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Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, Part IIA, 2004: Special subjects and prescribed texts

The Faculty Board of Divinity give notice that they have selected the following special subjects and prescribed texts for Part IIA of the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, 2004 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 405):

Paper A1. Scriptural languages and texts

A. Hebrew I (Elementary Hebrew)
Genesis 37; 40-43 and 45.
B. New Testament Greek
John 17-21.
C. Sanskrit
Mahābhārata 2.66-68 (Poona edition, 1933-66). Hitopadeśa, extracts 2-11 (C. R. Lanman, A Sanskrit Reader, pp. 16-35). Bhagavadghītā ch. 3-4.
D.Qur'anic Arabic
The Qur'ān, I:1-7, II:1-23, IV:93-100, LIII:1-40. al-Bukhārī, al-Jāmi' al-Sahīh (Cairo, 1313 ah), vol. I, pp. 1-10. al-Isfarā'īnī al Tabsīr fi'l-dīn (Beirut, 1983 ce), pp. 45-6, 97-9.

Paper B1. Intermediate languages and texts

A. Hebrew II (Intermediate Hebrew)
Deuteronomy 5-15; Judges 13-16; Jonah; Job 1-2, 42.7-17.
B.New Testament Greek
Mark's Gospel
R.gvedasamhitā 1.1, 1.154, 2.12, 2.33, 7.61, 7.86, 8.48, 10.14, 10.90, 10.129 (in A.A. Macdonell, A Vedic Reader for Students); Aitareyabrāhmana, extracts 2-4 (in O. Böhtlingk, Sanskrit Chrestomathie, 3rd edn., pp. 28-34); Buddhacarita 3.
D.Qur'anic Arabic
The Qur'an, Sura XIX; Abu Sa'id al-Baydawi, Anwar al-tanzil wa-asrar al-ta'wil (Istanbul, 1329AH), 404-5; Bin Juzayy al-Kalbi, Tafsir (Beirut, 1983/1403), pp. 413-6; al-Waqidi, Kitab al-Maghazi, ed. Marsden Jones (Oxford, 1966), Vol. II, pp. 731-8; Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi, al-Minhaj fi sharh Sahih Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (Cairo, 1347AH), Vol. II, pp. 79-98; Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Jawzi, Sifat al-safwa (Hyderabad, 1355AH), Vol. IV, pp. 155-9.

Paper B2. The literature, history, and theology of the exilic age

Isaiah 40-55.

Paper B3. Judaism in the Greek and Roman periods

2 Esdras 3-14; the Wisdom of Solomon 6-12; Ecclesiasticus 44-51; 1 Maccabees 1-2; the Genesis Apocryphon; the Psalms of Solomon 17, 18; the Eighteen Benedictions. For the last three texts see G. Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, (London, 1997); H. F. D. Sparks (ed.), The Apocryphal Old Testament (Oxford, 1984), pp. 676-82; E. Schürer, G. Vermes, F. Millar, and M. Black (eds.), The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, Vol. 2 (Edinburgh, 1979), pp. 455-63.

Paper B4. The letters of Paul

I Corinthians.

Paper B5. New Testament ethics

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B6. Christian life and thought in late antiquity

The prescribed topics are:
A. The rise and formation of Christianity.
B. Ecumenical councils of the fourth and fifth centuries.
C. The Theology of the Cappadocian Fathers. A list of relevant sources will be available in the Faculty Office at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term.

Paper B7. Reform and renewal in Christian history

The prescribed topics are:
A. The papacy in the central Middle Ages.
B. The European Reformation to c.1560.
There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B8. Study of theology I

Augustine, Confessions Books IX, X, XIII; Aquinas, Summa Theologia 1a1, 1a13, 375; K. Barth, Church Dogmatics I.1 (T&T Clark, Edinburgh, 2nd ed. 1975), pp. 295-383; F. D. E. Schleiermacher, The Christian Faith (Edinburgh, 1928), pp. 1-18, 425-38, 723-51.

Paper B9. Christian culture in the Western world

The prescribed topic is:
Image and icon in Christian tradition.
There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B10. Philosophy of religion: God, freedom, and the self

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B11. Ethics and faith

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B12. Religion and the human sciences

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B13. Theology and science

The prescribed topics are:
A. Psychology and religion.
B. Sociology and religion.
There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B14. Life, thought, and worship of modern Judaism

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B15. Introduction to Islam

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper B16. Life and thought of religious Hinduism and of Buddhism

There are no set texts for this paper.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 18 June 2003
Copyright © 2003 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.