Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 854), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Bioscience Enterprise for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
'Extramural participation and entrepreneurship' (Reference: T6) will not be an assessed component for examination in the academical year 2018–19.
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 855), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Biotechnology for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
In addition to those previously notified, the following module will now be taken as a core course in the academical year 2018–19:
Biotechnology practical course |
Coursework |
The following modules will now not be available for examination in the academical year 2018–19:
C1 |
Optical microscopy |
Examination |
C3 |
Healthcare biotechnology |
Examination |
4G4 |
Biomimetics |
Coursework |
In addition, the module named ‘Systems biology’ now has the reference SB (previously notified as MAM2) and will be assessed by coursework (previously notified as examination).
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 855), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Energy Technologies for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as Electives in the academical year 2018–19:
4B21 |
Analogue integrated circuits |
Examination |
4E1 |
Innovation and strategic management of intellectual property |
Coursework |
4F2 |
Robust and non-linear systems and control |
Examination |
4F12 |
Computer vision |
Examination |
4I7 |
Electricity and environment |
Coursework |
4M22 |
Climate change mitigation |
Coursework |
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 856), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Engineering for Sustainable Development for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
In addition to those previously notified, the following module will now be offered as an Elective in the academical year 2018–19, with the teaching taking place in the Michaelmas Term:
CDS4 |
Globalization and development |
Coursework |
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 858), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
The following module will no longer be offered in 2018–19:
Statistical spoken dialogue systems (half) |
Coursework |
The following modules were notified with incorrect titles, although the mode of examination is unchanged:
Originally notified name: |
Corrected name: |
4F5 |
Advanced communications and coding |
Advanced information theory and coding |
4F7 |
Digital filters and spectrum estimation |
Statistical signal analysis |
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 861), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Integrated Photonic and Electronic Systems for the degree of Master of Research.
The following modules were notified with incorrect titles, although the mode of examination is unchanged:
Originally notified name: |
Corrected name: |
4F5 |
Advanced communications and coding |
Advanced information theory and coding |
4F7 |
Digital filters and spectrum estimation |
Statistical signal analysis |
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.
Further to the Notice published on 25 July 2018 (Reporter, 6516, 2017–18, p. 863), the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Engineering gives notice of the following amendments to the offered modules for the examination in Ultra Precision Engineering for the degree of Master of Research.
In addition to those previously notified, the following modules will now be offered as a substitutionary module for students who had taken an otherwise compulsory module as part of a previous degree:
NT09 |
Nanoelectrochemistry |
Examination |
The Degree Committee confirms that no student’s preparation for the examination will be affected by these changes.