Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Tue 3 March 2020 12:30PM - 2:00PM

Faith and Feathers: Human Rights, Conservation and Mission

Seminar talk given by Dr Andrew Gosler

Fri 6 March 2020 6:00PM - 7:10PM

The only way is upstream: the NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality and the urgent need for system change

Professor Martin White MD FFPH, Professor of Population Health Research, Centre for Diet and Activity Research and MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, gives the seventh lecture in the series 'Transforming healthcare through prevention'.

6:00PM - 7:15PM

Prof Martin White: The NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality, and the urgent need for systems change

The only ways is upstream — The NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality and the urge need for systems change

Sat 7 March 2020 9:15AM - 4:00PM

Cambridgeshire Beekeepers Association Seminar

Cambridgeshire Beekeepers Association present their annual one-day seminar, this year with a theme of “Bees, Forage, Pollination and Sustainability”.