Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
Statute D
pp. 38–40

Chapter XVII


1. There shall be such number of University Lectureships in each Faculty or Department or other institution under the supervision of the General Board as may from time to time be determined by the General Board.

2. Every appointment or reappointment to an office of University Lecturer shall be made by the Appointments Committee constituted in accordance with section 3 below for the Faculty or Department or other institution in which the Lectureship is established or, if the General Board decides that the duties of a particular Lectureship concerned more than one institution, by a special Appointments Committee constituted in accordance with either section 4(a) or section 4(b) below, as the case may be. Every appointment or reappointment to an office of University Lecturer shall be made by the Appointments Committee with the concurrence of the votes (which shall be given in person at a meeting) of at least five members of the Appointments Committee, or of at least two-thirds of the number of members present, whichever is the greater number.

3. The Appointments Committee for a Faculty or Department or other institution under the supervision of the General Board, as the case may be, shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)either(i)when the Lectureship is established in a Faculty, the Chairman of the Faculty Board;
  3. or(ii)when the Lectureship is established in a Department, the Head of that Department;
  4. or(iii)when the Lectureship is established in an institution independent of a Faculty or Department, the Head of the institution;
  5. (c)three persons appointed by the Faculty Board or, in the case of a Lectureship established in a Department independent of any Faculty or an institution independent of any Department or Faculty, three persons appointed by the comparable authority concerned;
  6. (d)two persons appointed by the General Board;

provided that the General Board shall have power to prescribe by Ordinance an alternative constitution for the Appointments Committee for a Department independent of any Faculty or for an institution independent of any Department or Faculty.

4. When the General Board decides that the duties of a particular University Lectureship concern more than one institution and specifies the institution concerned, the appointment or reappointment to such an office shall be made by a special Appointments Committee constituted as follows:

  1. (a)if the duties concern more than one Department in a single Faculty but not the Faculty as a whole, the Appointments Committee constituted as in section 3 above but excluding the Chairman of the Faculty Board and including the Heads of such Departments as may be specified by the General Board;
  2. (b)if the duties concern more than one institution, or any combination of these other than as provided for in subsection (a) above, an Appointments Committee consisting of:
  3. (i)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  4. (ii)the Chairman of the Board of each Faculty which is specified by the General Board as concerned;
  5. (iii)the Head of each Department or other institution which is specified by the General Board as concerned;
  6. (iv)for each institution specified as concerned, a number of persons appointed by the appropriate Faculty Board or Boards, or by the comparable authority or authorities, to be determined as follows:
  7. either(1)for each of two institutions, two persons;
  8. or(2)for each of more than two institutions, one person;
  9. (v)two persons appointed by the General Board.

5. The following provisions shall apply to appointed members of any Appointments Committee constituted in accordance with section 3 or section 4 above:

  1. (a)members shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even, to serve during the two calendar years next ensuing; provided that when an Appointments Committee is newly constituted in accordance with section 3 or section 4 above, or is reconstituted in accordance with section 4 in view of a change in the institutions specified by the General Board as concerned in the duties of the office, the appointed members of the new Appointments Committee shall be appointed forthwith and shall serve until the end of the next calendar year of which the number is even;
  2. (b)no person shall be appointed or reappointed a member of an Appointments Committee who at the commencement of his or her period of service or further period of service, as the case may be, would have attained the age of seventy years.

6. (a) The appointment to a University Lectureship shall be subject to the satisfactory completion of a period of probation under arrangements approved from time to time by the University unless the waiver of this requirement is recommended by the Appointments Committee and approved by the General Board.

(b) On confirmation of an appointment, a University Lecturer shall hold office, subject to the provisions of Statute U, until the retiring age, so long as he or she satisfactorily performs the duties of the office.

7. (a) (Repealed by Grace 3 of 18 February 2004, and by Order in Council dated 17 November 2004.)

(b) The General Board shall have power to direct, either of its own motion or on the recommendation of the Faculty Board, comparable authority, or Appointments Committee concerned, or in order to comply with a trust binding on the University for the time being, that in a special case an appointment or a reappointment to be made by an Appointments Committee shall be for a fixed term, which shall be prescribed by the General Board and which may be shorter than the period specified in section 6(b) above.

8. The General Board, after consulting the Faculty Board or other authority concerned, shall fix for each institution the limits within which the amounts of teaching to be given by all University Lecturers in the institution shall be determined. The lower limit of such teaching shall not be less than thirty hours’ lectures a year; provided that

  1. (a)an equivalent amount of other teaching may be substituted for lectures, the equivalence of such teaching being determined by the General Board;
  2. (b)the General Board shall have power, in exceptional circumstances and on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned, to prescribe for a Lecturer, for periods not exceeding three years at a time, and under such conditions as the General Board may specify, an amount of teaching which is less than that specified above.

9. The amount of teaching to be undertaken by a University Lecturer shall be determined by the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned within the limits fixed by the General Board in accordance with section 8 above. Such teaching shall normally be given during full term, but the Faculty Board or comparable authority, with the approval of the General Board and with the officer's consent, may prescribe that some of it shall be given during the Long Vacation.

10. If a University Lecturer undertakes administrative work in connection with a Faculty, Department, or other institution, the General Board shall have power, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or comparable authority concerned, to allow the Lecturer to count such administrative work as part of the duties for which he or she receives a pensionable stipend as a Lecturer.

11. In prescribing the amount of teaching to be given by a University Lecturer in any year the Faculty Board or comparable authority shall have regard to the character of the subject-matter of the lectures or other teaching, to the time which will be involved in preparation therefor, to any University administrative work approved by the General Board under section 10 above, and to any College administrative work. If a Lecturer considers that the amount of teaching prescribed is unreasonable he or she may appeal to the General Board, whose decision shall be final.

12. A University Lecturer shall not undertake for remuneration during full term without the consent of the General Board any teaching other than teaching given on behalf of the University or a College or Colleges or the delivery of occasional lectures. The amount of teaching given by a University Lecturer on behalf of a College or Colleges shall not, except with the consent of the General Board, exceed twelve hours a week, or, if the Lecturer is a Tutor or Bursar, eight hours a week. The General Board may on account of the nature of the subject or the circumstances of the particular case extend the maximum number of hours a week to fifteen, or if the Lecturer is a Tutor or Bursar to ten. For the purposes of this section the terms Tutor and Bursar shall include Assistant Tutors and Assistant Bursars unless in a particular case the General Board shall decide otherwise.

13. The prime stipends or scales of stipends for University Lecturers shall be determined by the University on the recommendation of the General Board.

14. When there is an incremental scale of prime stipends the General Board shall determine a University Lecturer's place on the scale on appointment. If a revised scale of stipends is approved by the University, it shall be competent for the General Board to alter a University Lecturer's place on the scale in accordance with the objects and conditions of the revision.

15. The prime stipend of a University Lecturer shall be subject, in respect of payments received from a College or Colleges other than payments for teaching and the direction of studies and such occasional payments as may be exempted by the General Board, to deductions to be determined by Ordinance.