19 October, Sunday. Preacher before the University at 11.15 a.m., The Right Reverend Dom A. Bellenger, JE, formerly Abbot of Downside.
20 October, Monday. End of first quarter of Michaelmas Term.
25 October, Saturday. Congregation of the Regent House at 11 a.m.
28 October, Tuesday. Discussion at 2 p.m. in the Senate-House (see the Vice-Chancellor's Notice and the Council's Notice below).
1 November, Saturday. Scarlet Day.
2 November, Sunday. Preacher before the University at 11.15 a.m., The Reverend Canon Dr J. D. Maltby, N and W, Reader in Church History in the University of Oxford (Lady Margaret’s Preacher).
Discussions at 2 p.m. |
Congregations |
28 October |
25 October, Saturday at 11 a.m. |
11 November |
29 November, Saturday at 2 p.m. |
25 November |
9 December |
The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 111) to attend a Discussion in the Senate-House, on Tuesday, 28 October 2014, at 2 p.m. for the discussion of:
1. First-stage Report of the Council, dated 7 October 2014, on the construction of education space and gallery refurbishment at Kettle’s Yard (Reporter, 6359, 2014–15, p. 41).
2. Topic of concern to the University: The future of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (see Reporter, 6357, 2014–15, p. 3, and the Notice below).
Further to the Notice published on 1 October 2014 announcing an election for one member of the Board of Scrutiny in class (c)(i) (Reporter, 6358, 2014–15, p. 24), the Vice-Chancellor gives notice that there shall also be an election for one member of the Board of Scrutiny in class (c)(ii) (member of the Regent House) to serve with immediate effect until 30 September 2015. This election will follow the same timetable and therefore nominations should be sent to the Vice-Chancellor at the Old Schools so as to be received not later than 12 noon on Friday, 7 November 2014, in accordance with the information provided in the previous Notice.
It has also become apparent that there was an error in the Notice published on 25 June 2014 (Reporter, 6353, 2013–14, p. 647); the period of office for the vacancy in class (c)(i) is to 30 September 2015, not four years from 1 October 2014.
The Council’s Notice of 22 September 2014 is repeated below with information on the arrangements for the Discussion on 28 October 2014, and a clarification concerning those who can attend for the discussion of the topic of concern.
The Council has agreed that there should be an opportunity for the discussion of a topic of concern on the proposals for scheme funding from the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and on the future funding and benefits of USS from Universities UK. These proposals, which include options for benefit reform, are being considered in anticipation of the triennial valuation of the scheme as at 31 March 2014; initial outcomes of that valuation are expected to confirm a substantially increased deficit. Discussions of the proposals are expected to conclude in November 2014. If it is determined that reforms are required to that timescale, a statutory consultation undertaken by the University on behalf of USS with affected scheme employees will follow early in 2015. Further information is available online at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/news/funding-pressures-and-the-future-of-uss.
The topic will be included among the matters for consideration at the Discussion on 28 October 2014. The Vice-Chancellor will chair the Discussion and authorizes all employees of the University who are members of the USS to attend the Discussion and to speak on this topic, time permitting, in addition to those already entitled to attend.
It is expected that this will be a well-attended Discussion with a large number wishing to speak on this topic. Owing to pressure of time, it is not possible on this occasion to arrange a continuation of the Discussion; the Vice-Chancellor has therefore ruled that the procedural arrangements for the Discussion on 28 October will be as follows. The meeting will start at the usual time of 2 p.m. and will finish at 6 p.m. All those attending who wish to speak but who have not been invited by the Vice-Chancellor to do so by 6 p.m. will, on this occasion, be asked to leave a copy of their remarks with a designated officer, for publication in the Reporter as part of the report of the Discussion. It will not be possible to publish the remarks of those who do not attend the Discussion. The arrangements for the Discussion will otherwise follow the standard format; further information is available at: https://www.governance.cam.ac.uk/governance/decision-making/discussions/. It will assist in the preparation of the report of the Discussion if speakers could send an electronic copy of their remarks to reporter.editor@admin.cam.ac.uk as early as possible.