Skip to main contentCambridge University Reporter

No 6251

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Vol cxlii No 16

pp. 382–399


Report of the General Board on the establishment of an MRC Research Professorship of Biostatistics

The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. In their Report on certain fixed-term Professorships and Readerships and future arrangements for awarding the title of Honorary Professor or Reader (Reporter, 2000–01, p. 814), the Board, in accordance with policy and procedure outlined in paragraph 6 of their Notice on appointments to unestablished posts at the level of Professor and Reader (Reporter, 2000–01, p. 552), proposed, inter alia, the establishment of a number of fixed-term Professorships and Readerships, in place of unestablished Research Professorships and Readerships. The Board, in their Notice, also stated their intention to recommend the establishment of Professorships on future occasions when an individual had been successful in a prestigious and external competition, for example, Royal Society and MRC Research Professorships. In a further Report, dated 22 January 2003 (Reporter, 2002–03, p. 519), the Board proposed the establishment of Professorships for the holders of Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowships.

2. The Board have now considered a proposal for the establishment of an MRC Research Professorship of Biostatistics for Professor Sylvia Richardson, currently Professor of Biostatistics at Imperial College, London. The Professorship is intended to be held in association with the honorary Directorship of the MRC’s Biostatistics Unit in Cambridge. The award from the MRC is for an initial period of ten years from the date of appointment, and is expected to be renewed for so long as Professor Richardson remains Honorary Director of the Unit. The Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine have agreed to meet the costs of the Professorship from the expiry of the Medical Research Council award, for the remainder of Professor Richardson’s tenure.

3. The General Board recommend:

That an MRC Research Professorship of Biostatistics be established from 1 April 2012 for the tenure of Professor Sylvia Richardson, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, and assigned to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

11 January 2012

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Simon Franklin

Robert Kennicutt

N. Bampos

Andrew Gamble

Rachael Padman

William Brown

C. A. Gilligan

J. Rallison

H. A. Chase

David Good

Patrick Sissons

Sarah Coakley

Report of the General Board on the establishment of a Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development

The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. There is a long tradition of research and teaching on the political economy of development in Cambridge. Many leading international scholars in the field have held academic posts in this University. These have frequently been involved closely in government policy both nationally and internationally. The establishment of a Professorship of Chinese Development would provide the opportunity to link together more effectively the University’s outstanding research and teaching in this area of development studies, which is dispersed widely across different Faculties and Departments. These include Politics and International Studies, Economics, Social Sciences, Archaeology and Anthropology, Geography, Land Economy, and Judge Business School. The University offers a wide range of opportunities for postgraduate training and research for students seeking careers in development, whether in research, policy making, national and international institutions, non-governmental organizations, or in business.

2. The Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) was formed in January 2009, bringing together the Department of Politics and the Centre of International Studies (CIS) and enlarged in August 2011 to include the Centres of African, Latin American, and South Asian Studies and the activities overseen at the time by the Development Studies Committee. The new Department will eventually offer an integrated programme of undergraduate and postgraduate courses covering international relations, comparative politics, and political theory. POLIS will build on the interdisciplinary tradition of CIS, which has always included teaching and research in law, history, and political economy as well as international relations. This makes POLIS a natural home for Development Studies. There are already significant links between POLIS and Development Studies through the M.Phil. teaching programme, and many members of POLIS have research interests in development, particularly in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and East Asia, and currently the most popular undergraduate third-year option is a course on ‘Security and Development’. A new Centre of Governance and Human Rights with special reference to Africa was launched by POLIS in November 2009, which will also contribute to research on development in the Department. Opportunities for collaboration on both teaching and research are expected to grow in the coming years, and a closer association with POLIS will help preserve and strengthen the distinctive nature of the M.Phil. in Development Studies.

3. An opportunity to further develop work in the specific and important area of Chinese Development has now arisen as the Chong Hua Educational Foundation wishes to endow a new Professorship to be called the Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development. The Foundation, which is focused on advancing education for the benefit of the People’s Republic of China, has generously agreed to donate to the University the sum of £3.7m. The Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science have approved the proposal and have recommended that the new Professorship be established and assigned to the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS). The Faculty Board have confirmed that suitable accommodation is available for the new Professor in the Department. In order to provide a focus for the further growth of Development Studies, the Faculty Board agreed at its meeting on 24 November 2011 to create a Centre of Development Studies. It is intended that the first holder of the Chong Hua Professorship will also be the first Director of the new Centre.

4. It is further proposed that the first holder of the Professorship should be Professor Peter Hugh Nolan who currently holds the Sinyi Professorship of Chinese Management (1997). Professor Nolan’s research interests include globalization and big business, poverty, migration, agrarian change, economic theory, China, transition, and developing countries; he welcomes the change in title. For subsequent appointments the General Board have agreed that the election to the Professorship should be made by an ad hoc Board of Electors and that candidature be open without limitation or preference to all candidates whose work falls within the title of the office.

5. The General Board recommend:

I. That a Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development be established in the University from 1 March 2012 for Professor Peter Nolan in the first instance, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, and assigned to the Department of Politics and International Studies;

II. That regulations for the Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development, as set out in the Schedule to this Report, be approved.

23 December 2011

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Simon Franklin

Peter Haynes

N. Bampos

Andrew Gamble

Rachael Padman

William Brown

C. A. Gilligan

J. Rallison

H. A. Chase

David Good

Patrick Sissons

Sarah Coakley


Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development


Politics and International Studies

1. The sum received from Chong Hua Educational Foundation for the endowment of a Chong Hua Professorship of Chinese Development shall form a fund called The Chong Hua Fund for Chinese Development.

2. The Managers of the Fund shall be:

(a) The Chairman of the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science who shall be Chairman;

(b) the Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development;

(c) the Head of the Department of Politics and International Studies;

(d) the Head of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences;

(e) such person as the Chong Hua Educational Foundation may nominate from time to time.

If any of these offices are held by the same person or if one or more of these posts is vacant or its tenure has expired, the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science shall appoint one or more additional Managers so as to ensure that there are always five Managers.

3. The first charge on the income of the Fund shall be the stipend, national insurance, pension contributions, and associated indirect costs of the Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development payable by the University.

4. After provision has been made in accordance with Regulation 3, the income of the Fund may be applied for the support of the Professor or for the support of teaching or research in Chinese development as shall be approved by the General Board on the recommendation of the Managers.

5. Any unexpended income in a financial year shall be accumulated in accordance with the University’s Statutes and Ordinances and may, in any subsequent year or years, be expended in accordance with Regulations 3 and 4, as the Managers shall determine, subject to the approval of the General Board.

Report of the General Board on the establishment of a Florence Nightingale Foundation Professorship of Clinical Nursing Research

The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. Clinical Nursing Research is an important discipline within the context of modern, evidence-based healthcare. It seeks to understand the impact on patient outcomes of different nursing practices, and to improve those outcomes by re-designing healthcare pathways and interventions.

2. Within the School of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Nursing Research has not been a high priority, not least because the University is not the local provider of undergraduate nurse education. However, the School has considerable strengths in clinical disciplines, such as Infectious Diseases, Metabolic Disease, Neurosciences, and Oncology, where a Professor of Clinical Nursing Research could make important contributions to the interdisciplinary research programme. Such contributions must currently be sought from outside of Cambridge. Furthermore Clinical Nursing Research is a core discipline in the context of an Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC), complementing strengths in traditional academic medicine; the award of AHSC status to Cambridge and the formation of Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) presents a strategic opportunity for such a development.

3. With the support of a generous contribution from the Florence Nightingale Foundation, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have agreed to fund a single tenure Professorship of Clinical Nursing Research in the University. The General Board have accepted the proposal for the establishment of the Professorship on this basis.

4. Strengthening academic leadership in Clinical Nursing Research in the School will reinforce the clinical research programme in a number of areas, and enhance the scope for contributing to the development of postgraduate clinical education, which is now expected to be multidisciplinary in nature. However, the School of Clinical Medicine have no intention to bring forward proposals for the University to become a provider of undergraduate nurse education.

5. The Board have agreed to concur in the view of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine that election to the Professorship should be made by an ad hoc Board of Electors, and that candidature should be open to all persons whose work falls within the title of the Professorship. The Board are satisfied that an appointment at this level will be likely to attract a strong field of applicants. The Professor’s research will be mostly ward and clinic based, but the Board are assured that appropriate facilities will be provided, if needed, through an existing laboratory based group within the School.

6. The General Board recommend:

That a Professorship of Clinical Nursing Research be established in the University for one tenure from 1 January 2012, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, and assigned to the Department of Medicine.

11 January 2012

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Christopher Crow

Robert Kennicutt

N. Bampos

Simon Franklin

Rachael Padman

William Brown

Andrew Gamble

J. Rallison

H. A. Chase

C. A. Gilligan

Patrick Sissons

Sarah Coakley

David Good

Morgan Wild

Report of the General Board on the establishment of a Professorship of Statistics

The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. Statistics was the first and remains a significant information science. The fundamental purpose is to draw inferences from data, to uncover significant structure within data, and to enable predictions to be made. It underlies all areas of scientific endeavour and is central to the digital economy, With the increased availability of data, it is all the more important to develop tools of modern statistics suitable for the analysis of large data sets, and the handling of the high-dimensional (generally non-parametric) problems which pervade modern industry, science, and medicine. In Cambridge the core of theoretical statistics lies within the Statistical Laboratory, a sub-Department of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. Members of the Department are active in the mathematical theory of Statistics, Probability, and Operational Research.

2. The International Review of Mathematics was commissioned by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and reported in 2004. It recognized that ‘the UK [is] a world leader in many areas of statistics’ but identified a crisis in statistics arising from a failure to produce sufficient young research leaders to guarantee the future of the discipline in both universities and industry. The University recognized the case for an expansion of activity in methodological statistics, and this led to the development of the Cambridge Statistics Initiative, supported by an EPSRC Science & Innovation Award. One component of this was the establishment, in 2006, of a single-tenure Professorship of Statistics, which will lapse on the retirement of Professor A. P. Dawid on 30 September 2013.

3. Good progress has been made since 2006 and the statisticians recently appointed to University Lectureships have high profiles internationally. Building up the group has taken time, however, and there is a continuing need for professorial leadership. The EPSRC have continued to focus on Statistics, and look to Cambridge to develop transformational work.

4. The Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics have now put forward a proposal for a new, single-tenure Professorship of Statistics with effect from 1 September 2012. This proposal has been endorsed by the Faculty Board of Mathematics and the School of the Physical Sciences, which is clear that the cost can be met from within existing resources. The short period of effective prolepsis will be met from funds available to the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

5. The Board are satisfied that an appointment at this level will be likely to attract a strong field of applicants. They are assured that suitable accommodation is available at the Centre of Mathematical Sciences for the Professor, and the Department have undertaken to provide the necessary support and facilities. The Board have agreed that election to the Professorship should be made by an ad hoc Board of Electors and that candidature should be open to all persons whose work falls within the title of the Professorship.

6. The General Board recommend:

That a Professorship of Statistics be established in the University from 1 September 2012 for a single tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, and assigned to the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

11 January 2012

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Christopher Crow

Robert Kennicutt

N. Bampos

Simon Franklin

Rachael Padman

William Brown

Andrew Gamble

J. Rallison

H. A. Chase

C. A. Gilligan

Patrick Sissons

Sarah Coakley

David Good

Morgan Wild

Report of the General Board on future arrangements for the Interdisciplinary Centres in the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences

The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. In their Report on the establishment of a Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science (Reporter, 2010–11 p. 600) the General Board noted that further details on the new arrangements for the Centres of African Studies, Latin American Studies, and South Asian Studies, and for Development Studies within the new Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), would be brought forward in due course.

2. The Board have been informed that, following consultation with the Committees of Management for the area Centres and Development Studies, the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science, at their meeting on 24 November 2011, agreed to recommend to the General Board the reconstitution of the three Area Centres, and the creation of a new Centre of Development Studies as a similar body, as informal institutions within the Department of Politics and International Studies and subject to the authority of the Faculty Board. The General Board had noted in its Report that the Council of the School had confirmed their support for the creation of the new Centres within the Department. The Faculty Board has proposed that the new arrangements take effect from 1 January 2012, at the point that the Centres move together with POLIS into the new Alison Richard Building on West Road. Accordingly, the separate regulations for each of the Centres (Statutes and Ordinances, p 613, 625, and 637) and the Development Studies Committee (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 141) are no longer needed. The constitutions agreed by the Faculty Board for each of the Centres are attached for information as an Appendix to this Report.

3. The General Board therefore recommend

I. That the current Regulations for the Centres of African Studies, Latin American Studies, and South Asian Studies be rescinded with effect from 31 December 2011.

II. That, with effect from the same date, the Development Studies Committee be disbanded.

11 January 2012

L. K. Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor

Christopher Crow

Robert Kennicutt

N. Bampos

Simon Franklin

Rachael Padman

William Brown

Andrew Gamble

J. Rallison

H. A. Chase

C. A. Gilligan

Patrick Sissons

Sarah Coakley

David Good

Morgan Wild





The Centre of African Studies shall be in the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science and the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) within the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.


1. The Centre of African Studies shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:

(a)the Director;

(b)the Head of the Department of POLIS;

(c)six persons appointed by the Council of the School after consultation with the Faculty Board of Economics, the Faculty Board of History, the Faculty Board of Law, the Faculty Board of Earth Sciences and Geography, the Faculty Board of Biology, and the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science;

(d)additional persons co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

2. Members in class (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Co-opted members in class (d) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.

3. The Committee shall elect one of their members other than the Director to be their Chairman and to serve for three years from 1 January following the election. The Director of the Centre shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.

4. Subject to the powers of the Council of the School, the Faculty Boards concerned and the Department of Politics and International Studies, the duties of the Committee shall be as follows:

(a)in collaboration with the Faculty Boards concerned, to promote teaching in African subjects, and to promote research in these subjects and the publication of the results of such research;

(b)to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of research in African subjects;

(c)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;

(d)to supervise the work of the staff of the Centre.

5. The Committee of Management shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the Council of the School.

6. During any period of absence from duty of the Director, the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management shall have discretion to appoint a person to be Acting Director. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Centre for all purposes.

Staff of the Centre

1. The Directorship of the Centre shall be held concurrently with a University office.

2. The Director shall be appointed by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management. He or she shall hold office for three years, and shall be eligible for reappointment.

3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre, and shall be responsible for the direction of African Studies in the Centre and their encouragement generally in the University.



The Centre of Latin American Studies shall be in the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science and the Department of Politics and International Studies within the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.


1. The Centre of Latin American Studies shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:

(a)the Director;

(b)the Head of the Department of POLIS;

(c)six persons appointed by the Council of the School after consultation with the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages, the Faculty Board of Economics, the Faculty Board of History, the Faculty Board of Law, the Faculty Board of Earth Sciences and Geography, and the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science;

(d)the Simón Bolívar Professor;

(e)additional persons co-opted at the discretion of the Committee including two Centre of Latin American Studies student representatives.

2. Members in class (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Co-opted members in classes (e) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.

3. The Committee shall elect one of their members other than the Director to be their Chairman and to serve for three years from 1 January following the election. The Director of the Centre shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.

4. Subject to the powers of the Council of the School, the Faculty Boards concerned and the Department of Politics and International Studies, the duties of the Committee shall be as follows:

(a)in collaboration with the Faculty Boards concerned, to promote teaching in Latin American subjects, and to promote research in these subjects and the publication of the results of such research;

(b)to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of research in Latin American subjects;

(c)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;

(d)to supervise the work of the staff of the Centre.

5. The Committee of Management shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the Council of the School.

Staff of the Centre

1. The Directorship of the Centre shall be held concurrently with a University office.

2. The Director shall be appointed by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management. He or she shall be appointed initially for five years, and shall be eligible for reappointment for a further period of five years.

3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre, and shall be responsible for the direction of Latin American Studies in the Centre and their encouragement generally in the University.

4. During any period of absence from duty of the Director, the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management shall have discretion to appoint a person to be Acting Director. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Centre for all purposes.

5. The Director shall conform to such conditions of residence as may be determined by the Committee of Management with the approval of the Faculty Board.

Visiting Fellowships

1. In order to enable scholars from outside Cambridge to take part in and contribute to the work of the Centre of Latin American Studies there shall be Visiting Fellowships for persons who have made or are making important contributions to Latin American studies, or who are pursuing advanced work in Latin American studies.

2. The maximum number of Visiting Fellowships that there may be in the Centre at any one time shall be determined by the Faculty Board. Appointments and reappointments to Visiting Fellowships shall be made by the Committee of Management of the Centre for periods not exceeding six months at a time.

3. A Visiting Fellow may be required under the general supervision of the Committee of Management to take part in the teaching and research programme of the Centre.

4. The stipend, if any, of a Visiting Fellow shall be determined by the Committee of Management with the approval of the Faculty Board on the occasion of each appointment or reappointment.

5. Subject to the approval of the Faculty Board, the Committee of Management may make grants to Visiting Fellows to meet travelling or other expenses incurred in connection with their Fellowships.



The Centre of South Asian Studies shall be in the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science and the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) within the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.


1. The Centre of South Asian Studies shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:

(a)the Director;

(b)the Head of the Department of POLIS;

(c)six persons appointed by the Council of the School after consultation with the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science, the Faculty Board of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the Faculty Board of Business and Management, the Faculty Board of Earth Sciences and Geography, the Faculty Board of Economics, and the Faculty Board of History;

(d)additional persons co-opted at the discretion of the Committee.

2. Members in class (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Co-opted members in class (d) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.

3. The Committee shall elect one of their members other than the Director to be their Chairman and to serve for three years from 1 January following the election. The Director of the Centre shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.

4. Subject to the powers of the Council of the School, the Faculty Boards concerned and the Department of Politics and International Studies, the Duties of the Committee shall be as follows:

(a)in collaboration with the Faculty Boards concerned, to promote teaching in South Asian subjects, and to promote research in these subjects and the publication of the results of such research;

(b)to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of research in South Asian subjects;

(c)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;

(d)to supervise the work of the staff of the Centre.

5. The Committee of Management shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the Council of the School.

6. During any period of absence from duty of the Director, the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management shall have discretion to appoint a person to be Acting Director. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Centre for all purposes.

Staff of the Centre

1. The Directorship of the Centre shall be held concurrently with a University office.

2. The Director shall be appointed by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management. He or she shall hold office for five years, and shall be eligible for reappointment.

3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre, and shall be responsible for the direction of South Asian Studies in the Centre and their encouragement generally in the University.

4. Appointments and reappointments to the post of Graduate Officer in Research shall be made by the Committee of Management, subject to the approval of the Faculty Board. The maximum tenure of a holder of this Office shall be five years.

5. Appointments and reappointments to the Office of Librarian assigned to the Centre shall be made by the Faculty Appointments Committee.



The Centre of Development Studies shall be in the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science and the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) within the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.


1. The Centre of Development Studies shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management which shall consist of:

(a)the Director;

(b)the Head of the Department of POLIS;

(c)four persons appointed by the Council of the School after consultation with the Faculty Board of Human, Social, and Political Science;

(d)the Professor of Chinese Development;

(e)other University Teaching Officers in Development Studies;

(f)not more than five persons co-opted by the Committee.

2. Members in classes (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (f) shall serve until 31 December of the year next following the year in which they are co-opted.

3. The Committee shall elect one of their members to be Chair, who shall be a member of the Committee in a class other than class (f), and a Secretary, each of whom shall serve for such period not exceeding two years as the Committee shall determine at the time of the election.

4. Subject to the powers of the Council of the School, the Faculty Boards concerned and the Department of Politics and International Studies, it shall be the duty of the Committee:

(a)in consultation with the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned, to promote study and research in Development Studies in the University;

(b)to co-ordinate teaching for the M.Phil. Degree (one-year course) and Ph.D. Degree in Development Studies;

(c)to undertake such duties in connection with the admission, instruction, and examination of candidates for the M.Phil. Degree (one-year course) and Ph.D. Degree in Development Studies as may be assigned to them by the Faculty Board and the Degree Committee of Human, Social, and Political Science;

(d)to perform such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Faculty Board.

5. The Committee shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the Council of the School.

6. During any period of absence from duty of the Director, the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management shall have the discretion to appoint a person to be acting Director. A person so appointed shall be recognized as Director of the Centre for all purposes.

Staff of the Centre

1. The Directorship of the Centre shall be held concurrently with a University office.

2. The Director shall be appointed by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Committee of Management. He or she shall hold office for five years, and shall be eligible for reappointment.

3. Under the general control of the Committee of Management, the Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre, and shall be responsible for the direction of Development Studies in the Centre and their encouragement generally in the University.