Cambridge University Reporter

Natural Sciences Tripos, Part IA

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 351)

With effect from 1 October 2008

The Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos have approved the following changes to Part IA of the Tripos, resulting from changes to the Computer Science Tripos (see p. 878): Computer Science will now be offered as a subject in Part IA of the Natural Sciences Tripos.

Regulation 15.

By adding 'Computer Science' to the list of subjects in Group A, with a footnote to indicate that this subject is Paper 1 of the Computer Science Tripos.

Regulation 16.

By amending the first sentence so as to read:

Each candidate shall offer three subjects from Group A and one subject from Group B, providing that no candidate shall offer both Biology of Cells and Computer Science.

Regulation 17.

By adding 'Computer Science' to the list of subjects in sub-paragraph (a)(i); and, in sub-paragraph (b), by adding in line 3 after the colon the clause 'in Computer Science, on a date or dates announced by the Head of the Computer Laboratory no later than the division of Michaelmas Term;'; and, in sub-paragraph (c), by including the Head of the Computer Laboratory as the provider of assessment for the subject Computer Science in the table appended to the sub-paragraph.