Gonville and Caius College: Development Director; salary: £60,000; tenure: from 1 January 2015; informal enquiries: Senior Bursar (email: senior.bursar@cai.cam.ac.uk or tel.: 01223 332499); closing date: 30 October 2014; further particulars: http://www.cai.cam.ac.uk/development-director
Hughes Hall: Non-Stipendiary Research Fellowship and Post-Doctoral Research Associateship Competition 2014–15; no subject limitations; tenure for Research Fellowships: three years initially and five years maximum; tenure for Associateship: two years initially and four years maximum; closing date: 10 December 2014; further details: http://www.hughes.cam.ac.uk/researchfellowships
Personal Assistant to the President and the Assistant Fellowship Administrator; salary: £26,274, plus benefits; closing date: 27 October 2014; further particulars: http://www.hughes.cam.ac.uk/about-us/positions-available/
Lucy Cavendish College: Ethel Cruickshank Research Fellowship; tenure: three years from 1 October 2015*; non-stipendiary with benefits; closing date: 1 December 2014 at 12 noon; further particulars: http://www.lucy-cav.cam.ac.uk/about-us/vacancies/
Greenwood Bidder Research Fellowship; tenure: three years from 1 October 2015*; non-stipendiary with benefits; closing date: 1 December 2014 at 12 noon; further particulars: http://www.lucy-cav.cam.ac.uk/about-us/vacancies/
Alice Tong Sze Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in the Arts; tenure: three years from 1 October 2015*; stipend: £18,031 plus benefits; closing date: 1 December 2014 at 12 noon; further particulars: http://www.lucy-cav.cam.ac.uk/about-us/vacancies/
Lu Gwei Djen Research Fellowship; tenure: three years from 1 October 2015*; stipend: £18,031 plus benefits; closing date: 1 December 2014 at 12 noon; further particulars: http://www.lucy-cav.cam.ac.uk/about-us/vacancies/
* Please note, when originally published online, these advertisements showed an incorrect tenure start date. This was subsequently amended to the correct date of 1 October 2015.
St Catharine’s College: College Associate Teaching Officer and Fellow in Law; tenure: three years; salary: £28,132–£30,728 (depending on qualifications and experience), plus Fellows’ commons and other customary benefits of a Fellowship; closing date: 28 November 2014; further particulars: http://www.caths.cam.ac.uk/vacancies
The following elections have been made:
Elected into Fellowships in Class A, with effect from 15 October 2014:
Subha Mukherji, B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Stephen Sawiak, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Elected to an Honorary Fellowship on 15 October 2014:
Professor M. S. Swaminathan, B.Sc., Ph.D., FRS
Elected into a Fellowship in Class B with effect from 1 October 2014:
Dr I. Galambos, M.A., Eötvös Loránd University of Science, Budapest, M.A., Ph.D., California, Berkeley
Elected into a Fellowship in Class B with effect from 1 October 2014:
Dr Helen C. Leggett, M.Biol.Sci., Sheffield, D.Phil., Oxford
Elected into Teaching Fellowships under Title C from 1 October 2014:
Claudio Castelnovo, M.S., Milan, Ph.D., Boston, University Lecturer in Physics
Henry John Rutley Wilton, B.A., T, Ph.D., Imperial, University Lecturer in Pure Mathematics
Elected into Junior Research Fellowships under Title A from 6 October 2014:
Sean Paul Curran, B.A., Oxford, Ph.D., Berkeley, for research in Medieval Musicology
Alexander Lloyd Gaunt, B.A., T, for research in Physics
Paul Howard, B.A., D.Phil., Oxford, for research in Italian Literature
Ailsa Macgregor Keating, B.A., CL, Ph.D., MIT, for research in Pure Mathematics
James Edward Kirby, B.A., Oxford, for research in Intellectual History
Francis Gordon Woodhouse, B.A., Ph.D., T, for research in Applied Mathematics
Elected into an Honorary Fellowship from 18 July 2014:
Revd Canon John Charlton Polkinghorne, KBE, Sc.D., FRS
Murray Edwards College: A Commemoration of Dr Janet Moore, M.A., Ph.D., Fellow Emerita of Murray Edwards College, formerly Fellow and College Lecturer in Zoology (1971–1992) and Senior Tutor (1973–1984) of New Hall, will be held at 3 p.m. at Murray Edwards College on Sunday, 30 November 2014.
Refreshments will be served after the service. RSVP by 14 November to alumnae@murrayedwards.cam.ac.uk or telephone 01223 762288.
The College has established a fund in the name of Dr Moore, which will be used to support students in the Natural Sciences (to provide small bursaries, travel and field trip awards, prizes, etc.). Contributions can be made at http://www.murrayedwards.cam.ac.uk/giving/makeagift.