Elected to an Honorary Fellowship from 1 October 2017:
Professor Sir Leszek Krzysztof Borysiewicz, FRS, FRCP, FMedSci, FLSW
Elected to a Fellowship from 1 October 2017:
Romina Plitman Belilty, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ben-Gurion, Israel
Susanne Elisabeth Hakenbeck, B.A., Durham, M.Phil., Ph.D., N
Elected to a Research Fellowship from 1 October 2017:
Stephen Burgess, M.A., M.Math., Ph.D., EM
Tyler Kelly, B.S., A.B., M.A., Georgia, Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Elected into Teaching Fellowships under Title C from 1 October 2017:
Arthur Asseraf, B.A., K, M.A. / M.Sc., Columbia / LSE, D.Phil., Oxford, College Lecturer in History
Richard Hayward, B.Sc., York, Ph.D., CL, PGCE:HE, London, College Lecturer in Medical Sciences
St Edmund’s College: Non-stipendiary Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (up to four posts), in either the Arts or the Sciences; tenure: from 1 October 2018 for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a further two years; closing date: 4 January 2018; further details: https://www.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/vacancies
A concert of music by Brahms and Schütz will be held on Friday, 17 November at 6.15 p.m. in the Queen’s Building Lecture Theatre, Emmanuel College. The Choir of King’s College London, directed by Dr Joseph Fort, will perform three movements from Brahms’ German Requiem in its 1872 English setting, together with two motets by Schütz that inspired Brahms’ composition.
The concert will last approximately 45 minutes. Admission is free and unticketed.