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Cambridge eScience Centre: Notice


The Cambridge eScience Centre gives grants to institutions in the eastern region for projects that involve the use of large-scale distributed computing. Its initial allocation of one million pounds from the DTI is now more or less exhausted, but it has been offered the prospect of further funding if suitable projects can be found.

So far, it has received applications for projects in areas that range from medicine and bioinformatics, through applied mathematics, chemistry, and engineering, to sociology. These applications come from all over the eastern region and typically are for funding at the level of about a quarter of a million pounds.

The common theme is the need to have access to very large data collections or high-performance visualization. The Centre offers funding, technical support, and access to major supercomputer facilities. The projects that it supports must have a matching level of funds from industrial or approved charitable sources.

Further proposals are invited for the Management Committee to consider at its next meeting on 18 March. Applicants should consult the Director of the Cambridge eScience Centre, Dr Andy Parker (e-mail parker@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk).

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Cambridge University Reporter, 13 February 2002
Copyright © 2001 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.