Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6326

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Vol cxliv No 9

pp. 101–111



29 November, Friday. End of third quarter of Michaelmas Term.

30 November, Saturday. Congregation of the Regent House at 2 p.m.

3 December, Tuesday. Discussion of the Regent House at 2 p.m. (see below).

6 December, Friday. Full Term ends.

19 December, Thursday. Michaelmas Term ends.

Discussions at 2 p.m.


3 December

30 November, Saturday at 2 p.m.

Notice of a Discussion on Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The Vice-Chancellor invites those qualified under the regulations for Discussions (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 103) to attend a Discussion in the Senate-House, on Tuesday, 3 December 2013, at 2 p.m., for the discussion of:

1. First-stage Report of the Council, dated 15 November 2013, on the project to expand the Addenbrooke’s Clinical Research Centre at Addenbrooke’s Hospital (p. 109).

Election of a member of the Council’s Finance Committee in class (b)

A vacancy will arise for a member of the Regent House, elected by the Representatives of the Colleges, to serve on the Council’s Finance Committee for three years from 1 January 2014.

The election is conducted in accordance with the Single Transferable Vote regulations. Voting is by postal ballot.

Nominations should be made in writing to the Head of the Registrary’s Office, University Offices, The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, and must include a statement by the person nominated that he or she is willing to serve on the Finance Committee. Nominations and statements should be made by 12 noon on Tuesday, 3 December 2013. Nom­inations should be supported by the signatures of two members of the Regent House. If a ballot is necessary, papers will be despatched by Monday, 9 December, for return by 12 noon on Wednesday, 18 December 2013.

University salaries and stipends

18 November 2013

The Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) has proposed a pay settlement from 1 August 2013 which provides for a 1% increase in the salaries of non-clinical academic and academic-related staff, and assistant staff. It should be noted that four of the five New Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (New JNCHES) trade unions remain in dispute over the offer. However, the disputing unions have all confirmed that the formal dispute resolution procedure set out in the New JNCHES agreement has been exhausted. UCEA has therefore advised that implementation of the pay settlement may proceed.

Pending the outcome of further discussions at national level, the Council and the General Board have agreed that an increase on the basis set out above should be made in all relevant stipends and salaries with effect from 1 August 2013.

The stipends and salaries of certain University staff require the approval of the Regent House. The Council is accordingly submitting a Grace (Grace 1, p. 110) to the Regent House for the approval of an increase of 1% in these stipends and salaries. An updated Cambridge general stipend and salary scale showing the proposed new stipends and salaries for each grade is included in this Notice. This indicates those points which are the 51 points of the national single spine and those points, above and below, which are extensions to the spine in Cambridge. Changes will also be applied to those associated payments directly linked to a single spine stipend/salary point.

Subject to the approval of this Grace, the corresponding increases will be implemented in the stipends of those offices which do not require the approval of the University, as well as in the salaries of analogous unestablished staff. In the case of contract research staff and other staff supported on non-central funds, payment of the increase will be conditional on funds being available to meet the cost of the increase from the relevant funding source.

It is expected that, if the Grace is approved, the increases will be paid to staff in the December 2013 payroll, together with the arrears from 1 August 2013.


University of Cambridge: Single Salary Spine as at 1 August 2013

Download a PDF version of the Single Salary Spine as at 1 August 2013

Notes to the table

Note 1:

An asterisk (*) denotes a contribution point and progress through these is awarded on merit. A plus sign (+) denotes a spine point that will be effective from 1 January 2014.

Note 2:

Grade T is for staff who are studying for an approved qualification or undergoing ‘in-service’ training.

Note 3:

On 1 January 2010 the first contribution points of grades 2, 3, and 4 became service points.

Note 4:

University Lecturers (ULs) and University Senior Lecturers (USLs) will be appointed to grades 9 and 10 respectively.

ULs may progress through service points 1–9 of grade 9.

USLs may progress through service points 1–3 and contribution points 4–5 of grade 10.

Readers will only be appointed to point 2 of grade 11 (point 63).

Research Associates and Senior Research Associates will be appointed to grades 7 and 9 respectively.

Research Assistants are appointed to grade 5

The contribution points in grades 9 and 11 do not apply to ULs and Readers. They apply to academic-related staff.

The professorial minimum will be point 68 in band 1 of grade 12.

Note 5:

For academic staff (other than Professors and USLs) contribution will be recognised through the promotions procedure as now and not by use of contribution points.

USLs will also have access to the Senior Academic Promotions procedure under which they may also be awarded contribution points 4–5 of grade 10.

Note 6:

Academic-related professorial-equivalent staff will be appointed on the contribution bands of grade 12 according to the HERA points boundaries for each level.

Note 7:

Specific arrangements will apply to progression in service-related points on some grades in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding.

Note 8:

Incremental progression through the service points occurs on the incremental date which will normally be on the anniversary of appointment or 1 April, 1 July or 1 October respectively for staff engaged on terms and conditions for Manual, Clerical/Secretarial and Technical Division appointments.