The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 105) will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 18 October 2019.
1. That an SF Express Fund be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:1
1. The benefaction received from SF Express, together with such other sums as may be received or applied for the same purpose, shall form an endowment fund called the SF Express Fund to advance research in the field of information and manufacturing engineering by supporting an SF Express Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Engineering.
2. The Managers shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund and the application of its income and shall comprise three members of the Department of Engineering appointed by the Faculty Board of Engineering for such period as the Board shall determine, one of whom shall be appointed Chair by the Board.
3. Subject to Regulation 4, the income of the Fund shall be applied towards the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the SF Express Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Engineering payable by the University.
4. Any unexpended income in any financial year, including income accrued during a vacancy in the SF Express Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Engineering, may, at the discretion of the Managers:
(a)be applied to support the work of the SF Express Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Engineering in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers;
(b)with the approval of the General Board, be applied to support research in the field of engineering in the University in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers; and/or
(c)be carried forward for use as income in accordance with Regulation 3 in any one or more subsequent financial years.
2. That a Jessica Sainsbury Anthropology of Amazonia Fund be established in the University, to be governed by the following regulations:1
1. The benefaction received from The Staples Trust, together with such other sums as may be received or applied for the same purpose, shall form an endowment fund called the Jessica Sainsbury Anthropology of Amazonia Fund to advance research in the field of anthropology by supporting a Jessica Sainsbury Lectureship in the Anthropology of Amazonia.
2. The Managers shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund and the application of its income and shall comprise the Head of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (or nominated Deputy), the Chair of the Faculty Board of Human, Social and Political Science, and the Head of the Department of Social Anthropology, one of whom shall be Chair.
3. Subject to Regulation 4, the income of the Fund shall be applied towards the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Jessica Sainsbury Lectureship in the Anthropology of Amazonia payable by the University.
4. Any unexpended income in any financial year, including income accrued during a vacancy in the Lectureship, may:
(a)with the approval of the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, be applied to support the work of the Lecturer in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers;
(b)with the approval of the General Board, be applied to support research in the field of anthropology in the University in such manner as may be recommended by the Managers; and/or
(c)be carried forward for use as income in accordance with Regulation 3 in any one or more subsequent financial years.
3. That in the regulations for Endowed University Lectureships (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 779), Regulation 1 be amended to allocate the Modern Greek Fund and the Lewis-Gibson Lectureship in Modern Greek to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, and the following sentences be added at the end of Regulation 6:2
The Managers of the Fund shall be two members of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics appointed by the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics and one member of the Faculty of Classics appointed by the Faculty Board of Classics, one of whom shall be appointed Chair by the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics. The Managers shall be appointed for such terms as the respective Faculty Boards shall determine.
4. That Regulation 2 of the regulations for the AT&T Cambridge Laboratories Prize in Communications Engineering (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 783) be amended by replacing 'distinction in any area of electrical or information engineering' with 'distinction in any area of information engineering'.3
5. That in Regulation 7 of the regulations for the El-Erian Fund for Economics and Policy (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 841), the reference to Special Ordinance C (vii) B.1(c)(iii) be updated to refer to Special Ordinance C (vii) B.5.4
6. That Regulations 2 and 5 of the regulations for the Jebb Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 885) be amended to read as follows:5
2. The income of the Fund shall be used for the encouragement of Classical and other literary studies by the provision of Studentships in accordance with Regulations 5–13.
The Studentships shall be limited to those in the following three Faculties: Classics, Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, and English.
5. The annual income of the Fund shall be used to provide the emolument of three Jebb Studentships which shall be offered annually, one for the advanced study of some subject in the field of literature written in a European language from the time of the foundation of Constantinople to the birth of Dante, one for the advanced study of some subject in the field of literature written in a European language from the time of the birth of Dante onwards, and one for the advanced study of some subject in the field of literature written in a European language of any period.
The Electors interpret the term literature broadly, to cover projects that include visual culture and other related forms.
7. That Regulation 4 of the regulations for the Charles Lamb Prize (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 899) be amended by replacing 'greatest proficiency in any area of electrical or information engineering' with 'greatest proficiency in any area of electrical engineering'.3
1See the Vice-Chancellor’s Notice on p. 34.
2The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and the Faculty Boards of Classics and of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, is proposing these changes so that only one Faculty is responsible for the administration of the Modern Greek Fund and the Lewis-Gibson Lectureship which the Fund supports. The Faculty of Classics will retain an interest by one of its members serving as a Manager of the Fund.
3The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and the Faculty Board of Engineering, is proposing these changes which reflect the recent division of electrical and information engineering into two separate teaching groups and align with the purposes of the respective Funds.
4See Grace 8 of 24 July 2019 and Statutes and Ordinances, p. 80. The Council is submitting this Grace to correct a reference.
5The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and the Electors, is proposing these changes to remove the phrase 'European literature' from the regulations and insert wording that reflects more closely the main purpose of the Fund, which is to encourage Classical and other literary studies.