Notices by Faculty Boards, or other bodies concerned, of changes to the form and conduct of certain examinations to be held in 2017–18, by comparison with those examinations in 2016–17, are published below. Complete details of the form and conduct of all examinations are available from the Faculties or Departments concerned.
The Degree Committee of Land Economy gives notice that, for the examinations to be held in 2017–18, the form of examination for each module offered will be as follows:
Please note: In instances where Land Economy Research students opt to take modules normally assessed by written examination, the Examiners will be asked to provide a separate assignment. Where a module is usually examined in a combination of forms it is also likely that the candidate will be set a separate assignment. Details of any such substitute assignments will be notified to the candidate(s) concerned once they have been confirmed with the relevant Examiners.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project in the Lent Term (50% of total mark) and by a two-hour written examination in the Easter Term (50% of total mark).
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project in the Lent Term (50% of total mark) and by a two-hour written examination in the Easter Term (50% of total mark).
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project in the Lent Term (50% of total mark) and by a two-hour written examination in the Easter Term (50% of total mark).
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project in the Lent Term (50% of total mark) and by a two-hour written examination in the Easter Term (50% of total mark).
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project in the Lent Term (50% of total mark) and by a two-hour written examination in the Easter Term (50% of total mark).
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project in the Lent Term (50% of total mark) and by a two-hour written examination in the Easter Term (50% of total mark).
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a two-hour written examination.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a two-hour written examination.
The module will be examined by a two-hour written examination.
The module will be examined by a two-hour written examination.
The module will be examined by a two-hour written examination.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
The module will be examined by a 4,000-word project.
Where modules are examined by means of a written examination this will consist of a two-hour unseen written paper unless otherwise specified.
Unless otherwise specified in the paper:
(a)within each paper, all questions will carry equal weight;
(b)within each question, all parts carry equal weight.
Where candidates are permitted to use their own materials, no markings will be allowed in those materials nor will candidates be permitted to attach anything or insert anything within those materials. No spare copies of permitted materials will be made available for candidates in the examinations. Candidates infringing this rule may be required to surrender their copy and may be reported for the infringement. Except for essential valuation tables, candidates who have to surrender their copy will not be provided with replacement material to use in the examination.
The permitted calculators for use in the Land Economy M.Phil. examinations will be the standard University calculator CASIO fx 115 (any version); CASIO fx 570 (any version) or CASIO fx991 (any version); the Hewlett Packard HP 10BII or HP10BII+. Candidates may only bring one model of calculator into the examination hall. Candidates may not bring into the examinations external media associated with any calculator, such as instruction manuals, magnetic cards, or memory modules, but they may bring in spare batteries. Candidates are warned that the Examiners are not prepared to make allowances, when marking, for the malfunction of a candidate’s calculator for whatever reason.
Candidates may not bring into the examinations dictionaries of any sort.
The following rules apply unless otherwise specified on assignments and essays:
(i)One hard copy of all assignments for examination should be submitted by the specified deadline, in addition to an electronic version in MS Word/PDF/Excel/PowerPoint submitted via Moodle;
(ii)Candidates should not put their name on any piece of work submitted for examination; they should instead use their Departmental Candidate Number;
(iii)Loose-leaf submissions are not acceptable, although candidates may choose to secure their work however they wish, i.e. file, binding, staple, etc,;
(iv)Candidates will be required to submit a Project Declaration Form as a separate piece of paper with each project, indicating the module number/name, candidate number and name, and stating that it is all their own work, within the word limit, and that they agree to their work being checked by plagiarism detection software (Turnitin UK), should the need arise;
(v)Penalties will be applied by the Board of Examiners in the event of late submission. This includes the late submission of the required electronic version;
(vi)Penalties will be applied by the Board of Examiners in the event that the prescribed word limit is exceeded.