(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 320)
The list of papers set for Part II of the Tripos has been amended. The prescribed descriptor for Paper 29 has been amended to ‘A paper in linguistics’. With effect from 1 October 2011 this will be Paper 13 of Parts IIa and IIb of the Linguistics Tripos entitled ‘History of the English language’. With effect from 1 October 2012 this will be either Paper 11 of Parts IIa and IIb of the Linguistics Tripos entitled ‘Historical linguistics’, or Paper 13 of Parts IIa and IIb of that Tripos, whichever of those papers is offered.
Regulation 18.
By amending the title of Paper 29
from Paper 29. The structure of English (Paper 8 of the Linguistics Tripos (Old Regulations))
to Paper 29. A paper in linguistics (Paper 11 or Paper 13 of Parts IIa and Parts IIb of the Linguistics Tripos)1
The Faculty Board of English are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2012 will be affected by this change.
1With effect from 1 October 2011 this will be Paper 13 of Parts IIa and IIb of the Linguistics Tripos. With effect from 1 October 2012 this will be either Paper 11 or Paper 13 of Parts IIa and IIb of the Linguistics Tripos, whichever of those papers is offered.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 350)
The list of papers set for Parts IIa and IIb of the Tripos has been amended. A new Paper 13 entitled ‘History of the English language’ (which will also serve as Paper Li. 13 of Part II of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos and Paper 29 of Part II of the English Tripos) has been introduced.
Paper 11 (Historical linguistics) will be paired with Paper 13 with effect from 1 October 2012 and the papers will run in alternate years. Paper 13 will be suspended in October 2012 and in each alternate year thereafter. Paper 11 will be suspended in October 2013 and in each alternate year thereafter.
Regulation 12.
Paper 11. Historical linguistics (also serves as Paper 15 of Part II of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos and as Paper Li. 11 of Part II of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos)
By suspending the paper from 1 October 2013 to 1 October 2014, and in each alternate year thereafter until further notice.
By introducing an additional paper to the list of papers offered, entitled:
Paper 13. History of the English language (also serves as Paper Li. 13 of Part II of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos and as Paper 29 of Part II of the English Tripos)
This paper will be suspended from 1 October 2012 to 1 October 2013 and in each alternate year thereafter until further notice.
The Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages are satisfied that no candidate’s preparation for the examination in 2012 will be affected by these changes.
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 363)
The regulations for Parts Ia, Ib, and II of the Tripos have been changed. Regulation 18(a) has been amended in accordance with the Notice published on 29 April 2009 (Reporter, 2008–09, p. 663) suspending Dutch with effect from 1 October 2011 as a language which applicants may choose on application to the University. In addition, Regulations 30 and 31 have been rescinded to reflect the fact that candidates will no longer be able to offer a modern language for any Part of the Tripos other than those specified in Regulation 18(a). The lists of papers available to candidates under Schedules B, Ia, Ib, II, and D have also been amended.
Regulation 18(a).
By inserting a footnote to Regulation 18(a) after the reference to Dutch as a language that may be taken, to state:
Papers in Dutch for Part Ia shall be suspended with effect from 1 October 2011, and papers in Dutch for Part Ib shall be suspended with effect from 1 October 2012.
Regulations 30 and 31.
By rescinding Regulations 30 and 31.
Du. 1. Introduction to Dutch literature
This paper will be suspended until further notice.
Fr. 5. French literature, thought, and history, from 1300 to 1510
This paper will be suspended until 1 October 2012.
Ge. 1. Structures and varieties of contemporary German
By replacing the paper and amending the title to ‘Introduction to German studies’.
Ge. 3. Introduction to German literary texts
This paper will be suspended until further notice.
It. 3. Italian modernism
This paper will be suspended until 1 October 2012.
It. 5. Florentine culture, from 1321 to 1500
By replacing the paper and amending the title to ‘Italian identities: place, language, and culture’.
It. 8. Italian culture, from 1500 to 1600
By amending the title of the paper to ‘Italian literature, thought, and culture, 1500–1650’. The content of the paper remains unchanged.
It. 9. A special subject in Italian culture
This paper will be suspended until 1 October 2012.
Pg. 1. Introduction to the structure and varieties of modern Portuguese
This paper continues to be suspended until 1 October 2012.
Pg. 5. Literature and culture of Portugal and Brazil since 1595
This paper continues to be suspended until 1 October 2012.
Sp. 8. Spanish cinema and television
This paper will be suspended until further notice, and will not be available to be offered as an Optional Dissertation.
Li. 11. Historical linguistics (Paper 11 of the Linguistics Tripos (New Regulations))
This paper will be suspended from 1 October 2013 to 1 October 2014 and each alternate year thereafter until further notice.
An additional paper has been introduced to the list of papers offered, as follows:
Li. 13. History of the English language (Paper 13 of the Lingustics Tripos (New Regulations))
This paper will be suspended from 1 October 2012 to 1 October 2013 and each alternate year thereafter until further notice.
By amending the Schedule so as to:
(i)suspend Paper Du. 1 until further notice;
(ii)remove Papers Ge. 2 and Ge. 3 from the list of papers that may be taken;
(iii)suspend Paper Pg. 1 until 1 October 2012.
By amending the Schedule so as to:
(i)suspend Papers Fr. 5, It. 3, and Pg. 1 until 1 October 2012;
(ii)suspend Papers Ge. 3 and Gr. 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 until further notice;
(iii)remove Paper Ru. 1 from the list of papers that may be taken.
By amending the Schedule so as to:
(i)suspend Papers Fr. 5, It. 9, and Pg. 5 until 1 October 2012;
(ii)suspend Paper Sp. 8 until further notice;
(iii)add Paper Li. 13 to the list of papers that may be offered;
(iv)suspend Paper Li. 13 from 1 October 2012 to 1 October 2013;
(v)suspend Paper Li. 11 from 1 October 2013 to 1 October 2014.
By amending the Schedule as follows:
(i)so as to remove the following papers from the list of those that may be offered:
Paper 13. History of the English language
Paper 20. A subject in modern European history specified by the Faculty Board
Paper 22. A subject in English or European or English and European history in the modern period specified by the Faculty Board from time to time
Paper 28. A subject in world history specified by the Faculty Board of History from time to time
Paper Is. 13. Middle Eastern and Islamic culture
Paper Is. 21. Middle Eastern and Islamic history, 5
Paper Is. 22. Middle Eastern and Islamic history, 6
(ii)so as to add the following papers to the list of papers that may be taken subject to the provisions of Regulation 24:
Paper 5. A subject in Old English literature specified by the Faculty Board of English
Paper 6. Advanced medieval Scandinavian language and literature
Paper MES.39. Special Subject in the pre-modern Middle East
Paper MES.40. Special Subject in the Contemporary Middle East: political anthropology of Islam and the Middle East
Paper MES.41. Comparative Semitic linguistics
(iii)so as to add the following sentence below the entry for Paper 4 of the Historical Tripos:
Papers in European history announced by the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages from among Papers 6–30 of Part II of the Historical Tripos, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 17(b).
(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 528)
The regulations have been amended to clarify the examination requirements for this subject.
The scheme of examination for the one-year course of study in Scientific Computing for the degree of Master of Philosophy shall be as follows:
1. The Degree Committee for the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry shall publish, not later than the end of September each year, a list of modules in ‘Scientific Computing’. The list will include core courses in scientific computing and elective courses from Master’s-level courses offered by the Departments of the School of the Physical Sciences. In publishing the list of modules, the Degree Committee shall announce the form of examination for each module.
2. The examination shall consist of:
(a)a thesis of not more than 15,000 words in length (including tables, figure legends, and appendices, but excluding bibliography) on a major project, involving in-depth original scientific research and a literature survey of the topic. The topic of the project shall be approved by the Degree Committee;
(b)two written assignments on two of the core-course options in scientific computing. The topic of the assignments shall be approved by the Degree Committee;
(c)written examination papers. The form of the examination of these papers shall be dictated by the regulations of the donor Department.
3. The examination shall include an oral examination of the thesis or other work submitted by the candidate under Regulation 2(b), and on the general field of knowledge within which they fall.