Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6575

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Vol cl No 17

pp. 305–323

Notices by Faculty Boards, etc.

Classical Tripos, Part II, 2020–21

The Faculty Board of Classics gives notice of the following amendments to Part II of the Classical Tripos in 2020–21:

Group B (Philosophy)

Paper B1. Plato

The text for study will be Theaetetus [currently Phaedo].

Group C (History)

The form of examination for Paper C1 will be as follows:

Paper C1. Thucydides
The examination for this paper will consist of a three-hour written paper which will be undivided. Candidates will be required to attempt three questions.

Management Studies Tripos, 2019–20: Correction

The Faculty Board of Business and Management gives notice of a correction to the published methods of assessment for the Management Studies Tripos in 2019–20 (see Reporter, 6556, 2018–19, p. 819).

In the list of modules offered under Regulation 10, Coursework, the assessment for MSE8 Environment and sustainability was incorrectly listed as ‘Individual take-home essay (100%)’. The assessment for this module will be by presentation (40%) and one term paper (60%).

The Faculty Board is confident that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by the change.

Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II (Psychology), 2020–21: Paper 4 options

The Faculty Board of Biology gives notice of the following optional papers which are offered for Paper 4 of the Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II Psychology in the academic year 2020–21:


Developmental Psychopathology (Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos, Part II)


Advanced Topics in Social and Applied Psychology (Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos, Part II)


The Family (Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos, Part II)