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No 6406

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Vol cxlvi No 11

pp. 187–218

Notices by the General Board

G. I. Taylor Professorship of Fluid Mechanics

By Grace 8 of 17 July 2013, the G. I. Taylor Professorship of Fluid Mechanics (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 681) was discontinued from 1 October 2014 until 30 September 2017. The General Board have agreed, on the recommendation of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, following consultation with the Faculty Board of Mathematics, that the discontinuation should be rescinded with effect from 1 October 2016.

University Library

With immediate effect

The General Board, on the recommendation of the Library Syndicate, have approved changes to the Ordinances concerning the University Library and the affiliated libraries. The amendments add further libraries to the list of affiliated libraries, affirm the Library Syndicate’s authority to establish Sub-syndicates but remove the membership of those Sub-syndicates from Ordinance and make consequential changes to reflect those amendments, increase the number of volumes that may be borrowed, and other minor changes.

By amending the regulations for the Library Syndicate (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 630) so as to read:

1. The Library Syndicate shall consist of:

(a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy), who shall be Chair;

(b)two persons appointed by the Council, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following;

(c)eight persons appointed by the General Board, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following;

(d)two persons elected from among their own number by the holders of University offices in the University Library, who shall be elected in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following;

(e)the Chairs of each of the Sub-syndicates and the Medical Library Policy Advisory Group, if not members in any other class;

(f)not more than four persons co-opted by the Syndicate;

(g)not more than two members of the University in statu pupillari co-opted by the Syndicate. Members in classes (f) and (g) shall serve until 31 December of the year following that in which they are co-opted, provided that if a member in class (g) ceases to be in statu pupillari he or she shall thereupon cease to be a member in that class.

2. All meetings of the Syndicate shall be summoned by the Vice-Chancellor; there shall be at least one and normally two meetings each term.

3. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless at least four members are present.

4. Under the provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 (iii), the appointment of members of the Board of Electors to the office of Librarian, the appointment of members of the Appointments Committee for the University Library, and the co-optation of members of the Syndicate in class (f) shall be reserved business.

5. (a) The Syndicate shall supervise the management of the University Library.

(b) There shall be such Sub-syndicates as the Library Syndicate shall consider necessary and listed in the Schedule to these regulations. There shall be a Medical Library Policy Advisory Group. Through the agency of the Sub-syndicates and the Policy Advisory Group, the Syndicate shall supervise the management of the affiliated libraries.

(c) The Syndicate shall supervise the custody and arrangement of the University Archives.

6. (a) The Syndicate shall do all such things as in their opinion are necessary or expedient for the regulation, security, and improvement of the University Library and the affiliated libraries. They shall exercise a general oversight over all matters relating to the administration, staffing, and financial resources of these libraries, and shall be empowered to make recommendations to the General Board about the staff, accommodation, and equipment needed for their proper functioning.

(b) In the exercise of their power of making rules for the management of the Library, the Syndicate shall have power to approve, through the agency of the Sub-syndicates and Medical Library Policy Advisory Group, rules for the use of the affiliated libraries.

(c) The following affiliated libraries shall continue to receive printed material received under the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003: the Betty and Gordon Moore Library, the Medical Library, and the Squire Law Library.

7. The Syndicate shall make an Annual Report to the General Board, and such other reports to the University as they shall think fit.

8. (a) Each Sub-syndicate and the Medical Library Policy Advisory Group shall include at least one member appointed by the following bodies: the Library Syndicate; the General Board; and each Faculty Board with an interest in the libraries falling within its remit. Each shall elect a Chair from among its own members.

(b) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of a Sub-syndicate and Policy Advisory Group unless at least four members are present.

(c) The provisions of Special Ordinance A (vii) 5 concerning reserved business shall apply to each of the Sub-syndicates and Policy Advisory Group as if it were a body constituted by Statute; the election of the Chair and the co-optation of members of each Sub-syndicate shall also be reserved.

(d) The Librarian or a deputy appointed by the Librarian shall act as Secretary of each Sub-syndicate and Policy Advisory Group.

9. In respect of each of the affiliated libraries the relevant Sub-syndicate or Policy Advisory Group shall have the following duties:

(a) to co-ordinate policies between the University Library and the affiliated libraries;

(b) to submit recommendations to the Library Syndicate concerning the location in the affiliated library of library material received under the Legal Deposit Libraries Act (for those libraries where this is appropriate);

(c) on behalf of the Library Syndicate, and subject to their approval, to make rules for the use of the affiliated libraries;

(d) to oversee appropriate co-ordination of library services and resources in respect of teaching, learning, and research in connection with the relevant Faculties and Departments with which the libraries are associated.

By amending the Schedule of Affiliated Libraries (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 633) so as to read:

The affiliated libraries



Architecture and History of Art Library

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Library

Classics Library

Divinity Library

English Library

Modern and Medieval Languages Library

Pendlebury Library of Music

Casimir Lewy Library of Philosophy


Betty and Gordon Moore Library


Medical Library


African Studies Library

Everton Library of Education

Haddon Library of Archaeology and Anthropology

Land Economy Library

Marshall Library of Economics

Radzinowicz Library of the Institute of Criminology

Seeley Historical Library

Social and Political Sciences Library

South Asian Studies Library

Squire Law Library

Whipple Library of the History and Philosophy of Science


Betty and Gordon Moore Library

In the regulations for the Use of the University Library (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 634) by replacing ‘ten volumes’ with ‘twenty volumes’ in Regulation 5(1); ‘five volumes’ with ‘ten volumes’ in Regulations 5(2) and 5(3); and ‘five volumes’ with ‘twenty volumes’ in Regulation 5(4).

By rescinding the regulations for the Betty and Gordon Moore Library, Central Science Library, Medical Library, and Squire Law Library (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 636) and inserting the following new regulations:

Affiliated libraries

The rules made from time to time for the use of each of the affiliated libraries, shall specify the arrangements for the opening and closing of the library, for admission to the library, and for borrowing from the library. Such rules shall be posted within the library concerned.

By amending the first sentence of the regulations for Faculty, Departmental, and other Libraries (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 636) so as to read:

The following regulations shall apply to all Faculty and Departmental Libraries except those that are affiliated to the University Library.