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No 6750

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Vol cliv No 40

pp. 799–852


Congregation of the Regent House on 18 July 2024

A Congregation was held at 9.30 a.m. The Graces submitted to the Regent House (Reporter, 6749, 2023–24, p. 789) and the supplicat for degrees to be conferred in absence were approved and the Congregation dissolved. Ceremonies to mark the conferral of these degrees then took place.

Congregation of the Regent House on 19 July 2024

A Congregation was held at 9.30 a.m. The Grace submitted to the Regent House (Reporter, 6749, 2023–24, p. 790) and the supplicat for degrees to be conferred in absence were approved and the Congregation dissolved. Ceremonies to mark the conferral of these degrees then took place.

Congregation of the Regent House on 20 July 2024

A Congregation was held at 9.30 a.m. The Graces submitted to the Regent House (Reporter, 6749, 2023–24, p. 790) and the supplicat for degrees to be conferred in absence were approved and the Congregation dissolved. Ceremonies to mark the conferral of these degrees then took place.

Result of ballot on Grace 2 of 12 June 2024 (EJRA) and an amendment

23 July 2024

The Registrary gives notice that, as a result of the ballot held between 10 and 22 July 2024, Grace 2 of 12 June 2024, recommending the retention of the of the Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) but with changes to its scope and other revisions to the University’s Retirement Policy, was approved.

The Council had already called a vote on the Grace’s proposals. Following the receipt of an amendment proposing the abolition of the EJRA for all officers, the Council agreed on 28 June to add the amendment to the ballot paper with some minor changes to the drafting (Reporter, 6748, 2023–24, p. 727). The 28 June Notice also confirmed the options on the ballot paper as follows:

(A)In favour of the Grace in its original form

The EJRA only applies to academic officers, the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellors

The EJRA takes effect at the end of the academic year those officers reach 69

The changes to the Retirement Policy and Ordinances are made with effect from 1 September 2024, as set out in the Report

(B)In favour of the Grace as amended

The EJRA is abolished for all officers, both academic and academic-related, with immediate effect

(C)Against the Grace, whether in its original or amended form

The EJRA is retained for all officers, both academic and academic-related, as it currently stands, retiring at the end of the academic year in which they reach 67

The results of the voting, conducted under the Single Transferable Vote regulations (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 121), are shown below.

Number of valid votes cast: 3,498 (no invalid votes) (Quota: 1,749)

First count

Transfer of option (C) votes

Second count


(A) EJRA of 69 for academic officers, Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellors only





(B) Abolition of the EJRA for all officers




(C) No change: EJRA of 67 for all officers









Eleven fly-sheets signed by members of the Regent House, two fly-sheets signed by members of the Regent House and University employees, and one fly-sheet signed by registered students and sabbatical officers of the University of Cambridge Students’ Union were received in relation to this ballot. The Council also issued a statement in response. In accordance with the Council’s Notice on Discussions and Fly-sheets (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 116), the thirteen fly-sheets signed by members of the Regent House (including the two mixed fly-sheets) and the Council statement are reprinted below (from p. 829); the student fly-sheet is not reproduced.

E. M. C. RAMPTON, Registrary