Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
Statute D
pp. 40–41

Chapter XIX3


1. There shall be such number of Associate Lectureships as the General Board may from time to time determine. The Board shall assign each Associate Lectureship to a Faculty or Department, as appropriate. The Board shall have power to direct an Appointments Committee to make an appointment or reappointment to a particular Associate Lectureship conditional on the holding of a post specified by the Board in an institution connected with the University.

2. Every appointment or reappointment to a University office of Associate Lecturer shall be made by the Appointments Committee for the Faculty or Department constituted in accordance with Statute D, XVII, 3 or, if the General Board decides that the duties of a particular Associate Lectureship concern more than one Faculty or Department and specifies those Faculties or Departments, by a special Appointments Committee constituted in accordance with Statute D, XVII, 4. Every appointment or reappointment to an office of Associate Lecturer shall be made by the Appointments Committee with the concurrence of the votes (which shall be given in person at a meeting) of at least five members of the Appointments Committee, or of at least two-thirds of the number of members present, whichever is the greater number. An Associate Lecturer shall be appointed and may thereafter be reappointed for such periods not exceeding five years at a time as the Appointments Committee shall determine; provided that if an Associate Lecturer ceases to hold the post in an institution connected with the University which has been specified by the General Board in accordance with section 1 he or she shall thereupon vacate the Associate Lectureship.

3. All Associate Lecturers shall be required to devote themselves to the advancement of knowledge in their subject, to give instruction therein to students, and to promote the interests of the University as a place of education, religion, learning, and research. Every Associate Lecturer shall be required in each academical year to deliver a course or courses of lectures during a number of hours prescribed by the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned, which shall be not less than sixteen, or to do such amount of other teaching as the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or comparable authority shall determine to be equivalent thereto, in a subject or subjects prescribed annually by the Faculty Board or comparable authority.

4. Associate Lecturers shall be subject to such conditions of residence as may be imposed from time to time by Ordinance. They shall not be subject to any of the restrictions imposed by Statute on the teaching which may be given by University Lecturers otherwise than on behalf of the University.

5. No Associate Lecturer shall be paid a stipend by the University unless for a particular Associate Lecturer, after consultation with the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned and with the approval of the Council, the General Board decides otherwise and determines the stipend to be paid and whether it shall be pensionable.


  1. 3. The original Chapter XIX (University Assistant Lecturers) was repealed by Grace 10 of 8 May 2003 and by Order in Council dated 11 February 2004.a