Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Mon 20 February 2023 12:00AM

Participate in behavioural research at Cambridge Judge Business School

Become a member of our participant pool, support academic research and get paid for it (£10/hour). There is no need to be a student or affiliated with the University of Cambridge.

1:00PM - 2:00PM

Diabetes No More: lessons from the DiRECT trial and beyond - Seminar with Professor Mike Lean

In this hybrid MRC Epidemiology Unit seminar Professor Mike Lean of the University of Glasgow will discuss three randomised controlled trials, conducted entirely in primary care using low-calorie formula diets for 8-12 weeks, that have reported remissions for 40-60% of participants including South Asians.

Tue 21 February 2023 12:00AM

Participate in behavioural research at Cambridge Judge Business School

Become a member of our participant pool, support academic research and get paid for it (£10/hour). There is no need to be a student or affiliated with the University of Cambridge.

Wed 22 February 2023 12:00AM

Participate in behavioural research at Cambridge Judge Business School

Become a member of our participant pool, support academic research and get paid for it (£10/hour). There is no need to be a student or affiliated with the University of Cambridge.

Thu 23 February 2023 12:00AM

Participate in behavioural research at Cambridge Judge Business School

Become a member of our participant pool, support academic research and get paid for it (£10/hour). There is no need to be a student or affiliated with the University of Cambridge.

12:00PM - 5:00PM

Highlight Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory

Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory is an academic and artistic partnership exploring the communities ravaged by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake. It provides a striking photographic portrait of communities living with radiation and trauma in Fukushima and neighbouring prefectures, more than a decade later.

Fri 24 February 2023 12:00AM

Participate in behavioural research at Cambridge Judge Business School

Become a member of our participant pool, support academic research and get paid for it (£10/hour). There is no need to be a student or affiliated with the University of Cambridge.

12:00PM - 5:00PM

Highlight Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory

Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory is an academic and artistic partnership exploring the communities ravaged by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake. It provides a striking photographic portrait of communities living with radiation and trauma in Fukushima and neighbouring prefectures, more than a decade later.

Sat 25 February 2023 11:00AM - 12:00PM

LGBTQ+ Bridging Binaries Tours at the Museum of Zoology

Join our volunteer guides as they share their personal selection of fascinating stories about gender and sex in the animal world at the Museum of Zoology

12:00PM - 5:00PM

Highlight Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory

Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory is an academic and artistic partnership exploring the communities ravaged by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake. It provides a striking photographic portrait of communities living with radiation and trauma in Fukushima and neighbouring prefectures, more than a decade later.

Sun 26 February 2023 12:00PM - 5:00PM

Highlight Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory

Picturing the Invisible: Earthquake, Meltdown, Memory is an academic and artistic partnership exploring the communities ravaged by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake. It provides a striking photographic portrait of communities living with radiation and trauma in Fukushima and neighbouring prefectures, more than a decade later.