Churchill College: Master; tenure: five to ten years from October 2014; those wishing to be considered, or who wish to suggest names of possible candidates, should contact the Vice-Master, Professor Kenneth Siddle, Churchill College, Cambridge, CB3 0DS, before 17 February 2013 (email:
Murray Edwards College: Senior Development Officer; salary: up to £30,000; closing date: 25 February 2013 at 12 noon; further particulars:
Murray Edwards College: A memorial celebration of the life of Dr Elizabeth Acton, Fellow and Director of Studies in Engineering, 1980–2012, and her contribution to the College, will be held in the Vivien Stewart Room, Murray Edwards College, on Saturday, 2 March 2013, at 2.30 p.m. Guests are invited to join the Fellowship for refreshments afterwards in the Fellows’ Drawing Room.