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Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, Part IIB, 2004: Special subjects and prescribed texts

The Faculty Board of Divinity give notice that they have selected the following special subjects and prescribed texts for the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, Part IIB, in 2004 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 405):

Paper A1. Scriptural languages and texts

A. Hebrew I (Elementary Hebrew)

Genesis 37 and 40-45.

B. New Testament Greek

John 17-21.

C. Sanskrit

Mahābhārata 2.66-68 (Poona edition, 1933-66).

Hitopadesa, extracts 2-11 (C. R. Lanman, A Sanskrit Reader, pp. 16-35).

Bhagavadghītā ch. 3-4.

D. Qur'anic Arabic

The Qur'ān, I:1-7, II:1-23, IV:93-100, LIII:1-40.

al-Bukhārī, al-Jāmi' al-Sahīh (Cairo, 1313 ah), vol. I, pp. 1-10.

al-Isfarā'īnī al Tabsīr fi'l-dīn (Beirut, 1983 ce), pp. 45-6, 97-9.

Paper B1. Intermediate languages and texts

A. Hebrew II (Intermediate Hebrew)

Deuteronomy 5-15; Judges 13-16; Jonah; Job 1-2, 42.7-17.

B. New Testament Greek

Mark's Gospel.

C. Sanskrit

Rgvedasam.hitā 1.1, 1.154, 2.12, 2.33, 7.61, 7.86, 8.48, 10.14, 10.90, 10.129 (in A.A. Macdonell, A Vedic Reader for Students); Aitareyabrāhma.na, extracts 2-4 (in O. Böhtlingk, Sanskrit Chrestomathie, 3rd edn., pp. 28-34); Buddhacarita 3.

D. Qur'anic Arabic

The Qur'an, Sura XIX; Abu Sa'id al-Baydawi, Anwar al-tanzil wa-asrar al-ta'wil (Istanbul, 1329AH), 404-5; Bin Juzayy al-Kalbi, Tafsir (Beirut, 1983/1403), pp. 413-6; al-Waqidi, Kitab al-Maghazi, ed. Marsden Jones (Oxford, 1966), Vol. II, pp. 731-8; Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi, al-Minhaj fi sharh Sahih Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (Cairo, 1347AH), Vol. II, pp. 79-98; Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Jawzi, Sifat al-safwa (Hyderabad, 1355AH), Vol. IV, pp. 155-9.

Paper C1. Advanced languages and texts

A. Hebrew III (Advanced Hebrew)

Isaiah 1-7; Psalms 8, 19, 22, 23, 24, 46, 51, 74, 82, 91, 104, 145.

B. New Testament Greek

Romans 5-8; Revelation 4-7; Genesis 3; Psalm 118 (LXX 117); Isaiah 61.

C. Sanskrit

Kathopani.sad, 1-2; Gītagovinda 1, 2, 6, 7; Pratyabhijñāh.rdaya.

D. Qur'anic Arabic

The Qur'an, Suras LV, LXXV, LXXVI, LXXXI; Rashid Rida, Tafsir al-Manar (Cairo, 3rd ed. 1367AH), Vol. III, pp. 254-261; Abu'l-Qasim al-Qushayri, Lata'if al-isharat, ed. Ibrahim Basyuni (Cairo, n.d.), Vol. III, pp. 238-50; F. Rahman (ed.), Avicenna's De Anima (Arabic Text). Being the Psychological Part of Kitab al-Shifa (London, 1959), 39-51; Paul Nwyia, Ibn Ata'Allah (m/709-1309) et la naissance de la confrerie sadilite (Beirut, 1972), pp. 85-103, 209-223; Ibn al-Farid, 'al-Khamriyya' in Diwan, ed. 'Abd al-Khaliq Mahmud (Cairo, 1984), 189-92; Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani, al-Risala (Beirut, 1406/1986), 114-126; Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, al-Risala al-Qudsiya, ed. Abdul Latif Tibawi, IQ 9 (1965), 78-94; Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, Ma'alim usul al-din (Beirut, 1404/1984), pp. 39-52.

Paper C2. Poets, prophets, storytellers, and sages

Genesis 1-11.

Paper C3. Jesus and Christology

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper C4. Religion, power, and political society

Prescribed Topics:

a) Church and Empire in Late Antiquity.

b) Established Religion and its opponents in Nineteenth-Century Europe.

Set texts:

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper C5. Study of theology II

Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics Vol. IV.1 (Edinburgh, 1956) pp.157-357; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Christology (London, 1966); Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics (London, 1964) pp.120-143, 188-207; Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison Enlarged Edition (London, 1971) Letters of 1944: 30/4, 5/5, 20/5, 29/5, 8/6, 27/6, 8/7, 16/7, 21/7; David F. Ford and Mike Higton (eds), Jesus (Oxford, 2002) pp.443-462, 496-509; Karl Rahner, A Rahner Reader (London, 1975) pp.145-159, 166-172; Janet Martin Soskice, 'Blood and Defilement: Reflections on Jesus and the Symbolics of Sex' in Daniel Kendall, S. J. and Stephen T. Davis (eds), The Convergence of Theology (Mahwah, N.J. 2001); Rowan Williams, 'Theological Postcscript' in Arius (London, 1987, 2002); Rowan Williams, 'Trinity and Revelation' in On Christian Theology (Oxford, 2000) pp.131-147.

Paper C6. Late patristic and medieval theology

Set topics:

a) Late Patristic theology.

b) High medieval Western theology.

c) Fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Western theology.

Set texts:

Pseudo-Dionysius, 'The Divine Names', 'The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy' (in The Complete Works, tr. Colm Luibheid, CWS, 1987); Maximus the Confessor, 'The Trial of Maximus', 'Two Hundred Chapters on Theology and The Economy in the Flesh' (in Selected Works, tr. George Berthold, CWS, 1985); 'Ambigua' [Difficulty] 5 and 41 (in Maximus the Confessor, tr. Andrew Louth, London, 1996); Anselm, 'Monologium Proslogium' (in Basic Writings, tr. S. N. Deane, La Salle, IN, 1962); Aquinas, Summa theologia I.3, I.27-28, 39-40, 43; III.9-11, 16-19, (Blackfriars' edition); Ruusbroec, 'The Spiritual Espousals' (Book III) and 'The Little Book of Clarification' (in The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works, tr. James Wiseman; CWS, 1985); Denys the Carthusian, 'On Contemplation' (Book III) (unpublished translation by Denys Turner, to be made available in the Faculty Library).

Paper C7. Topics in the study of religion: Social anthropology

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper C8. Judaism II

Set topics:

a) The Holy Land.

b) The theory and practice of Jewish Law.

Set texts:

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper C9. Islam II

Prescribed topics:

a) Sufism.

b) Islamic philosophy and philosophical theology.

Set texts:

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper C10. Hinduism and Buddhism II

Prescribed topics:

a) Traditional Vedanta and 'Neo-Vedanta'.

b) Being and causality in Mahayana.

Set texts:

There are no set texts for this paper.


Paper D1a. The Book of Exodus


Paper D1b. Simon Peter

Set Topic:

Simon Peter.

Paper D1c. Catholic and Protestant in Tudor England

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D1d. The Trinity

Gregory Nyssen, 'On the Holy Trinity', 'Ad Eustathium' (in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, vol. 5, pp. 326-330); 'Ad Ablabium' (in The Trinitarian Controversy, ed. William Rusch, Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980), pp. 149-61 (also available in the NPNF volume containing 'Ad Eustathium'); Gregory Nazianzen, 'Oration on the Holy Lights', 'Oration on Baptism' (in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, vol. 7, pp. 352-377); Hilary of Poitiers, 'De Trinitate', Bk VIII (in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, vol. 9, pp. 52-70, 182-202); Richard of St Victor, 'De Trinitate' Bk III (in Richard of St. Victor: The Twelve Patriarchs, The Mystical Ark, Book Three of the Trinity, the Classics of Western Spirituality, London: S.P.C.K., 1979); Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologia Ia, Quaes. 27-31, 39-40, 43 (in Blackfriars edition volumes 6 and 7); Daniel Waterland, 'The Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity' (1734) (in Works, Vol. V, ed. W. van Mildert, Chs I - II); Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics I.1 (pp. 295-383); Hans Urs von Balthasar, Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory (Vol. IV: The Action, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1994), pp. 317-88; Karl Rahner, The Trinity (London, 1970); Leonardo Boff, Trinity and Society (Burns and Oates, 1988); Boris Bobrinskoy, The Mystery of the Trinity (St. Vladimir's Press, 1990; Rowan Williams, On Christian Theology (Oxford: Basil Blackwells, 2000).

Paper D1e. Metaphysics

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D1f. Evolution

There are no set texts for this paper.


Paper D2a. Body, self, and society

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D2b. The use and interpretation of the Bible

Primary sources

Genesis 1-2; Genesis 16:21 and Galatians 4.21-31; 1 Samuel 1 and 2 and Luke 1; Revelation.

Secondary sources

Philo of Alexandria, 'De Congressu' 1-23 (ET Loeb Classical Library, vol. iv; Harvard, 1985) and 'De Posteritate' 130-132 (ET Loeb Classical Library, vol. ii; Harvard, 1985); Origen, 'Homélies sur Samuel' no. 1 (Sources chrétiennes, vol. 328, Paris, 1981 [translation to be made available]); Origen, 'Homilies on Luke', no. 8 (ET Fathers of the Church vol. 94; Washington DC, 1996); John Chrysostom, 'Homilies on Genesis, 38 and 46 (ET in 'Homilies on Genesis 18-45', Fathers of the Church, vol. 82; Washington DC, 1990); and 'Homilies on Genesis 46-67', (ET Fathers of the Church, vol. 87; Washington DC, 1992); Augustine, 'On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis' Chs 1-5, 16 (ET in Two Books on Genesis against the Manichees and On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis, Fathers of the Church vol. 84; Washington DC, 1991); BabBerachoth 31a and b (ET Shottstein; Art Scroll, 1997); Genesis Rabbah V. 1 and VI. 4-5 (ET Soncino Press, 1938/83), pp. 34-35 and 44-45; Aquinas, 'Commentary on S. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians', Lectures 7 and 8 (ET Aquinas Scripture Series, vol. 1; Albany, 1996); Martin Luther, Lectures on Galatians 1-4 (1535) (in Luther's Works vol. 26, ed. J. Pelikan; St. Louis, 1963), pp. 433-461; Hans Urs von Balthasar, Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory, Vol. IV: The Action (ET San Francisco, Ignatius, 1994), pp. 45-63, 433-452; D. H. Lawrence, Apocalypse (Penguin, 1961 [precise section to be announced]); Paul Winter, 'Magnificat and Benedictus - Maccabean Psalms' (Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 37, 1954-55), pp. 328-347; Ernesto Cardenal, 'El Evangelio en Solentiname' (2nd ed., Salamanca, 1976 [translation to be made available]); K. Westermann, Genesis 1-11 (ET, Minneapolis, 1984), pp. 120-123, 132-134, 142-147, and Genesis (ET Edinburgh, 1987), pp. 1-13; Allan Boesak, Comfort and Protest: Reflections on the Apocalypse of John of Patmos, Introduction and Ch. 2 (Edinburgh, 1987); J. P. M. Sweet, Revelation (Revised ed. London, 1990 [precise section to be announced]); Francis Watson, Text, Church and Word (Edinburgh, 1994), pp. 140-153; C. Meyers, 'Hannah and her sacrifice: Reclaiming female agency (in A. Brenner, ed, A Feminist Companion to Samuel and Kings, Sheffield Academic Press, 1994), pp. 93-104; Nikaido, S., 'Hagar and Ishmael as literary figures: An intertextual study' (Vetus Testamentum LI, 2, 2001), pp. 219-241.

Paper D2c. Jewish and Christian responses to the Holocaust

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D2d. Judaism and Hellenism

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D2e. World Christianity

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D2f. Topics in Christian ethics

There are no set texts for this paper.

Paper D2g. Imagination

This paper will not be offered in 2003-04.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 18 June 2003
Copyright © 2003 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.