The Council submits the following Graces to the Regent House. These Graces, unless they are withdrawn or a ballot is requested in accordance with the regulations for Graces of the Regent House (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 105) will be deemed to have been approved at 4 p.m. on Friday, 1 March 2019.
1. That PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP be reappointed, in accordance with Statute F I 5, to be the qualified accountants for the audit of the University's financial statements for the financial year 2018–19.
2. That the Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme Fund be established, to be governed by the following regulations.1
1. The sum of £54m given to the University by the Trustees of the David and Claudia Harding Foundation shall form a fund called the Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme Fund.
2. The purpose of the Fund shall be to support outstanding Ph.D. students in any discipline at the University.
3. There shall be an Advisory Committee which shall comprise the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for Education, who shall be Chair, the Master of St Catharine's College, and up to seven academic leaders appointed by the Vice-Chancellor to provide a balanced cross-section of members from a range of research disciplines drawn from the University and the Colleges. The Advisory Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund and the application of its income. The Advisory Committee may delegate any or all of its functions to an Administrative Committee, which shall comprise the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for Education, who shall be Chair, and at least two other members appointed by the Advisory Committee.
4. Subject to Regulation 5, the income of the Fund shall be used as follows:
(a)at least 50/54ths of the income shall be applied to support Ph.D. students, and the awards shall be called Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarships. Arrangements for awards, including the number, tenure and conditions of Studentships to be awarded in any given year, the expenses to be covered by an award, and the form of the application and selection processes, shall be at the discretion of the Advisory Committee and shall provide for applications by persons who are not yet members of the University and for the financial circumstances of candidates to be taken into consideration;
(b)up to 4/54ths of the income may be applied to support the administration of the Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme including but not limited to the payment of the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of one or more posts relating to the administration of the Programme payable by the University.
5. Any unexpended income in any financial year may, at the discretion of the Advisory Committee, be awarded to support the Harding Distinguished Scholars Programme in any one or more subsequent financial years.
6. In the event of a significant change in circumstances following the establishment of the Fund, the Advisory Committee may recommend that the income is applied more effectively in an alternative way, provided that in such circumstances the income shall be applied for a purpose as close as possible to the purpose of the Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholars Programme. In the event of such a recommendation, the University may make any changes recommended by the Advisory Committee.
3. That in Regulation 2 of the regulations for the Dr E. J. Bles Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 790), the reference to the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Cell Biology be replaced with a reference to the Director of the Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute.2
4. That in Regulation 2 of the regulations for the Bhaonagar Medal and Prize (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 789), the reference to Part II of the Oriental Studies Tripos be replaced with a reference to Part II of the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos.3
5. That in Regulation 1 of the regulations for the Brotherton Prize (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 794), the reference to Part II of the Oriental Studies Tripos be replaced with a reference to Part II of the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos.3
6. That in Regulation 2 of the regulations for the Robert M. Somers Prize (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 976), the reference to Part II of the Oriental Studies Tripos be replaced with a reference to Part II of the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos.3
7. That in the regulations for the Avik Chakravarty Memorial Fund for Physics (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 805) and for the Mott Publication Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 914), Regulation 2 be revised to read as follows:4
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Physics, who shall be Chair, and two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry for such periods as the Faculty Board shall determine.
8. That in the regulations for the Fitzpatrick Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 837), the Clerk Maxwell Memorial Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 903), the F. W. Aston Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 777), the McLatchie Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 897), and the W. P. Napier Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 916), in Regulation 2 the reference to the Cavendish Professor of Physics or Cavendish Professor be replaced with a reference to the Managers, new Regulation 2 inserted as follows and the existing regulations renumbered accordingly:4
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Physics, who shall be Chair, and two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry for such periods as the Faculty Board shall determine.
9. That in the regulations for the Napier Shaw Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 917), in Regulation 3 the reference to the Cavendish Professor be replaced with a reference to the Managers, new Regulation 2 inserted as follows and the existing regulations renumbered accordingly and cross-references updated:4
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Physics, who shall be Chair, and two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry for such periods as the Faculty Board shall determine.
10. That the regulation for the Philosophical Magazine Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 930) be numbered 1, the reference in it to the Cavendish Professor be replaced with a reference to the Managers, and new Regulation 2 inserted as follows:4
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Physics, who shall be Chair, and two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry for such periods as the Faculty Board shall determine.
11. That the regulation for the Sir J. J. Thomson Fund (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 990) be numbered 1, the text ‘at the disposal of the Cavendish Professor to use as he or she thinks fit' be replaced with ‘at the disposal of the Managers to use as they think fit', and new Regulation 2 inserted as follows:4
2. The Managers of the Fund shall be the Head of the Department of Physics, who shall be Chair, and two persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry for such periods as the Faculty Board shall determine.
1See the Vice-Chancellor's Notice (p. 414).
2The Council, on the recommendation of General Board and the Managers of the Fund, is proposing the above change, now that the Plummer Professorship of Cell Biology is vacant and there has been agreement among the Schools to support Plummer Professorships in other research areas.
3The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board and the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, proposes these amendments to trust fund regulations to acknowledge the changes to the Triposes approved by Grace 2 of 12 March 2008.
4The Council, on the recommendation of the General Board, the Faculty Board of Physics and Chemistry and with the support of the current holder of the Cavendish Professorship of Physics, proposes the above changes to put in place three Managers for each Fund, including the Head of the Department of Physics as Chair. The opportunity is also being taken to remove outdated references, including to the Cavendish Professorship now that it is no longer linked to the role of Head of the Department of Physics.
The Council has sanctioned the submission of the following Graces to the Regent House at a Congregation to be held on Saturday, 23 February 2019:1
That the following person be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts by incorporation:
9.Jonathan Spence, Fellow of Queens' College, Master of Arts of the University of Oxford (1992).
That the following seven persons be admitted to the degree of Master of Arts under the provisions of Statute B II 2:
10.Yasmin Faghihi, Assistant Under-Librarian in the University Library.
11.Huw Eifion Jones, Under-Librarian in the University Library.
12.Jayne Emily Kelly, Assistant Under-Librarian in the University Library.
13.Benedikt Löwe, Overseas Fellow of Churchill College.
14.James Richard Mackenzie, Advisory Officer in the Estate Management Division of the University Offices.
15.Nicolas Watkins-Wright, Administrative Officer in the Academic Division of the University Offices.
16.Kristin Holly Williams, of Wolfson College, Assistant Under-Librarian in the University Library.
17. That, notwithstanding Regulation 4 of the regulations for the Proctors and Pro-Proctors (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 696), Gordon Chesterman, M.A., of St Edmund's College, be appointed an additional Pro‑Proctor until 30 September 2019.2
1These Graces will be submitted at the Congregation in addition to the Honorary Degree Graces (Reporter, 6536, 2018–19, p. 392).
2This appointment is proposed to fill the vacancy created by the nomination of Mr Timothy Milner, of Darwin College, to serve as Proctor until 1 October 2019 (see p. 415).
E. M. C. RAMPTON, Registrary