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Social and Political Sciences Tripos, Parts IIA and IIB, 2002: Notice

The Faculty Board of Social and Political Sciences give notice that they have prescribed the following additional subjects for 5,000-word essays for Pol. 8. for the Social and Political Sciences Tripos, Parts IIA and IIB, 2002 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 386):

Pol. 8. A subject in modern politics III: United States of America

1. Was the administrative state a deliberate or accidental creation?

2. Is a revival of traditional party organizations either necessary or desirable?

3. Does the Constitution give adequate protection to an individual's civil liberties in time of war?

4. What, if anything, is distinctive about the politics of the American west?

5. To what extent has the growth of suburban America underpinned the rise of conservatism?

6. Is the idea of an American national character of any use as a tool of political analysis?

7. 'The government of the union rests almost entirely upon legal fictions' (Tocqueville). Do you agree?

8. Why has the United States never had a female president?

9. How do you explain the political appeal of faith-based approaches to welfare reform?

10. Why has the American political system proved to be receptive to dynastic politics?

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Cambridge University Reporter, 21 November 2001
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