an extension to these hours. Voting shall be in person, and the method of voting and of counting the votes shall be that provided for in the Single Transferable Vote regulations.
10. If information is received at any time before the completion of the election of the death of any candidate the Vice-Chancellor shall forthwith give public notice of it. All proceedings taken under these regulations before the date of that notice shall be treated as ineffectual, and the provisions of the preceding regulations shall apply as if the date of the notice were the prescribed date.
11. These regulations shall apply to the election of the High Steward in the same way as to the election of the Chancellor.
12. If any day fixed by the application of these regulations is a Sunday, any action to be taken on or by that day shall be taken on or by the following Monday.