The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Mathematics, has approved the amendment of the regulations for the Mathematical Tripos and the course in Mathematics for the degree of Master of Advanced Study so as to reduce the amount of non-essay units of assessment.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 389)
Regulation 15.
By removing the word ‘optional’ from the first sentence of Regulation 15.
Regulations 16–18.
By replacing the text of Regulations 16, 17 and 18 with the following:
16. Before the last day of the Full Michaelmas Term next preceding the examination the Examiners shall announce a number of topics for an essay. A candidate may request permission to submit an essay on a topic other than those announced, provided that the request is made, through the candidate’s Director of Studies, so as to reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board not later than 1 February next preceding the examination. Any additional topics approved by the Examiners shall be announced by them not later than 1 March next preceding the examination.
17. A candidate may submit an essay on a topic that has been announced under Regulation 16, in accordance with instructions that shall be announced by the Chair of the Faculty of Mathematics, or their duly appointed Deputy, not later than the division of the Michaelmas Term next preceding the examination. At the discretion of the Examiners the examination may include an oral examination on the candidate’s essay.
18. Each candidate shall submit a form, countersigned by their Director of Studies, to the Chair of Examiners, so as to arrive not later than 12 noon of the second Thursday of the Full Easter Term in which the examination is to be held, listing the titles of the papers that they wish to offer, and the title of their essay. No candidate shall offer written papers whose total duration amounts to more than sixteen hours, and each candidate may offer one essay in accordance with the provisions of Regulations 16 and 17.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 446)
By removing the word ‘optional’ from the first sentence of the special regulations for Mathematics.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 470)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, has approved the amendment of the Curriculum Regulations for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery to ensure that course progression regulations are appropriately maintained when the new Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) is implemented, and to be consistent with General Board’s decision to allow University affiliation to be granted to clinical placement providers, as follows:
Regulation 3(f).
By revising Regulation 3(f) to read as follows:
(f)the term approved assessments and courses of clinical instruction shall mean: courses or placements which are held in the University, University Hospital, Teaching Hospital Partner, Affiliated Teaching Hospital, or Affiliated Teaching General Practice, or other institution associated with the University as the Faculty Board may approve for the purpose of these regulations, and which have been approved by the Faculty Board as courses appropriate to a Part of the Final M.B. Examination; assessments which may take various forms, and may take place as part of a placement or may be set by an external body such as the General Medical Council or UK Foundation Programme, and which have been approved by the Faculty Board as appropriate to a Part of the Final M.B. Examination.
Regulations 15, 18 and 19.
By revising the text of Regulations 15, 18 and 19 to read as follows:
15. The number of components for examination shall be determined by the Faculty of Clinical Medicine, and a list of the components, as well as a timetable for each sitting of the examinations, shall be published in the Michaelmas Term. Except by permission of the Faculty Board under exceptional circumstances, in any calendar year, there shall be no more than two sittings of Part I, Part II and the written components of Part III, and no more than one sitting of the clinical components of Part III. The examinations shall normally be held in accordance with the following timetable.
Part I shall be held in June or July and Part II shall be held in the Easter Term. The written component(s) of Part III shall be held in December or January, and the clinical component(s) of Part III shall be held in the Easter Term.
Part I and Part II shall also be held in September or October; the written components of Part III shall also be held in the Lent Term.
Candidates for Part III shall also be required to undertake the Prescribing Safety Assessment, which shall be held in the Lent and Easter Terms. They shall also be required to undertake a clinical apprenticeship, which shall take place following Part III clinical component examinations. Except by special permission of the Faculty Board in exceptional circumstances, students must pass the Prescribing Safety Assessment and must satisfactorily complete the clinical apprenticeship before the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery can be awarded.
18. Except by permission of the Faculty Board under exceptional circumstances, and subject to any conditions determined by the Board
(a)a student who proposes to be a candidate for any Part of the Final M.B. Examination shall produce evidence of having satisfactorily completed the approved assessments and courses of clinical instruction appropriate to that Part;
(b)with the exception of Cambridge Graduate Course students, a student’s course of clinical instruction shall not count towards the requirements of the Final M.B. Examination if it began before the student’s completion of the Second M.B. Examination, or if it began before the student obtained the degree required under Regulation 17 above .
19. Except by permission of the Faculty Board under exceptional circumstances, and subject to any conditions determined by the Board
(a)a student who has failed to complete satisfactorily any part of the approved assessments and courses of clinical instruction, including permitted reassessments as specified by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, shall not be permitted to progress to the next course of clinical instruction or assessment.
(b)a Cambridge Graduate Course student who has not successfully completed the Second M.B. Examination shall not be permitted to be a candidate for Part II of the Final M.B. Examination.
Regulation 20.
By adding an initial sentence to Regulation 20 and amending the text of sub-paragraph (a) as follows:
20. Except by permission of the Faculty Board under exceptional circumstances, and subject to any conditions determined by the Board
(a)A student who is a candidate for the first time for Part I, Part II, or Part III shall offer all components.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 539)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Business and Management, has approved a change to the title of the examination for the degree of Master of Philosophy by Advanced Study in Strategy, Marketing and Operations to Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Organisational Behaviour to more clearly represent all taught areas of the course. The title of the special regulations and text of Regulation 1 will be updated accordingly.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 539)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Divinity, has approved amendments to the special regulations for the examination in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion for the degree of Master of Philosophy by Advanced Study to amend the scheme of examination as follows:
Regulation 1(a).
By amending the text of Regulation 1(a) to read as follows:
(a)a dissertation of not more than 15,000 words in length on a subject approved by the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Divinity; and
Regulations 2 and 3.
By amending the text of Regulations 2 and 3 to read as follows:
2. A candidate’s choice of written work shall be made with the approval of the Degree Committee and in the light of the prerequisites for a dissertation in their chosen subject area and of the coherence of the candidate’s programme, by the end of the Michaelmas Term for a candidate on the one-year full-time course, and by the end of the Michaelmas Term of the first year for a candidate on the two-year part-time course.
3. The subject areas available for examination and the arrangements for the submission of the written work shall be announced by the Degree Committee no later than the end of the Easter Term of the academic year preceding that in which the examination is to be held.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 556)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Strategic Committee of the Institute for Continuing Education, has approved the withdrawal of the course of study in Crime and Thriller Writing for the degree of Master of Studies from 1 October 2024.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 594)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Divinity, has approved an amendment to the regulations for the Diploma in Theology for Ministry to amend the scheme of examination as follows:
Regulation 3(c).
By amending the text of Regulation 3(c) to read as follows:
(c)a dissertation, which shall count as one full paper, on any topic approved by the Faculty Board, in accordance with the arrangements published by the Faculty Board under Regulation 17 for the B.Th. Degree.