(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 415)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos, has approved an amendment to Regulation 36(b) for Part III Astrophysics such that the limit on the length of the research project report will be 30 pages (with the minimum font size to be announced by the Faculty Board in due course), instead of the current 8,000-word limit. Regulation 36(b) for Astrophysics will therefore read as follows:
(b)submit a report of a research project of not more than 30 pages, excluding figures, tables, captions, references, and appendices.
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science, has approved an amendment to Regulation 36(a) for Part III History and Philosophy of Science such that the requirement for a critical literature review is replaced by a research paper of 3,000 words. Regulation 36(a) for History and Philosophy of Science will therefore read as follows:
(a)a research paper of 3,000 words;
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 475)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine, has approved the amendment of Regulation 27 of the Curriculum Regulations for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery so as to accommodate a revision to the clinical curriculum and to better reflect current practice. The revised regulation now reads as follows:
27. Separate class-lists shall be published for each subject of the Second M.B. Examination, for Part I of the Final M.B. Examination, for Part II of the Final M.B. Examination, for the written component(s) of Part III of the Final M.B. Examination, and for the clinical component(s) of Part III of the Final M.B. Examination. The names of successful candidates in the several lists shall be arranged in alphabetical order. The lists for Part I and Part II of the Final M.B. Examination, and for the written and clinical component(s) of Part III of the Final M.B. Examination, shall indicate the components of the examination in which the candidate has passed. Subject to Regulation 16, special merit may be recognized by the award of a mark of distinction.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 531)
The General Board, on the recommendation of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science, has approved an amendment to the Special Regulations for the examination in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine for the degree of Master of Philosophy so as to revise the list of essay subject areas as follows:
1. |
Ancient, medieval, and early modern sciences |
2. |
Ancient, medieval, and early modern medicine |
3. |
Sciences in the age of empire, c. 1750–1900 |
4. |
Modern medicine and biomedical sciences |
5. |
Modern sciences |
6. |
Metaphysics, epistemology, and the sciences |
7. |
Ethics and politics of medicine and the sciences |
8. |
Philosophy of the physical sciences |
9. |
Philosophy of biology and the life sciences |
10. |
Philosophy of social and cognitive sciences |
The Notice published on 20 June 2018 (see Reporter, 6511, 2017–18, p. 710) incorrectly stated that Mathematics would be removed as a subject available for examination for the degree of Master of Philosophy as from 1 October 2020. The M.Phil. in Mathematics will in fact be rescinded with effect from 1 October 2019.