Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor

"History of Rome" by Quintus Fabius Pictor, introduced by Tim Cornell (University of Manchester)

Fugolburna: Film Screening and Q+A

Thu 18 July 2024

Storey’s Field Centre

Fugolburna, the Anglo Saxon name for Fulbourn meaning stream frequented by birds, is a documentary film produced by Fulbourn Forum. The film is a call to protect and restore to their full ecological potential Fulbourn’s and the Wilbraham’s iconic chalk streams; which are currently in crisis resulting from the over-abstraction of water, over many years, from the underlying chalk aquifer to the detriment of nature. A situation exacerbated by agricultural drainage ‘improvements’ carried out in the 1950s and before, affecting the flow and course of the streams.

While celebrating the beautiful Fulbourn Fen Nature Reserve and beyond through the seasons, the film identifies the loss of its previously thriving aquatic environment and shows the efforts being made by the local community and environmental groups to support nature recovery, and to maintain and improve the health of local ecosystems to the benefit of flora, fauna and humanity.

The film will be followed by a short Q+A.

Cost: Free to attend

Enquiries and booking

Booking is recommended for this event.



In person

All times

Thu 18 July 2024 6:30PM - 9:00PM


Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 15:00

The centre is usually open for community activities Monday to Wednesday from 09:00 until the last activity ends in the evening. Please see the event page for details.

We are open Thursday to Sunday for bookings and events, please see the events page for details and timings.
Address: Storey’s Field Centre
Eddington Avenue
Email: info@storeysfieldcentre.org.uk
Telephone: 01223 656696