Cambridge University Reporter

Fourth Report of the Council on the development of the University's land in North West Cambridge: Notice

16 June 2008

The Council has considered the remarks made by Professor G. R. Evans and Dr D. R. de Lacey at the Discussion on 29 April 2008 (Reporter, 2007-08, p. 739) of the Fourth Report on the development of the University's land in North West Cambridge and has agreed to respond as follows:

In response to Professor Evans's question about the scale of the North West Cambridge development, the Council remains of the view that the University's best interests will be served by preparing a comprehensive Master Plan for the whole site in the context of the Area Action Plan finalization. It is essential that the University continues to participate in shaping the town and country planning policies which will govern the development of the site, otherwise future opportunities may be constrained.

The Council does not accept Professor Evans's assertion that approval of the recommendation in the Fourth Report will lead to the Regent House losing overall control of the strategic planning of the site. Approval of the recommendations will set the parameters within which those with responsibility to represent the University in relation to the Area Action Plan will operate. The Regent House are not being asked to delegate any powers.

Dr de Lacey suggested that the Fourth Report adds housing for up to 2,000 students. The provision of housing for up to 2,000 students has been a consistent part of the planning of the site, and was included in the Council's Second and Third Reports. The increase in the number of dwellings from 2,000 to 2,500 is a response to continuing strong demand for key worker housing for University and College staff. The retention and renovation for housing of 28-29 Trumpington Street and 1-2 Fitzwilliam Street would be insignificant in meeting the overall need. The increased provision is consistent with the figure of 1,150 set out and allocated in the Cambridge Local Plan for the City's administrative area (which is around 50% of the land area of the North West Cambridge site), and it is acceptable to the local authorities. It is estimated that the increase in the provision of housing will result in the number of inhabitants being in the region of 7,000. This estimate is based on the County Council's methodology for modelling housing requirements; the ultimate size of the residential population will be determined by the outcome of the Area Action Plan, detailed planning of the site, the allocation policy for the key worker housing, and College proposals for the student housing.

The Council does not see any merit in seeking to accommodate future University expansion on the Cambridge Airport site, which is distant from existing University activities in the city centre and west of Cambridge.

The Council takes this opportunity to report two developments since the publication of the Fourth Report. Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council have both approved the draft Area Action Plan for submission to the Secretary of State. Their preferred option has been amended from that referred to in the Fourth Report (known as Option E) by amending parts of the western boundary of the built development in South Cambridgeshire, adding around three hectares to the developable area. The Council, on the advice of the North West Cambridge Strategy Committee and Finance Committee, advises that the University should continue to promote its own proposals. In relation to transport, agreement has been reached with officers of the local authorities to move the location of the Huntingdon Road junction to the west of the 'Girton Gap'. As this junction is shown on the Lent 2008 Emerging Master Plan the Council is publishing an amended Master Plan, retitled 'Easter 2008 Emerging Master Plan' (p. 882). The amended plan shows two other changes from the Lent 2008 Emerging Master Plan. The position of the main access road from Madingley Road is shown within the Park and Ride site along a strip reserved for that purpose when the site was leased to the County Council. The existing Madingley Rise access road is also shown. This was identified in the Council's Third Report as one of four proposed vehicular access points to the North West Cambridge site. It is the Council's intention that this should be secondary to the Park and Ride access point, and that in finalizing the Master Plan and subsequent detailed design the impact on the amenity of the neighbouring Departments should be minimized.

The Council has agreed to submit a Grace (Grace 2, p. 890) to the Regent House for approval of the recommendation in this Report, as amended by substituting the Easter 2008 Emerging Master Plan for the Lent 2008 Emerging Master Plan.

The North West Cambridge Easter Term 2008 Emerging Master Plan is available to download as a PDF:

16 June 2008 ALISON RICHARD, Vice-Chancellor WILLIAM BROWN G. A. REID