Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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ERASING HOME: Lecture by Dr Ammar Azzouz (Oxford)

Dr Ammar Azzouz is author of 'Domicide: Destruction of Home in Syria' (Bloomsbury, 2023).

Wed 5 April 2017 5:30PM - 8:30PM

Highlight Personal Data: Innovation and Analytics - SODP

Covering areas such as personal data creation, schemas, analytics, transformation, algorithms and technical issues of storing, moving, using and display, human factors and interaction, this session will be chaired by Professor Jon Crowcroft.

Sat 8 April 2017 2:30PM

Highlight Cambridge Literary Festival @ Madingley Hall

For the first time ever, the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) will be teaming up with the Cambridge Literary Festival to hold an author event, writing workshops and other attractions for readers and writers at Madingley Hall.

6:00PM - 7:15PM

Technology in the Country House - a talk by Prof Marilyn Palmer, MBE, FSA.

A talk given by Prof Marilyn Palmer discussing the technology used in English Country Houses, followed by a wine reception in the college bar.

Sun 9 April 2017 2:30PM

Highlight Cambridge Literary Festival @ Madingley Hall

For the first time ever, the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) will be teaming up with the Cambridge Literary Festival to hold an author event, writing workshops and other attractions for readers and writers at Madingley Hall.