Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6718

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Vol cliv No 8

pp. 109–121



25 November, Saturday. Congregation of the Regent House at 10 a.m.

29 November, Wednesday. End of third quarter of Michaelmas Term.

1 December, Friday. Full Term ends.

5 December, Tuesday. Discussion by videoconference at 2 p.m. (see below).

Discussions (Tuesdays at 2 p.m.)

Congregations (at 10 a.m. unless otherwise stated)

5 December

12 December

25 November

Additional Discussion on Tuesday, 5 December 2023: Process for Senate elections

The Council has scheduled an additional Discussion to be held on 5 December 2023 (see paragraph 1 of the Report on p. 113). The Vice-Chancellor accordingly invites members of the Senate, members of the Regent House, University and College employees, registered students and others qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 111) to attend the Discussion, to be held by videoconference on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 at 2 p.m. The following item will be discussed:

1.Report of the Council, dated 10 November 2023, on a revised nomination and election process for Senate elections (p. 113).

Those wishing to join the Discussion by videoconference should email from their University email account (if they have one), providing their CRSid (if a member of the collegiate University), by 10 a.m. on the date of the Discussion to receive joining instructions. Alternatively contributors may email their remarks to, copying, by no later than 10 a.m. on the day of the Discussion for reading out by the Proctors,1 or may ask someone else who is attending to read the remarks on their behalf.

In accordance with the regulations for Discussions, the Chair of the Board of Scrutiny or any ten members of the Regent House2 may request that the Council arrange for one or more of the items listed for discussion to be discussed in person (usually in the Senate-House). Requests should be made to the Registrary, on paper or by email to from addresses within the domain, by no later than 9 a.m. on the day of the Discussion. Any changes to the Discussion schedule will be confirmed in the Reporter at the earliest opportunity.

General information on Discussions is provided on the University Governance site at


Mere’s Commemoration: Preacher appointed

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that she has appointed Dr Ruth Jackson Ravenscroft, Bye-Fellow, Tutor and Director of Studies of Sidney Sussex College, Bye-Fellow and Director of Studies of Lucy Cavendish College, member and Director of Studies of Corpus Christi College, Foundation Year Teaching Associate and Affiliated Lecturer in the Faculty of Divinity, to preach the sermon at the annual commemoration of John Mere, in St Bene’t’s Church, at 11.45 a.m. on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.

Election of a member of the Council’s Finance Committee in class (b)

A vacancy will arise on the Council’s Finance Committee for a member of the Regent House, elected by representatives of the Colleges, to serve for three years from 1 January 2024.

The election is conducted in accordance with the Single Transferable Vote regulations.1 Voting is by postal ballot.

Nominations should be made in writing to the Director of Governance and Compliance, University Offices, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, and must include a statement by the person nominated that they are willing to serve on the Finance Committee. Nominations and statements should be made by 12 noon on Friday, 24 November 2023. Nominations should be supported by the signatures of two members of the Regent House.

If a ballot is necessary, papers will be dispatched by Friday, 1 December, for return by 12 noon on Tuesday, 12 December 2023.

Pilot registration process for online voting in votes of the Senate

2 November 2023

In July 2023, the Senate approved changes to introduce electronic voting in elections and other votes of the Senate (Reporter, 2022–23: 6703, p. 715; 6708, p. 849). Members of the Senate1 can now choose to cast their votes in person or online. The Report presenting the proposal noted that there would be an additional step for those voting online, who would need to register so that their identity could be verified before granting access to voting systems. This Notice provides information about the proposed registration process.

The Council has agreed to run a pilot registration process. The process involves completion of a short online form that requests details from which Senate membership can be checked and confirmed against University records. Members of the Senate are invited to comment on the process by 5 p.m. on 26 January 2024 by emailing After that date, the Council will publish an update providing details of the final registration process after taking account of feedback received. The pilot registration form is available at:

Registration confirmed during the pilot will count as registration for the purposes of future votes of the Senate. Members of the Senate who take part in the pilot will therefore not need to complete the form again, unless they wish to update their details or voting preferences.

In the pilot process, members of the Regent House who already vote online in votes of the Regent House are automatically opted in to voting online in votes of the Senate. Members of the Regent House can use the registration form to change their voting method to in-person voting or, having changed to in-person voting, to revert to online voting at a later date.


Implementation of Topping Study recommendations

9 November 2023

In July, the Council published a study exploring the implications of a Grace proposing an end to all sponsorship and collaboration with companies involved in the fossil fuel industry (Reporter, 6709, 2022–23, p. 854). The Study, led by Nigel Topping, former UN Climate Change High Level Champion for COP26, made four recommendations. The Council also reported that it had asked a working group to consider whether, and if so how, the Study’s recommendations might be implemented, and to propose a format for consultation on the Grace, informed by the findings of the Topping Study. The working group’s report, together with background reports on the internal and external context, are available at (Raven required).

In October, the Council agreed with the following four actions proposed by the working group to take forward the Topping Study’s recommendations:

1.To develop an institutional academic strategy in climate and sustainability, building upon the University’s interdisciplinary research strengths, capabilities and ambitions. If the Regent House supports the Council’s proposal to create an additional office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for sustainability,1 the person appointed to that role is likely to play a significant part in the development and implementation of the strategy.

2.The Committee on Benefactions and External and Legal Affairs to review its processes with reference to the feedback from the Topping Study and mindful of the priorities set out in a future strategy in climate and sustainability.

3.The Head of Sustainable Procurement to establish a plan, in the context of the new Procurement Strategy under development, to meet ISO 20400 standards for Sustainable Procurement.

4.To provide a plan for engaging with members of the University community, including students, to support the exchange of views on the issues raised, so that those views can inform the development of the strategy in climate and sustainability.

Community engagement will start this term, with several meetings with heads of institutions, academic staff, professional services staff, and students. The Council will announce details of these meetings in the Reporter. The Council will also publish updates as progress is made towards its other goals.