Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Mon 16 September 2019 8:30AM - 6:45PM

Migrant Knowledge, Early Modern and Beyond: an event at the Crossroads

People, things, ideas and languages have crossed borders since the earliest of times. This public event brings together scholars, artists and activists to think about migration and what it does with, and to, knowledge.

10:00AM - 6:00PM

Highlight Creative Connections: Portraits of Women Scientists and Artists

An exhibition of photographic portraits of female scientists and artists.

5:00PM - 7:00PM

Anatomical Models - An Exhibition

What is an anatomical model, and how do you make one? Learn how it can be used for teaching, research and much more! At 5:30PM each day there will also be brief talks about anatomical models. You will not look at your own body in the same way again! Recommended Age 14+. Visitor's discretion advised