The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, has approved the addition of the Director of the Institute for Continuing Education to the membership of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine.
Schedule I to the regulations for Classes of Faculty Board Membership, Elections, and Periods of Office (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 607) has been amended such that the number of members in class (e) (representatives of cognate studies and holders of specified offices) increases from ten to eleven and the total membership is revised accordingly, and in Schedule III by inserting the Director of the Institute for Continuing Education as the holder of a specified office.
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Mathematics, has approved an amendment to the membership of the Faculty Board of Mathematics.
Schedule I to the regulations for Classes of Faculty Board Membership, Elections, and Periods of Office (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 607) has been amended such that the number of members in class (d) (co-opted members) increases from four to five and the total membership is revised accordingly.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 646)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Botanic Garden Syndicate, has approved a change to the Botanic Garden Syndicate’s membership to allow the appointment of external members, whilst preserving a majority on the Syndicate of those who are members of the University.
Regulation 2 of the regulations for the Botanic Garden has therefore been amended to read as follows:
2. There shall be a Syndicate called the Botanic Garden Syndicate, which shall consist of:
(a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chair;
(b)the Head of the Department of Plant Sciences;
(c)eight members of the Senate, two appointed by the Council, two by the Faculty Board of Biology, and four by the General Board, at least six of whom shall be members of the University;
(d)not more than four persons co-opted by the Syndicate, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Syndicate to co-opt any person or persons.
Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed or co-opted in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment or co-optation. The Director of the Botanic Garden shall act as Secretary to the Syndicate.