1. The M.St. Degree shall be awarded for postgraduate study. A subject of such study, and the special regulations for each subject, shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other body concerned, after consultation with the appropriate Degree Committee, and after submission to, and approval by, the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education.
2. Applications for admission to a course of study leading to the M.St. Degree shall be sent to the Director of Continuing Education. The Director shall communicate each application for admission to the Secretary of the Degree Committee concerned with the applicant's proposed course, having first ascertained that appropriate accommodation, if required, is available in a laboratory or elsewhere. The Degree Committee shall consider the application and shall communicate their opinion thereon to the Director. If the Degree Committee decline the application it shall fail, and the Director shall so inform the applicant. If the Degree Committee agree to recommend approval of the application, their recommendation shall be considered by the Strategic Committee of the Institute, who shall decide upon the application, subject to the approval of the Board of Graduate Studies. Before declining an application recommended by a Degree Committee for approval the Strategic Committee shall give a representative appointed by the Degree Committee an opportunity of explaining the Committee's reasons for their recommendation.
3. Any person may be approved for admission to a course leading to the M.St. Degree who has satisfied the Strategic Committee of the Institute, the Board of Graduate Studies, and the relevant Degree Committee that by reason of previous study he or she is qualified to engage in postgraduate work for the degree. The Strategic Committee shall determine the conditions, if any, of each applicant's admission and shall assign to him or her a date of commencement of candidature. The Director of Continuing Education shall maintain a register of persons who have been approved as candidates for the M.St. Degree; when an applicant has been approved for admission, his or her name shall be entered on the Register.
4. A candidate for the M.St. Degree shall pursue, under a Director of Studies appointed by the Strategic Committee of the Institute, an approved course of postgraduate study comprising a number of course units, which shall include not less than 240 hours of formal instruction and shall extend over a period of two years. Every course of study for the degree, and any amendments of it, shall be approved by the Strategic Committee, the Board of Graduate Studies, and the General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or other body concerned.
5. After considering a recommendation by the Degree Committee concerned, the Strategic Committee may allow a candidate for the degree on account of illness or other sufficient cause to intermit his or her course of study for such period as they may think fit.
6. For each course unit the Degree Committee concerned shall appoint a Supervisor for every student. Each Supervisor shall send to the Director of Continuing Education, at such intervals as may be specified by the Strategic Committee, a written report on the work of each student who is studying for the M.St. Degree under his or her direction; such reports shall be communicated to the Degree Committee concerned, to the Board of Graduate Studies, and to the student's Tutor.
7. A student who is registered as a candidate for the M.St. Degree shall not be admitted as a candidate for any University Studentship, Scholarship, Exhibition, Prize, Medal, or other such award, which is open only to undergraduates. For the purpose of any regulation which governs the standing of candidates for any other emolument, a candidate for the M.St. Degree who is not a graduate of the University shall be deemed to have kept by residence the nine terms next preceding the first term of his or her candidature for the M.St. Degree.
8. While following a course of study leading to an examination for the M.St. Degree, a student shall pay the appropriate University Composition Fee for each year of such study.
9. The examination for the M.St. Degree shall include
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination may include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls as prescribed in the appropriate special regulations. Each candidate shall submit his or her thesis to the Director of Continuing Education by a date to be determined by the Strategic Committee, on the recommendation of the Degree Committee concerned.
10. In submitting a thesis a candidate shall state, generally in a preface and specifically in notes or in a bibliography, the sources from which information has been derived, the extent to which use has been made of the work of others, and the portions of the thesis which are claimed as original.
The Strategic Committee shall not accept a thesis that is substantially the same as one that the candidate has submitted, or is concurrently submitting, for any other degree, diploma, or similar qualification at any university or similar institution, but they may accept a thesis which the candidate has submitted or is concurrently submitting for some other purpose. In submitting a thesis the candidate shall declare for what purpose, if any, other than for the M.St. Degree, the whole or part of it has already been or is concurrently being submitted. The thesis, apart from quotations, shall be written in English.
11. Two copies of the thesis, accompanied by three copies of a summary, shall be sent to the Director of Continuing Education, who shall forward two copies of the thesis and two copies of the summary to the Secretary of the Degree Committee concerned. In special circumstances the Strategic Committee, after consultation with the Degree Committee concerned, may allow a candidate to submit only one copy of the thesis.
12. The Degree Committee concerned shall appoint such number of Examiners and Assessors as they shall deem sufficient to conduct the examination. The Assessors shall undertake such duties as the Degree Committee may decide. The Secretary of the Degree Committee shall communicate to the Director of Continuing Education the name of the Senior Examiner and the names of the Examiners and Assessors.
13. Each candidate's thesis shall be referred by the Degree Committee to two of the Examiners, each of whom shall make an independent report thereon to the Degree Committee. Where the examination includes an oral examination, the two Examiners shall both be present at the oral examination, and shall sign a joint certificate of the result of that examination. If the Examiners do not agree in their recommendations, or if for any other reason the Degree Committee need a further opinion on the merit of a candidate's thesis, the Degree Committee may appoint additional Examiners, provided that not more than one additional Examiner shall be appointed without the leave of the Board of Graduate Studies. Each additional Examiner so appointed shall make an independent report on the thesis to the Degree Committee.
14. If the Degree Committee, at a meeting held to consider the reports of the Examiners, approve the candidate’s performance as of the requisite standard for the M.St. Degree and are of the opinion that the degree should be conferred, the Degree Committee shall communicate their resolution to the candidate, to the Strategic Committee of the Institute and to the Secretary of the Board of Graduate Studies who shall publish a notice of the candidate’s approval for the award of the degree of Master of Studies.
15. If the Degree Committee, after consideration of a candidate’s marks and the reports of the Examiners in the prescribed examination, are of the opinion that the candidate’s work is not of the requisite standard for the degree, the Degree Committee shall communicate their resolution to the candidate and to the Secretary of the Board of Graduate Studies and to the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education. After such a resolution has been passed, the student shall not be eligible to take the examination for the degree again.
16. If the Tutor of a candidate for the degree supplies the Board of Graduate Studies with satisfactory evidence that the candidate has been hindered by illness or other grave cause in preparing for or taking the examination or any part of the examination for the degree, and such representations are received by the Secretary of the Board not later than three months after the date on which the result of the examination was communicated, the Board shall have power, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the relevant regulations,
Representations received after the prescribed time limit shall not be considered. The Secretary of the Board shall communicate any decision by the Board under this regulation to the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education.
A student, or her or his Tutor with the student’s consent, may seek review of a decision in relation to that student made by the Board of Graduate Studies. A request for review shall be made in writing, stating the grounds of review, normally within one month of written notification of the Board’s decision (unless, in exceptional circumstances, the Registrary or a deputy permits a longer period). If the request includes, in the opinion of the Chair of the Board, relevant additional information not previously available, the Board will reconsider its decision at its next meeting following receipt of the request. If no such additional information is included or if, on reconsideration, the decision is reaffirmed by the Board, the procedure described in the following paragraphs shall apply.
The Registrary or a deputy shall appoint a reviewer. Exceptionally, a panel of three reviewers may be appointed. If so, references below to ‘the reviewer’ shall be construed accordingly.
The reviewer will consider the request, the documentation available to the Board (less any confidential medical information), the Ordinances which apply to the Board’s decision, and the Board’s Notes of Guidance. He or she will obtain an opinion from the Board, seek such other information as he or she may require and, at her or his discretion, may hold a hearing (but there is no obligation to hold a hearing). The reviewer will issue an adjudication in writing as soon as possible, stating findings of fact, conclusions, and, if any, recommendations, for consideration by the Board. The reviewer shall be concerned with determining whether there is evidence of: inadequate consideration of the matter by the Board; the Board having made a decision, to the detriment of the student, which is inconsistent with the relevant Ordinances or its own Notes of Guidance; or material circumstances of which the Board was unaware and which were of such a nature as, had the Board been so aware, to have been likely to cause the Board to have reached a different decision.
The Board shall normally accept the recommendation of the reviewer. If, exceptionally, the reviewer’s recommendation is not accepted a written explanation shall be provided to the reviewer, the student, and her or his Tutor. The Board may decide not to accept a recommendation in any instance in which: (i) the reviewer has sought to make a decision replacing that of the Board; (ii) the reviewer’s recommendation is inconsistent with the Ordinances governing Allowances; or (iii) the reviewer’s recommendation is such that, were it to be accepted, it would set a precedent which would not be in the interests of the proper conduct of the Board’s business or in the wider interests of the University.
The conclusion of the consideration by the Board of Graduate Studies of any recommendation by a review shall be the normal final point of decision within the University. A reviewer may summarily dismiss an application which seems to her or him to be vexatious or frivolous.
17. The fees payable to Supervisors (Regulation 6) and to Examiners and Assessors (Regulation 12) shall be determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education, who shall consult the Board of Graduate Studies before making such a recommendation.
18. Payment of travelling expenses and a subsistence allowance may be claimed by Examiners in accordance with Regulation 11 of the regulations for the Ph.D., M.Sc., and M.Litt. Degrees.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Advanced Subject Teaching for the degree of Master of Studies shall be as follows:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls; such an oral examination may include questions relating to one or more of the other pieces of work submitted by the candidate under (a) and (b) above.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Applied Criminology and Police Management for the degree of Master of Studies shall be as follows:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls; such an oral examination may include questions relating to one or more of the other pieces of work submitted by the candidate under (a) and (b) above.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Applied Criminology, Penology, and Management for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls; such an oral examination may include questions relating to one or more of the other pieces of work submitted by the candidate under (a) and (b) above.
1. The scheme of examination for the course of study in Building History for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
2. The examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Construction Engineering for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination may include an oral examination on any or all of the components of the examination specified under (a) to (c) above, and on the general field of knowledge within which they fall.
1. The scheme of examination for the course of study in Creative Writing for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
2. At the discretion of the Examiners the examination may include an oral examination; such an oral examination may include questions relating to one or more of the other pieces of work submitted by the candidate under (a) and (b) above.
1. The scheme of examination for the course of study in Historic Environment for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
2. At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment for the degree of Master of Studies shall be as follows:
1. For the purpose of the general regulations for the degree, the Degree Committee concerned with this examination shall be the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art.
2. The examination shall consist of:
3. At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
1. The scheme of examination for the course of study in International Relations for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
2. The arrangements for announcing the set topics for essays shall be made by the Degree Committee.
3. The examination may include, at the discretion of the Examiners, an oral examination on the thesis, or on the general field of knowledge within which this falls, or both.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Jewish-Christian Relations for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Local and Regional History for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Manufacturing for the degree of Master of Studies shall consist of:
At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.
The scheme of examination for the course of study in Sustainability Leadership for the degree of Master of Studies shall be as follows:
1. For the purpose of the general regulations for the degree, the Degree Committee concerned with the examination shall be the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management.
2. The examination shall consist of:
3. At the discretion of the Examiners the examination shall include an oral examination on the thesis and on the general field of knowledge within which it falls.